english deutsch
T & Y
They really have no lives, and thought they would share them.
Tabasco Guy
Blog devoted to a college student at UC Irvine.
Tachyon City
Mormon matters, media musings, and meme mutations from Nathan Shumate.
Taiwan_On's Cyber Asylum
Blog, general humor and a "cupcake of the month".
Take the First Step
Dwight Shih writes on journalism and blogging, sports, software development and content management.
Tales of Hoffman
A weblog focused on the use of Internet technologies in the practice and business of medicine.
Tales of My Life
Personal blog.
Tales of the Dancing Queen
Live from the Valley.
Talk Stink
Everything Hawaii. When Hawaii's media sucks, we stink.
Tania with an I
Personal blog covering day to day issues, movies, music, books, and television.
Thoughts on everything from coldfusion to minivans.
Tarnished Melody
Cory's journey.
Be honest.
Tattered Psyche
Tiptoe through the journal of angel-fingered poet, writer, musician, activist, muse, and lynx on the run, Bijoux Orgeron as she finds a piece of herself in a big, bad world and celebrates the power of her femininity.
The Blog of the Century of the Week.
Teachers' Lounge
Pointers to and discussion of sites which should appeal to the discriminating "Renaissance men and women" of the world.
Team Murder
Continual commentary with a focus on integrating technology, personal point of view, and cranky ass opinion.
Tech PMP
Web log of a technical project manager in the software development consulting industry.
Tech Ronin
Life in the 21st century, free agent nation, personal branding, personal technology, social networking, social software.
Tech Sprite
Foraging through the tangles of the web: links and daily thoughts.
This site provides regular ramblings about technology from Scott Fiddelke, a multimedia developer.
About motocross bikes quads x-sports fishing and dis, dat & da'otha! From Bob Teed.
Teekay's Coffeeshop
Weblog about the Czech Republic. Current events mixed with useless babble.
Teen-angst Gutter
Just a personal site with tutorials and the basic things.
Teh un-lose!
An intriguing and provactive weblog. Subjects covered include: technology, politics, life, and games. Scripting and programming are also features in languages like: Perl, HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript.
Teki Voyeuristic Technologies Corp
Consists of personal information on avatar including a blog, deskcam and various downloads.
Tempest in A Teapot
Too much is not enough.
Ten Thousand Year Blog
If you're an archivist or historian or just plain anyone worried about the digital future, The Ten Thousand Year Blog is for you.
Film, photos, music, weblog.
Terminal Braindrain
A personal blog of would be websurfer and voyeur in Surrey, United Kingdom. His interests include photography and web design.
Terrapin Gardens
Commentary and observations from Washingtonian Rick Scully including various rants on rubbish topics, including politics of course.
Terrorism Unveiled
Commentary on the War on Terror from the Middle East by an American undergrad studying terrorism and Arabic.
Terry in Afghanistan
Written by a career U.S. military man in Afghanistan.
The personal blog of a Swedish computer programmer. Main topics are programming and philosophy.
That Canadian Girl
Canadian woman, married a lovely English man and living happily in a small English village north of London. Writes about gadgets and technology, everyday life and other random things.
The 35th Cube
Links and notes related to web technology and services from the 35th cubicle of an IT Company.
The Ambler Family Web Site
Personal photoblog and journal of the expatriate Ambler Family, now living in Japan.
The Eccentric Reader's Advisory
Suzanne Saunders provides thoughts stemming from her current read.
The Table of Malcontents
Postings by a number of 20-somethings about life, movies, and thoughts.
The Tax Guru
Kerry M. Kerstetter, CPA (christened as The Tax Guru by other CPAs) helps capitalists, investors & small business owners win the tax game.
The Telemedicine Weblog
Easy-to-use telemedicine news.
The Things We Think And Do Not Say
Ramblings on movies, television, video games, music, the Web, and current events from a pop-culture junkie navigating the college life.
The Three R's
Rant, rave or ramble. Awife and mother who tends to talk about her family and whatever is going on at the time. Restaurant widow with snakes as pets.
The Time We're Upon is Now
And the place we belong is where we are. One girl waits for her shattered fairy tale to begin, giving her plenty of time to think about nothing.
The Tin Pot
Musings on things that annoy the author as well as other assorted ramblings.
The Tofu
A personal weblog and message board for Christopher Zorn. Nickname is tofu.
The Transit Librarian
Blog written by your basic librarian bus driver.
