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Are Set Iterators Mutable or Immutable?
Portability issues in using the standard library. An article about portability issues in using the Standard Library by Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer, published in the C/C++ Users Journal.
C++ and STL: Take Advantage of STL Algorithms by I
An Article by Samir Bajaj published in the MSDN Magazine, April 2001.
Effective Standard C++ Library: for_each vs. trans
An article about the difference between for_each and transform in the STL by Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer, published in the C/C++ Users Journal.
Interview with Alex Stepanov
Article in Dr. Dobb's Journal, Issue March 1995.
Priority Queues and the STL
An Article in Dr. Dobb's Journal by Mark Nelson that appeared in January, 1996.
Standard Library News, Part 1: Vectors and Deques
Present news updates about the standard library containers vector, deque, set, multiset, map, and multimap. This article appeared in C++ Report.
Standard Library News, Part 2: Sets and Maps
Covers updates and additional information about standard library containers. This article appeared in C++ Report.
STL Algorithms vs. Hand-Written Loops
Scott Meyers presents yet more motivation to trust the library more than yourself. An article by the Autor of "Effective STL" published in C/C++ Users Journal.
STL Articles by Klaus Kreft & Angelika Langer
A series of articles on various aspects of the STL written by Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer and published as a column entitled "Effective Standard Library" in C++ Report and C/C++ Users Journal.
Proposes a new template "swap_vector" that internally swaps elements instead of copy-constructing them in order to improve performance of the container.
The SGI Standard Template Library
An Article from Dr. Dobb's Journal August 1997.
The Standard Librarian: Hash Tables for the Standa
An article by Matt Austern in the C/C++ Users Journal. This column gives you an idea of what a proposal for hash tables should look like, by presenting a sample proposal.
The Standard Librarian: I/O and Function Objects:
Explains how containers of pointers behave, when containers of pointers are useful, and what techniques can be used to manage them. Article by Matthew Austern published in the C/C++ Users Journal.
The Standard Librarian: Sorting in the Standard Li
An article in the C/C++ Users Journal by Matthew Austern.
The Standard Template Library
Article from Byte's Oktober 1995 issue.
Unary Predicates in the STL
An article by Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer.
What Are Allocators Good For?
An article by Matt Austern, published in C/C++ Users Journal.
Working With the STL
STL programming is powerful, but it can take some time to learn. By Bill Wagner, Technical Guide to Visual Programming.