A Distributed Implementation of the C-Linda Progra
Language combining C and Linda, gives six functions for concurrent process coordination, can be added to any other sequential language, unlike many other parallel languages, programmers needn't learn a new language. Thesis with essay, bibliography, code samples.
It is one of a family of synchronous languages which are particularly well-suited to programming reactive systems, including real-time systems and control automata
FT Languages Page
Fault-tolerant projects, goal: enhance language support for distributed programs with FT needs, most high-level languages lack good support for such, more so at system level; 3 projects described, FT-SR, FT-Linda, FTAG.
Simple library implementation of Linda parallel programming system. To write parallel programs with linda, you need know only 6 functions: spawn, out, in, inp, rd, rdp. SourceForge project page: downloads, forum. CVS. [Open Source, GPL]
LoI (Language of Interaction)
Designed to support interaction-oriented programming. This paradigm is especially suitable for the design of reactive component-based systems like distributed and interactive systems.
NesC: Language for Deeply Networked Systems
C extension based on structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS, an event-driven OS for sensor network nodes with very limited resources: 8K bytes program memory, 512 bytes RAM.
Petri Nets World
Petri Nets is a formal and graphical appealing language which is appropriate for modelling systems with concurrency.
The Concurrent Programming
From book 'Introduction to Programming Languages' by Anthony A. Aaby.