The True Tales of Miss B
An almost twenty year old, sometimes deep, sometimes fluffy girl who dreams of running away to Africa and writing the book that will make her happy.
The Truth... or Something Like It
Musings of a misspent youth covering things from politics to baseball to abject truths, or something like them. Discusses random topics of intrest as well as issues of the day.
The Two Wolves
This is the personal internet portal for Alex Bath, here you will find pictures of family and friends and information on interests and ideas. Accounts of travels and philosophical journey.
Thoughts and experiences from an enterprise software architect. A personal weblog by Jorgen Thelin, Chief Scientist at Cape Clear Software Inc.
Largely about blogs and RSS and Mac technology.
theInside Personal Site of Bret Sterling
Daily weblog about faded pictures, web, design, development, programming, standards, usability, technology and life.
Ray Hatfield's personal web doodlepad. journal/weblog, shockwave creations, writings, and polls.
Bits and bobs and sparklies. Soulful, astonishing, tender morsels and junk and junk.
Just a boy with a theory for every occasion.
There Is No Cat
A weblog exploring the interests of Ralph Brandi, including radio, international affairs, web site building and information architecture, the Internet in general, movies, and music.
There Is No Spoon
Better living through creativity.
These trying Days
A look into the pathetic life of Joey: actor, writer, cynic, "emo kid".
They Didn't Teach Me About This in School
The fantastic scribbles of a London dwelling, roller coaster riding, woody allen watching, motorbike riding lover lover man.
They Won't Buy the Cow
Humorous ramblings of a writer/ singer/ curmudgeon who believes people should be paid for their work.
Think Long
Its a blog, man.
A personal weblog, updated daily, that contains links, commentary, rants, any anything else that happens to cross my mind. Tends to be geek/tech/politics related mostly... but anything is fair game. Custom self-built PHP/MySQL backend.
Thinking as a Hobby
Blog on all sorts of things.
Thinking By Smell
Thoughts and sometimes mindless ramblings about life and those in it who choose to "think by smell."
Thinking It Through
Weblog for the History News Network. Writes about politics, current events and, of course, history. An historically-informed perspective on the news.
Thinking Monkey
Brian DeSpain's personal web journal and technology journal on electronic commerce and open source technology.
Thoughts, blogs, photographs, Australia, and one man's view of them all.
This Is Depression
Current humor, commentary, and short fiction. Also maintains archive since 2003.
This is Mister Alan
The weblog of a Brit living in Asia, with a love for music, Korea, and false moustaches.
This is My Brain on Blog
Suzanne talks to herself while the world pretends not to listen.
This Is Not A Website
Some things are better left said. This is a journal and general information about Spike, a 20-something from New Jersey.
Mcbride fell fifteen stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty Bag filled with vegetable soup.
A personal site dealing with all forms of media, and comedy.
Thomas A. Creedon's Weblog
Topics I find of interest and a few opinions.
Photoblog featuring New York photography and daily stuff from all over the web.
Weblog on information, interaction, intelligence, and internet.
Thorssell, Anders - Thorssell.com
Macintosh related news and reports, pictures and discussions about language.
Thought Joint
Anarchy in a browser, Aussie comedy and general tomfoolery. Daily Updates.
Nagu writes about Linux, open source, technology, and the Internet.
Thoughts of an Elf.
Random thoughts and images in the life of an elf girl living in a cyber world.
Thoughts on my Walks
A teeter-totter between a quirky life in Denver and thoughts on politics.
Thoughts on Things
Nick Aster's thoughts on everything.
Musings & findings from London, updated dailyish.
Threepwood '01
Humanity from the inside. A weblog maintained by Bjoern Staerk, a norwegian nerd with nothing better to do.
Throbert McGee's Blinkin' Blog
Bite-sized essays on topics that may range from moral theology to gay sex to science to photo tours of Brooklyn. The author tries to keep things funny, too.
Throwing Musings
Personal blah.
weblog of pop culture and curiosities from a snarky feminist bent.
Daily ideas, opinions and whatnots.
Tijs.org Weblog
A weblog that tracks sites and technology with a lot of web development related content and the occasional personal note.
tim tucker dot org
I don't know anything about bass fishing. ( But you should read it anyway )
Tim Yang: The Edge
Tim Yang's blog. The travelogue of an Asian guy. Includes the Put Up a Blogger campaign.
Tim's Journal
The thoughts and adventures of a guy trying to get through life. After hours, he's a muay thai fighter and body builder. During the day, he's an ad agency copywriter.
