The Yeti Juice
Intellectual dribble on philosophy, psychology, politics, writing, poetry, et cetera.
Book and movie reviews, linguistics, philosophy, and musings on random events.
Yami Pegasus' Broken Toiletry
This is small site, updated whenever. Just some short, but funny, articles.
Yer Blues
Random observations on this, that, or the other thing, with the obligatory rant thrown in for good measure now and then.
Yet Another Web Log
Technology and ideology alike are exercises in applied imagination.
Yet Another Weblog
A sporadic tour of other stuff on the web.
This page maintained by Aloke Tukul Mukherjee.
Yorkshire soul
Daily mutterings, amusing links, cricket, wine and Avril Lavigne.
You Are Number 6
A techie's blog, with references to open source software, Java, J2EE, internet security, and search engines.
You Can Lead a Horticulture
Musings from a cynical worshipper of the late Mrs. Parker.
You Think You're So Smart, But I've Seen
Mix of news and personal happenings of a libarian in New York City.
You Won't Find it Here
Contains personal experience and thoughts about everything, especially local news and issues about Indonesia. A log of IRC #horas a local community of the Batak People on Sumatera Utara, Medan.
You're a witch if I've ever known one...
Thoughts, experiences and opinions from outside and inside music, art, travel and life.
Young Entrepreneur Journey
The journey of a young author working to create an international movement and achieve his own kind of success.
Your Love Takes My Breath Away
A journal about a college girl dealing with the usual things: friends, roommates, boyfriends.
Your story makes my heart heavy, my prostate weak
Lut's blog about video games, BitTorrent, and other things.
Ben Williams' personal weblog on vegetarianism, aikido, and technology.
Rants, raves and reveries, including posts on parenting, politics, paddling, and building communities.