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2KRT: Keyword Ranking Tool
A free Microsoft Excel VBA application that can be used to check Google for keyword ranking and to track search engine rankings for various keywords over time. Uses Google API and API Web Service.
Adsense Monitor
Scripts to track Google Adsense ads in PHP, ASP and Javascript.
AdSense Preview Tool
Tool to preview sample AdSense ads with inputed URL.
Anacubis: Google-Enabled Visual Search
Free tool that translates Google search results into graphic displays of relationships between sites.
Interface with the added benefit of daily quotes and scenic images.
DentedReality: XooMLe
Allows access to the API via a REST-like interface, with results returned in XML.
Search tool which shows Google results arranged 100 per page. Also has an image search which displays images full size, and a choice of news headlines from a variety of sources.
Provides a 'mirror' version of Google.
Uses the Web API to allow users to search through Google's entire database with results displayed in a Flash interface.
Froogle Feeder and PageRank Analyzer
Provides a Froogle data feed generator tool and a PageRank analysis tool for download. Includes articles and news.
Froogle Maximizer
Commercial product guide to set up and optimize Froogle listings.
Geoff's GoogleDuel
Takes two search terms and shows which one is the most popular according to Google. Implementation using PHP with source code available.
Geographic Search
This software, that won the 2002 Google Programming Contest, allows Google users to find web pages that are located within a specific geographic locale. Source code is distributed under the GNU GPL.
Offers thumbnails with Google search results.
gGoogle search
Ad and cookie free Google search.
Interface for restricting searches to sites added recently to the Google index.
Google - Yahoo Comparison
Tool for comparing the search results of Google and Yahoo in the same page.
Google Alert
Monitors professional interests online. Tracks the web for topics and sends new Google results by daily email. Not affiliated with Google.
Google API Search Tool
Free standalone tool to search Google. Requires a license key.
Google Dance Machine
Facilitates searching of all Google servers simultaneously. Includes additional options for German speakers. Requires frames.
Google Dance Tool
Updates backlinks of Yahoo, CNN and BBC ever 60 minutes to check for the start of the dance, plus enables simultaneous searching on google data centers around the world. An alert mailing list is also available.
Google Dance Tool
Designed to help webmasters determine when Google is spidering the internet. Offers Google Web API help as well.
Google Dance Tool
Checks Google servers to determine if there is an update in progress.
Google Datacenter Tool
Offering a free tool to monitor specific Google data centers.
Google Fight
Compare the number of results for two competing keywords.
Google Hacks
Collection of tools including Google News headlines projected onto a world map.
Google Index
Java program which uses the API to produce dynamic indices of two example sites. Includes documentation, downloadable source and binary.
Google Metrics Watch
An online service that gathers historical data for the results of Google queries.
Google Poetry
Enter a query and it returns the titles of results into poetry.
Google Preview
A Firefox browser extension that inserts preview images (thumbnails) of web sites, Amazon products and stock charts into the Google search results page.
Google Rankings
Online tool for checking any domain position for a given keywords in the Google's search results for free.
Google Relatedness
Calculates how related two given words are by using the API. Requires the Mozilla browser.
Google SearchTool
Floating toolbar for Windows allowing you to conduct searches with Google. Includes an FAQ, screenshots and system requirements.
Google Tool
Facilitates searching of all four Google servers (www www1 www2 and www3) simultaneously. Requires frames.
Google Tool
Search www/www2/www3 or the five google datacenters simultaneously. Can be used to check if the dance has begun.
Created to be used with Netscape 6/Mozilla, this unofficial software emulates many features of the Google Toolbar. Screenshots, downloads, and wishlist.
GoogleDance Sourcecode Script
Sourcecode for a Google Dance Check Script.
Play a variation of BlackJack, with a target of 101 instead of 21. Google API key required.
PERL Script which allows tracking of the Googlebot.
A Python library to retrieve Google results without Google API.
Mangle Random Link Generator
Displays a random web site from Google's archive. Powered by the Web API.
OnFocus.com: Google Smackdown
Takes two words or phrases as input, queries Google via its API, and receives the estimated total results for each word or phrase to show which one is most popular.
Page Rank Calculator
Webmaster tool for calculating the PR of a web site. Includes description of how PageRank works and related links.
PageRank Calculator
Online graphic PR calculator.
Pagerank Charts
Allows graphic representation of Pagerank with statistics of other websites using the code.
PageRank Check
Checks Page Rank for people without ability to use Google toolbar.
Browser extension that displays the Google Pagerank in the browser's status bar (Firefox and Mozilla only).
A Pagerank Enabled Google Toolbar clone for Mozilla and Firefox.
Shows the Google results with their PageRank.
Random Google Bounce
Selects a random page from the Google database and displays it in a frame.
Random Google Page
Uses a given amount of terms to select a 'random' page from the index.
Random Google Search Thing
Generates random search queries for a user-defined number of search terms. The PHP source code is available.
Random Web Search
Generates random words, then allows searching for them on Google.
Uses the API to return Google results in RDF format. The schema is available.
Search Engine Position Tool
Utility based on the Google API to track keyword placement and back link data for an infinite number of keywords/URLs.
Search Engine Results Personalisation
Tool to show the effects of filters are on the algorithmic results returned by the Google API. Personal white and blacklist capability.
SEO Count
A Web based ranking reporting tool.
Somacon's Data Feed Service
Offers a web-based datafeed submission to Froogle for a Yahoo store.
A Scottish computer speech technology company provides a talking version of Google's search results. A selection of spoken newsfeeds is also available.
Stadtaus: Google Dance Tool PHP Script
A PHP script to compare the results of the three Google servers www, www2 and www3 at a glance. The tool can be downloaded and used without charge or registration.
Stagger Nation
Offering various tools based on the Google API. Includes source code.
TouchGraph GoogleBrowser
Java application that uses the Web API to produce graphs of related pages by running "similar-to" queries on Google.
XMLMania.com: Google News RSS/RDF Feed Generator
Produces an RSS feed for a given search term.
Java-based bot on Yahoo IM that searches Google for a given search term and returns the first five results.