Weblog and personal song archive. Putting things in perspective.
Personal weblog of James Timbrell.
Time's Shadow
News and commentary on genetic engineering, global climate change, and nanotechnology; the three drivers of human social change in the next century. Reasons why Bill Joy isn't totally right. Plus personal news and commentary on whatever captures the attention of Dave Rogers.
Tiny Place
Tiny Blog: Think of it like a cross between a diary and a fluff newspaper column.
Title of the Blog
The witty musings and current events commentary of the one known as pques.
Titty Titty Bum Bum
The personal pages of Ian Barker. Containing his blog and webcams.
TJ Wood's Weblog
The personal weblog of Tom Wood, a student from Helsby, Cheshire, England. Tom's opinions, ideas, thoughts, musings and comments on life.
TJ's Weblog
Weblog about actual developments in high tech and venture capital. "Technology, venture capital and entrepreneurship".
This is a journal of life dotted with random funny bits.
Todd's Weblog
Todd Cochrane's weblog. Life of a BBS Sysop, cool sites and information.
Tokyo Ouja
A weblog to introduce funny goods and interesting news from Japan.
Tom Cheng's Weblog
Tom's thoughts on travel, food, politics, and life in DC.
Tom Moody
Weblog of New York based artist Tom Moody. Exhibition reviews, links to art online, descriptions of works in progress.
Tone Standard
A collection of reviews on DVDs, books, cinema, music, video games and anything a little esoteric.
Too Goode to be True
"There's something in the way you look at me."
Too Much Text
Philosophical reflections, idiosyncratic perspectives, eclectic links.
Total Chaos
A mother's weblog.
Totales Turns
Analysis of politics, sports, and the occasional reference to pop culture.
Comments and narrative on the life and works of a young male designer and photographer.
The personal weblog of Tim Trachimowicz.
Traffic Jam - Not Between The Toes
A humorous, daily review of the life of Traffic, a bonafide radio geek. Meet celebrities, read reviews of stuff Traffic sees, and enjoy the trials and tribulations of her life.
Commentary on reflections on popular culture and cultural theory, explanations of pro wrestling and a theory of hacking, and, oh yes, interactive design.
News about me, my project, my art and my stories.
Travelling Shoes
An eccentric journal of travel, opinion and entertainment.
Treat Me Like A Princess
This is her pink weblog... enjoy.
Weblog with a primary focus on progressive politics and technology reviews. Requires sign-in for full access.
Trenchant Daily
Not really that blue any more. The useless personal web log of Adam Mathes.
Trial By Fire
Weblog, news, satire, comments, and other features from the mind of a 20 year old college student.
Tribe of Jesus
Journal of an Urban Missionary in Northern California ministry.
Tribulations of a Soul Sista
Well, a blog trying to be funky, but which isn't always.
On the life and works of the third brother in a twin.
Luke Tymowski's personal weblog.
Personal weblog.
Trojan Horsehoes
A collection of thoughts on topics such as geek stuff, southern culture, life as a first-time parent and politics.
There's no fish. Not yet anyway. Not for lack of trying though. A simple little site that details my humdrum existence.
Truth Mower
Escape the oppressive bondage of daily toil. Be confused no longer by Toaster Ovens and Taxidermy. The secrets of the Universe, Revealed. An Addiction weblog.
Science, culture, technology, art and creativity. Homegrown blog by a musician, programmer and open.source agent.
A simple diary that acts as his memory and confidante.
Tsunami Splash
The never-ending tale of Tsunami Splash.
Tuesday in August
Another journal of another girl, only different.
Tulip: A Cherished Journey
Dena's personal journal/ blog.
About life in Brooklyn, New York, travel, politcs, photography and humor.
TurlyMing dot com
Daily observations of an every-day geek.
Turnip Top
Irreverant and cheeky observations on politics, current affairs, life and pop culture.
Your net source for cookies wearing cardigans.
She's better than Barbie, she's 20SomethingDoll, and these are her rambling thoughts and web wanderings.
Twist the Night Away
Dommie P for the proletariat. Likes everything, musically.
Twisted Coil of Misfiring Synapses
Preacher, teacher, snake-oil salesman. Jack-of-all-trades, jester, raconteur troubador. Apprentice to Merlin the Magnificent. Village idiot. You decide.
Twisted Stars Net
Cliques, fun, art and a journal.
Twists & Turns
Musings and links by (published) writer Michael Gates.
Typos & Purple Prose
Smart, sassy and bitingly witty.