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Google Blog, Google Blog, Google News Blog, Google Weblog, Google-Blog, GoogleFan, Googleguy Says, Googleguy Says, The Unofficial Google Weblog
A Search for Google?s Success Turns Up Two Words:
Article that looks on the reasons behind Google success. [Free registration required.]
BBC Is Google Good for You?
The Google search engine has become the Coke of the web, argues technology analyst Bill Thompson.
BBC News: China Blocking Google
Beijing bears down on Google, blocking access to the search engine.
BBC News: Google Hit By Link Bombers
"Popular search site Google is being exploited by some net users to mount protests and play jokes on their friends."
BBC News: Google Is 'Feeling Lucky'
"Seek and ye will find ... two entrepreneurial students with a $100k cheque in their pockets did just that, and founded the internet search engine Google. Peter Day, of BBC Radio 4's In Business programme, checks out a dot.com business that's far from failing".
BBC: Google 'Nearly Ready' to Float
The internet search engine is reported to be close to finalising plans for a long-awaited share sale.
BBC: Google Celebrates Fifth Birthday
The hugely popular search engine, Google, is turning five years old this weekend.
BBC: Google Changes Anger Web Businesses
Tweaks to the way the world's biggest search engine works mean many companies no longer show up on rankings.
BBC: Google to Sell $2.7bn in Shares
The world's favourite internet search firm, Google, confirms its long-awaited flotation on the Nasdaq or New York stock exchange, which could value the firm at $20bn.
Bloomberg: Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs to Manage
Google Inc. hired Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to arrange its initial public offering.
BusinessWeek Online : Google's Ads - and Min
Argues that restrictive and opaque policies regarding Google's Adwords program hurts Google's reputation.
BusinessWeek: Can Google's Prodigies Make a S
Neil Gross' article: "Sergey Brin and Larry Page insist that their math wizardry and magical search results can compete with the entertainment-heavy portals".
Can the Marcia Brady of Search Stay Sweet?
Article by Danny Sullivan on the growing dominance of Google and their ability to draw attention to themselves.
CNet: Google Protects Its Search Results
Gwendolyn Mariano's article: "Dimandja Emoungu got a surprise when he tried to search Google this month: Instead of a results list, he says, the company handed him a 'rude' note denying service."
CNet: Google Ushers Web Surfers Into Its Labs
Paul Festa's article: "Popular search engine Google on Tuesday launched two sites for developing experimental search and browsing technologies."
CNN.com: Going Ga-ga for Google
Liane Gouthro's article: "Fickle Web surfers often switch from one search engine to another as if they were brands of soap. But one that has drawn a loyal following is Google, a search engine launched last fall with a different twist."
Daring Fireball: Writing for Google
Blog entry. If you wish for something you write for web consumption to turn up in a Google search, here are some suggestions.
E-Commerce Times: UK Shopping Guide Turns to Googl
Andy Wang's article: "UK-based entertainment and shopping guide Virgin Net announced today that it has selected upstart search engine Google to provide search services for its Web site."
Economist.com - The next hot internet stock
"Google is now more than a business: it is a cultural phenomenon. But where will it be in a few years?"
FastCompany.com: How Google Searches Itself
Fara Warner's article explains how Google's R&D process works.
Financial Times: Google Considers Online Auction o
Google investigates holding an online auction of shares early next year in an initial public offering could value the company at more than $15bn.
Forbes.com: How Google Is That?
Om Malik's article: "The reason why all these Valley hotshots are going gaga over Google is because the company has a search technology that is far better than anything else out there."
Google Innovations Withstand Downturn
Article and interview with Google's Eric Schmidt on Google's ability to shine while others are faltering.
Google Introduces New Features
Press release about new services personalized Web search and Web alerts. Also explains the changes to the Google design and new search features.
Google IPO Central
Unofficial site about Google's IPO with news and discussion.
