Coalesys Winsock Library
Component that wraps Winsock 2 API for creating server or client TCP/IP applications. By Coalesys, Inc. [Component, Commercial]
Provides TCP/IP network connectivity. Demos. Samples.[Control, Commercial]
Part IP*Works! Easy access to Winsock functions. [Component, Commercial]
PowerTCP Winsock Tool
Provides access to Winsock API for TCP and UDP communications. By Dart Communications. [Component/Control, Commercial]
Provides access to the Windows Sockets API for implementing TCP/IP or UDP client and server applications. By Mabry Software, Inc. [Component/Control, Commercial]
Component that provides access to Winsock and TCP/IP. By DataWizard Technologies Inc. [Component, Commercial]
Xceed Winsock Library
Winsock API wrapper for development of protocol-independent networking code. Supports IP, TCP, UDP, IPv6, IPX, SPX, NetBIOS, DECnet, ATM, Appletalk, and Banyan Vines. By Xceed Software Inc. [Component, Commercial]