3D Engines List, 3Dgpl, Bolt3D, Delta3D, Expression 3D Toolkit, Gizmo 3D, Glide for UNIX, GNU 3DKit - Free Software Foundation (FSF), Obsisian, OGRE 3D
Albatross Design Group, Inc., Aware, Inc., Data Techniques Inc., INT, Inc., Leadtools, MCM Design, Pegasus Imaging Corporation, SkyLine Tools Imaging, Snowbound Software
File Formats
FreeImage, libwmf, MNG, paintlib, Puntoexe software, Victor Image Processing Library
3D Engines, Add-on Libraries, Benchmarks, Books, FAQs, Forums, Mailing Lists, Open Source Software, OpenGL Shading Language, Platform and OS Implementations
AirZip Accelerator
Real time image compression library which handles a wide range of standard formats.
Bar Code DLLs
Create high quality, device independent, Windows MetaFile graphics. Includes programming examples and free bar code tutorial.
Library of subroutines and functions that display data graphically. Software is available for the programming languages C, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Perl, Python and Java.
Collection of graphics functions that can help you develop professional games and applications.
Free Graphics Libraries, 3D/2D Engines, Animation
Extensive list of graphics libraries (to create and manipulate graphics), 3d and 2d engines.
G2 Graphical Library
Portable 2D graphics library. Provides a set of functions for simultaneous generation of graphical output on different types of devices.
Game programming with DirectX
5 chapters of DirectX tutorial on game programming. Also contains a list of popular graphics libraries.
Glide Open Source Project
The homepage of the Glide Open Source Project.
Graphics Magician Home
Learn to write programs with cool graphics, animation, sound effects, and music without understanding all the levels of writing Windows software.
Graphics Toolkit for AMD Élan SC400 Embedded Micro
AMD ElanSC400 native graphics mode can now easily be implemented in C++ and C programs using this library. Source code included.
GrWin Graphics Library
An easy to use free graphics library for Fortran and C(C++) available on Win32 platforms using MinGw, cygwin, VC++/VF or BCC. Interactive graphics programming can be made with it.
Image Enable
Design imaging applications and image-enable document management systems quickly and effectively with an Eroiica API.
libAfterImage Imaging Library
Image import, storage, manipulation and output library for X.
Linux Centre - List of Graphics Libraries
Contains a list of common graphics libraries. Some are platform-independent.
little cms (lcms)
A free, open source, CMM engine. It provides fast transforms between ICC profiles.
High-level, cross-platform C/C++ graphics and windowing library built on a fast x86 assembler graphics kernel. [Open Source, LGPL]
2D Graphics programming library written in VC++ including downloads and game development.
A font library for use with SDL which uses variable width bitmap fonts.
Library with C, C++, Visual Basic, Fortran, Delphi and Java bindings, for producing pictures of data.
A toolkit for the development of games, demos or other graphic related programs with Visual Basic.
A low level graphics library for software rendering in 32 bit color. It support C, C++ and Java and has optimized assembler blitting routines for computers that support x86/MMX. [Open source]
TUCOWS Linux Graphics Libs
A list of free linux graphics libraries.
Windows Programming
Comparison of Nugraf Developer's 3D Toolkit and Open GL. Publisthed in ACM Crossroads Magazine.
An application to design NURBS curves and surfaces. It can also be used as an NURBS library, providing an API that could be used by other applications.