Google is Three Times Bigger Than the Experts Thin
Article from Pressflex.com: "OK, guys, listen closely: Google processes at least three quarters of all Internet searches".
Google Likes Directory Sites
Describes how Google can be used as a gateway to high-quality, subject-specific search directory sites.
Google Stock Report
"23 reasons Google could become a penny stock." Article by Steve Baba.
Google Tales: Peer-review Popularity vs. Dotcom Po
Eric Rumsey analyses Google's popularity.
Google's Florida Shake Up: A View from the Be
Jim Hedger of the Internet Search Engines Database presents a compilation of his reactions and conclusions over weeks following Google change of 16 November.
Google's Loss Spells Gain for Web Firms in Ch
The blocking of Google means increased traffic for Chinese based sites.
Google, Inc. News - Topix.net
News on Google continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
How Weblogs Influence a Billion Google Searches a
John Hiler's article: "So even if you never visit a blog, you're being influenced by them. The collective votes of the weblog community are determining what sites you see on Google, the world's largest search engine." From Microcontent News.
Information Today: Google Buys Applied Semantics
Google announced that it has acquired Applied Semantics, a Santa Monica, California-based company known for its semantic text processing technology.
IPO Google
A site dedicated to the newest Google IPO information.
Let's Get This Straight - Yes, There Is a Bet
Scott Rosenberg's article: "While the portal sites fiddle, Google catches fire." From Salon Magazine.
Linux Gazette: Sergey Brin
Transcript of an interview with Google's co-founder.
Localized Google Search Result Exclusions
Harvard Law School researchers document sites filtered by international versions of Google.
Marketing Monitor: Google Florida Update
Rob Sullivan of Search Engine Positioning argues that the change of algorithm implemented on November 16 2003 uses technology from Applied Semantics and Kaltix.
MediaGuardian.co.uk: How Google Got It So Right
David Teather's article: "The success of Google, the internet search engine, has come about through the old fashioned form of viral marketing: word of mouth."
Mercury News: Google Launching Search Site for New
Article on the launch of Google's news aggregator.
Midday: Spinning a Web
On the fifth anniversary of its foundation, Sachin Kalbag charts the rise and rise of Google.
MSNBC: Can Google's Search Engine Find Profit
"Google.com seems to have it all...But one thing Google doesn't seem to have -- or at least isn't answering questions about -- is a business plan."
NetProfit: Google''s Florida Update: One
Gord Hotchkiss of Search Engine Positioning looks at Google's new algorithm and reactions to it. Includes the possible use of Applied Semantics.
News about Google
This news log from Coding the Web aims to record all references to Google on the Internet. Its content can be syndicated using the freely available XML feeds.
NYTimes.com: Postcards From Planet Google
Discusses how Google organizes and analyses the collective searches of people worldwide. [Requires free NYTimes.com registration to view.]
NYTimes.com: Sites Become Dependent on Google
Many smaller merchants in specialized niches rely on their sites turning up in Google's free search results. [Requires free nytimes.com registration to view.]
Ogling Google - "Jesus" is Bigger Than
Explains how AdWords can be used to determine the popularity of given keywords From Pressflex.com.
Pandia: PageRank For Sale
SearchKing has started selling text ads on its network of independent portals, with prices based on Google PageRank. Jono Craig asks Robert Massa of SearchKing if he really believes he can get away with it.
PCWorld.com: A Search Engine Worth Gambling On
"Developed by two Stanford Ph.D. candidates, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google is lightning-quick. And, while it's not completely on target, it's close."
PCWorld.com: War, Music, Magic Sought in 2001
"Inquiring minds searched the Internet on a virtual cornucopia of topics during 2001, stretching from war and terrorism to music, magic, and prophecy, according to a listing of top queries released by Google."
Salon.com: Meet Mr. Anti-Google
"A crusading webmaster says the popular search engine's page-ranking algorithm is 'undemocratic.'"
