The Verge
An insiders view of the life of a Helldesk agent. Bringing to you the idocies of my experiences with moronic imbeciles in and around Toronto.
The Voice of Conservative Reason
High school students writes about politics, news, and daily life.
Vague Library - Fredrik Holmqvist
An online studio for the Stockholm-based artist.
Vander Wal Net
Among other things a weblog that mostly covers technology and information developments.
Vans Opinion
A look at local, US, and international subjects with reviews of books, dining, movies and shopping.
Personal weblog of a twentysomething design technology advisor, geek and musician.
Vapor Slave
Artwork and literary achievements from the Assocaiationalist overground.
A geek in Denver's take on life: technology and the web, computer security, programming, skiing, politics, public transit, drinking beer and shooting pool.
Vazquez, Peter - Rants from Japan
Thoughts of an American Java programmer in Tokyo. Includes photograph log, particularly of travel shots, and resume.
Experiences in life and cyber life, sometimes related to visual basic and sometimes not.
Throwing stuff at the Internet to see what sticks. A blog written by Minneapolis writer M. Giant.
Velocity NYC
Articles, opinions, reviews and stories from Shawn Collins.
Veracity or Mendacity?
A Sydney girl's subjective chronicle of her life's ups and downs, including depression, size acceptance and her ebay obsession.
Verbal Punk
A personal journey of self-discovery and verbal punk written by an online warrior.
Personal blog of Nathan DeGruchy, standards advocate and web designer.
Verily :: Write out Loud
Personal blog of Nathan DeGruchy, standards advocate and web designer.
Rantings of a digital traveler about technology, entertainment, and anything out-and-in-between.
Vertical Hold
A weblog by Patrick Berry covering all subjects from movies and music to politics.
Vertical Hold
A weblog by Patrick Berry covering all subjects from movies and music to politics.
Veslepus' World
Life is full of food, gnomes, cats, love... and not much else.
What happens when a preacher's kid from New York becomes a popular faggot in San Francisco? Read on.
What happens when a preacher's kid from New York becomes a popular faggot in San Francisco? Read on.
Vi Ci et World
Discussion blog on world issues, democracy, freedom and human rights.
Vi Ci et World
Discussion blog on world issues, democracy, freedom and human rights.
Vicious Thinks
A thoroughly biased, highly edited, completely opinionated, partially inaccurate guide to what goes on in the head of Dave Swim.
Arve Bersvendsen's personal writings on technology and the web.
Virulent Memes
The interests of one Graham Freeman, this might be music and culture, politics, sport or whatever I feel like venting out for your edification. Occasionally humorous.
Virulent Memes
The interests of one Graham Freeman, this might be music and culture, politics, sport or whatever I feel like venting out for your edification. Occasionally humorous.
Visible Monsters
Fueled by London, inspired by bastards and used only by the foolhardy, Mike Atherton?s blog: some writing and a lot of ranting.
Interesting things from architecture, information technology, user interfaces and social psychology.
Interesting things from architecture, information technology, user interfaces and social psychology.
Viva La Blog
If you can't drop your pants and let your whole world hang out then why are you here?
Voce e meu Anjo Erika
A weblog of a boy named Dave who fell in love with a girl named Érika
Weblog of a NYC author and journalist combining original text, video, and music to create a multimedia portrait of life in the city.
A weblog by Michael Gratton, covering life, web-related technology, general geeky artifacts and work.
A weblog by Michael Gratton, covering life, web-related technology, general geeky artifacts and work.
Volker Weber's Weblog
Volker Weber is Senior Contributing Editor for c't Magazin für Computertechnik.
Personal weblog of Jochem van der Vorm. Page contains information about music, arts, history and open source.
Vote Optimus Prime for Carnegie Mellon University
Learn what Adam Gerard is up to.
Vulgar Boatman
Weblog of the sacred and profane. Politics, humor, art, weirdness.