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Algol 60
Small example programm.
Slides about language.
ALGOL 60 Phrase Structure
An Eli specification from which an analyzer for Algol 60 can be generated, or which can be used as one component of as complete ALGOL 60 compiler.
ALGOL Slideshow
A short overview of the main features of Algol 60.
Algol-60 for MSDOS and Z80 CP/M
Algol portable compiler and runtime interpreter for MSDOS and Z80 CP/M from RHA (Minisystems) Ltd.
Some sample programs in Algol 60.
Eli specification of ALGOL 60
from which an analyzer for ALGOL 60 can be generated.
A toy compiler for a subset of Algol-60.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG6 committees
History of Algol 60 standardization.
The package is intended to translate Algol 60 programs to the C programming language.
A library of ALGOL 60 procedures in Numerical Mathematics.
Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 6
edited by Peter Naur.
Syntax the Algorithmic Language Algol 60
from Dr. Botting's MATHS project.
The ALGOL Programming Language
History, significant language features, areas of application, sample programs.
The Essence of Algol
John C. Reynolds enumerates the principles he believes "embody the essence of Algol", describes a model satisfying them, and discusses a language that retains these characteristics.