Salon: From Beta to Bona Fide
Janelle Brown's article: "Google, a favorite search engine of the plugged-in crowd, uses its $25 million in venture funding to launch a site almost unchanged from the from the "test" version."
San Francisco Chronicle - Google's ad rules
Details of Google's ad policy disclosed in internal documents obtained by The Chronicle.
Science Friday: Google
Twenty-four minute NPR radio show segment interviewing Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, and Rael Dornfest, coauthor of two new books about Google. [Realaudio]
SearchEngineWatch: Happy Birthday, Google!
Five years ago, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin incorporated their fledgling startup, notes Chris Sherman.
Searching leads back to Google
A Henry Norr article on current issues facing Google.
SEO Journal News: Google
News topics specific to Google's technology.
Sites Blocked by China
Research article documenting specific web pages blocked in China.
Slashdot: Craig Silverstein Answers Your Google Qu
Google's Director of Technology answers questions set by Slashdot readers.
Slashdot: Craig Silverstein Answers Your Google Qu
11 questions answered covering technical, business model, and site ranking issues.
Style.com: Journey to the Center of Google
Lengthy article by John Heilemann detailing the contribution of experienced managers and financiers to a company built on youthful inventiveness.
Sunday Herald: Billions Vote In World's Bigge
Stephen Naysmith's article: "As magazines and newspapers prepare annual end-of-year lists of the events and people who captured the public imagination in 2001, the internet has already provided definitive answers."
TechTV: Google Image Search
Mick Lockey compares Google's offering with Altavista's competing service.
The Buzz on Google's IPO
Sophisticated view from Wharton School on Google's IPO. [Free registration required to view]
The IPO Report: Google
Tom Taulli's article: "Who knows -- perhaps Google.com will be the next Stanford start-up to get its Nasdaq ticker symbol and multibillion-dollar market cap."
The Korea Herald: Computer Artist Doodles Oodles o
Interview with Dennis Hwang, Google's logo designer.
The Register: Google Labs Passes Borges Test
Andrew Orlowski's article: "Google has opened its kimono on some new labs work, soliciting feedback for four experimental features."
The Search Engine Report: Google Goes Forward
"While I've considered Google a "major player" in the search space for some time, the deal with Netscape gives it a mass audience for the first time, along with its first business deal."
Unofficial Google Fan Club
Weblog offering news and information about Google and Google-related technologies and services.
USA Today: Google Hit With Patent Suit Over '
"Internet advertising company Overture Services said Friday it sued search-engine company Google, alleging that Google's system for featuring paid advertisements infringes an Overture patent".
USA Today: Thrill of Hunt Lures Google Competitors
Jefferson Graham's article: "Even as Google keeps growing, competitors are taking aim at the Internet's top search service."
Wharton School: What is Google Worth?
Long article covering most aspects of Google "going public" or remaining a privately held company. [Free registration required to view]
Who's Naughty, Who's Nice: Google Christ
Barry Welford's summary of what happened in the Google Florida Update and the likely reasons. Includes a discussion of stemming and Applied Semantics.
Will Weblogs Blow Up the World's Favorite Sea
John Hiler's article explores the concept, ethics, and possible effects of "Google bombing" -- a technique used to improve a site's ranking for a given search term. From Microcontent News.
Wired 9.10: I'm Feeling Lucky
Chip Bayers' article: "Google's built a no-nonsense path to profitability by treating advertising just like search. The secret? Three words, ranked by relevance: Results. Results. Results."
Wired News: A Catalog to Catalog All Catalogs
"Google's catalog search combs the pages of more than 600 current catalogs -- 1,500 including back issues -- to help both consumers and corporations find everything from apple butter to zipper doodles."
Wired News: Searching for The New York Times
One of America's most comprehensive newspapers barely gets a mention in Google. Here's an explanation and a suggested remedy.
WorldNetDaily: Google bans Christian ad
Anti-homosexual remarks considered to be 'hate' content.