english deutsch
Finite Elements
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for a Fluid Finite Elemen, ADINA for Universities, Diablo95, DLEARN, FELIPE: Finite Element Learning Package, Finite Element Analysis Program (FEAP), GeoFEM, MODEL, Modulef, MultiGrid Galerkin Hierarchical Adaptive Triangles
Boundary Element Method
Fortran 77 codes to solve the Laplace and Helmoltz equations.
Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics
Code from book by J.H. Ferziger and M.Peric.
High level, portable system for solving elliptic boundary value problems, implemented in Fortran 77. [Commercial]
Fortran 77 package by Jiri Zahradnik for 2-D P-SV elastic second-order finite differences.
The "FInite DIfference SOLver/Cartesian Arbitrary Domain SOLver" is a program package for the solution of partial differential equations. 2- and 3-dimensional systems of elliptic (stationary) and parabolic (time-dependent) equations can be solved. The boundary conditions may be arbitrary. The solution method is the finite difference method. For the FIDISOL part the solution domain is restricted to be rectangular. For the CADSOL part the domain is body-oriented, i. e. logically rectangular. There are versions with an adaptive grid generation. For CADSOL dividing lines can be prescribed allowing the solution of different partial differential equations in different subdomains or allowing noncontinuous conditions inside the domain.
Finite Differencing on a Rectangular Grid
Compatible with Lahey ELF90 (Fortran 90 subset) compiler.
Efficient Fortran 90 subprograms for the solution of separable elliptic partial differential equations.
FISHPACK: Fortran Subprograms for the Solution of
Collection of Fortran subprograms which utilize cyclic reduction to directly solve second- and fourth-order finite difference approximations to separable elliptic PDEs in a variety of forms.
Describes a Fortran 95 code for solving the Navier-Stokes equation on a fully unstructured grid.
Introduction to Convective Heat Transfer Analysis
Fortran 77 programs from book by P.H. Oosthuizen and D. Naylor.
MUDPACK: Multigrid Software for Elliptic PDEs
Collection of vectorized, portable Fortran 77/90 subprograms which efficiently solve linear elliptic PDEs using multigrid iteration. OpenMP directives are used in the latest version to enable shared memory parallelism.
Multiresolution schemes
Program by Sorin Mitran to solve the 1D Euler equations using Harten's multiresolution algorithm.
ODE and PDE software
Codes from books of W. E. Schiesser. Some are online, others are available upon request.
Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement (PARAMESH)
Package of Fortran 90 subroutines designed to provide an application developer with an easy route to extend an existing serial code which uses a logically cartesian structured mesh into a parallel code with adaptive mesh refinement.
Parallel Hierarchical Adaptive MultiLevel Project
Fortran 90 code using adaptive refinement, multigrid and parallel computing to solve 2-D linear elliptic PDEs. Successor to MGGHAT.
Parallel Multi-domain Decomposition
Parallel Fortran 90 module to solve positive-definite elliptic linear second-order operator systems.
PseudoPack 2000 Edition Manual
Solution of PDEs using pseudospectral (collocation) methods.
Public Codes -- Scott R. Fulton
Fortran 77 codes to solve partial differential equations via the multigrid method.
Pyramid Parallel Unstructured AMR Library Project
Fortran 90 software library for performing parallel adaptive mesh refinement (PAMR) on unstructured meshes.
Modular general-purpose package written in Fortran 77 for the numerical solution of systems of differential-algebraic equations and 1D partial differential equations. It is used at Shell Research Laboratories and at several UK, Europe and North American Universities, and it forms the basis of the underlying solver in the SPRINT2D and SPRINT3D software.
Finite Difference Time Domain code by L. E. Miller, Paul R. Hayes, and M. O'Keefe.