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About APL (A Programming Language)
An interesting article with a historical slant. A thought provoking read.
APL and J
Many interesting bits of information as well as some free interpreters hosted by BURKS (the Brighton University Resource Kit for Students).
Maintained by Sam Sirlin.
APL White Pages
The ACM's list of APL users.
APL-ASCII Transliteration
Jim Weigang's method for APL/ASCII transliteration explained. This has become a standard for web and newsgroup use.
Benchmarks of APL vs. Other Languages
Part of the answer to questions relating to APL performance.
Collection of APL Functions for Cladistic Analysis.
Catalog of compilers: APL
Lists APL compilers
Function Definitions in APL
Example that the derivative of the integral returns the original function.
Good Code/Bad Code & Looping
The title says it all. Every starting APL programmer (and many experienced ones) would do well to study this carefully.
Hello, World Page!
This site compares the standard "Hello World!" program in many different computer languages, including APL.
J Forum Archives
Instructions on how to get to the forum archives.
L'oeuvre de G?rard Langlets
Small French language APL site, with a bit of English.
ParkeNet APL
ParkeNet APL software: William R Parke provides some interesting APL-based tools and utilities
Real-time APL Prototype of a GPS System
Wide Area Differential GPS.
The FinnAPL Idiom Library
This library is absolutely critical for any serious APL user. This has been a famous collection of code for many years. The "cool award" has been given based on the importance of this code collection to APLers everywhere. Unfortunately the APL characters only display on Windows machines.
Vector Product Guide
The Vector Product Guide provides many links to APL sources.
Waterloo APL & J Archive
Much software for APL & J: code, documents, development systems.