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FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
A Busy Developer's Guide to SOAP, Gentle Introduction To SOAP, Real SOAP Security, SOAP FAQ, SOAP Frequently Asked Questions, SOAP: Frequently Asked Questions, Using WSDL in SOAP Applications, Web Services and the Simple Object Access Protocol
4S4C, Apache SOAP, EasySoap++, Fusion SOAP, gSOAP, IBM SOAP4J, IdooXoap, Microsoft SOAP Toolkit, NuSOAP - PHP SOAP library, PEAR::Package::SOAP
Mailing Lists
Asynchronous Web Services Protocol, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.2, SOAP Reference at Zvon, SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol Specification, XML Protocol (XMLP) Requirements
Cetus Links: SOAP
An index of SOAP-related resources.
FREE Web Services development and deployment platf
Idoox develops and sells Web Services infrastructure software. Our products make it easy for companies to create, publish, discover and use SOAP Web Services.
Qt SOAP Manager
A GUI tool for sending SOAP messages that can be used for the development, debugging or exploration of Web Services. [Open source, GPL]
WSDL, SOAP, Web Services search engine and Web Service tracking.
SearchWebServices.com - SOAP
Catalog SOAP articles, examples and tutorials, tools, implementations.
SOAP at PercentXML.com
A SOAP resource center with categories like articles, software, for beginners, books, FAQs, etc.
SOAP at UserLand
The jump-off point for all of UserLand's resources for SOAP and XML-RPC developers. By UserLand Software, Inc.
SOAP Developer Resources
Headlines, essential information, and related links on SOAP. By Microsoft.
SOAP Resource Center
A resource site for SOAP with protocol specs, whitepapers, tutorials, FAQs and software. By SoapRPC.com.
soap weblog
News, FAQ, director on SOAP. By Dave Winer.
An open SOAP directory.
Contains SOAP testing tools, sample services, free source code and other resources. By SQLData System, Inc.
Directory of SOAP-related resources. By UserLand Software, Inc.
The XML Cover Pages: SOAP
Provides description and references for SOAP. By Robin Cover.
Thirdm.Com: Simple Object Access Protocol
Information about using SOAP from Perl, VB, Java, C# and .NET.
Provides SOAP-related articles, examples, tools, discussion forums and links.