english deutsch
A Short Domain Name
Personal weblog of Josh Baltzell. Used to talk about all things Microsoft, cool multimedia online, opinions, and links.
A Simpler Way
Herbalist Evo Terra contributes to the living web.
A Skeptical Blog
A skeptical look at the world through the eyes of magician and political activist Dominion.
A Smile from a Veil
Closeted woman's journal, poems, stories, and ramblings about navigating the straight, not-so straight, and gay world.
A Socialite's Life
Commentary of current events and celebrities.
A Stranger's Blood is not Definitely Pellucid
Mathematical discussion, motives, everyday life.
A Sunny Place for Shady People
Pithy, contrarian, politically incorrect and curmudgeonly rants on money, power and politics, religion and philosophy. In short: Nothing matters, everything changes and there are no guarantees. The rest is rationalization and bribery.
Mark Christian's Shiny Plastic Bag
The absolutely incredible adventures of a college student in Canada.
S A Rudy's Journal
Sarcastic and amusing commentary on corporate life and other silly folk.
s l a v e
Somewhat daily linkages to sites of interest, with rapier-like commentary. Slightly focused on Internet and computer related issues, but only because I'm a web geek.
S Man Land
Personal weblog.
S200 PRO
The weblog of Frank Gibson, walking ode to new journalism, hater of all that is modern and evil.
Sacred Beginnings
A weblog of a Pagan, includes thoughts, activities and poetry of a Pagan at work in life.
Saheli: Musings and Observations
News, commentary and original writing by an Indian-American journalism student.
Frequent updates to the photo documentary, comments posted by the occasional passerby or browse through the interactive story section.
Saki-otakism inc.
Broadcasting live out of the fortress old Europe or Tokyo.
Sales Blog
Professional selling and leadership written by Vancouver based sales trainer and executive coach Shane Gibson.
Salted Wound
A php based weblog of epically dynamic and interactive proportions. Daily posts of funny happenings and useful links all personalized for your login.
Sam Adam's Counter Point
Political discourse on events affecting our world today.
Politics, technology, humor and culture. All from the mind of Rob Sama.
Sandlund.net: The Librarian's Diary
An (ever so slightly twisted) take on this, that and the other.
Another weblog of another college student. It lives up to its name (no point).
Sara Smiles' Journal
Comments and poetry, and some art.
Sarah Space
The art of wasting space. Both funny and ridden with sex, angst, and self-loathing.
Sarcasmo's Corner
All the things you aren't supposed to discuss at a dinner party.
The world according to a Dutch guy living in Canada.
Journal and weblog of a Malaysian programmer/couch potato.
Daily blog from London: the life, loves and times of Sashinka. Her friends say she's a bitch. She says she's a pussycat.
Sassafrass Log
Links to art, foreign affairs, literature, news, politics, research, science, sustainability, freedom of information, literate bloggers.
Sassy Little Punkin
A personal weblog of a writer, student, dreamer, improviser, artist and all around fabulous woman.
Smart and sassy, in one blog.
Satan's Luau
Music and movie reviews and some pointless rambling.
Saved By Piercing
Christian Gen-Xer searches for truth and honesty in religion.
Say what?
A journal of Jarle Petterson's private observations. Comments on every aspect of life, politics and the general nature of global goings - not entirely devoid of a sardonic approach.
Little thoughts on big issues, big thoughts on little issue. This is a human friendly blog. What the bald headed butler saw.
Blogging to distract from back pain.
Scoplaw - A poet goes to law school
An interesting tale of poet in law school. The poet discusses not only poetry and law school, but personal notes of daily life.
Scott Milling's Weblog
Words from a writer, wannabe gamer, and future entrepreneur.
Not quite an on-line journal, but a little more than a web log - links to interesting things on the web with my own running commentary.
Scribbles of a Bunny Girl
Miaka, the Crazy Bunny Girl, makes friends with the ghost in her room, scares the normals, sings in Japanese, works her butt off at a fastfood joint, and does random stuff.
Scribbles of a Lazy Geek
Blah on everything interesting intellectually.
Scripting News in Manila
Dave Winer's weblog, started on April 1, 1997.
One word at a time. Visuals, words, sounds and other ephemeral gleamings.
A proffessional collective of inspired young minds, building a stable, interesting, and community based website to help and develop others knowledge and offer light entertainment.
A brief view of the life of a grease monkey to the stars, a college guy, and comics to boot.
SeAmingly Undone CE
Blog by Augmented Brain.
Sean Bonner
Blog about politics, art, and design. Resume, information on his current projects, and articles.
Sean McGrath's Blog
Blog of Sean McGrath, CTO, Propylon.
Search for Love in Karachi
Thoughts, emotions, actions, desires and feelings of Jalaluddin Ahmed Khan. A twenty three year old psychotic sarcastic blogger from Karachi.
Listing search sites, directories, & portals on the web.
Seat of the Revolution
Motorcycles, guns, cigars, radio scanning, subversion, counter-culture, and predictions. Weblog of Steven B. Cherry: life, liberty, and the eath of the American dream.
Personal photoblog.
Common weblog for a PA-based geek. Filled with various computer-centric ramblings and nifty standard code.
Secrets, from the donkey.
Secretly Ironic
Thoughts on news and daily life.
The personal Web site and blog of Phil Essing, a Montreal based Web developer.
See Colon Backslash
"He was a good friend and a great leader... provided of course that he really is dead" The cynical observations of a programmer with delusions of normality.
An odyssey to find truth in everyday life - from the infinitesimal to the astronomic.
Seize The Dave
The personal site of David Grant, link-provider extraordinaire. Weblog styled with community features built in.
Currently a 19-year-old computer science student, a fairly with-it geek with no small opinion of himself, but hopefully amusing and informative all the same.
Stuff off the web from Norm and Jen.
Now with 57% more unabashed egotism.
Selmer: The Trip
Life and times of a 25 year old teenager.
Life, one paragraph at a time. Thoughts, experiences, and other garbage picked up along the way.
Senior Citizen
Blog from Old Fart.
Senses of Sensa
Eclecitc musings from the Goddess of Carroll Gardens. Includes essays on etymology, restaurant reviews, New York City stuff.
You average bloglord. Full of wisdom and amazingness.
SEO Blog
Blog about search engine optimization (SEO), current articles and the ever changing Google algorithm.
Discussions about the giant sequoia trees, sustainability, and human population growth.
Jae's blog.
Observations of life and politics on the Internet and in Singapore.
Seriously Random
Random thoughts, quotes, ideas, and opinions from Sherron Renee. A 23-year-old woman from Indianapolis, Indiana.
Seun Osewa Online
An armchair entrepreneur, a part-time software developer, and a reasonably competent Linux system administrator.
Seven Colors
Details personal experiments using CSS and JavaScript for usability studies.
Sex and the Single Girl
The diary of a sarcastic, silly, trying to make sense of life, 20-something sex goddess.
Shabby Dee in the Place to Be
A web log of links to politics, culture, art, humor and the unusual, with occasional adult content.
Shades of Azure
A personal weblog chronicling life... a little bit at a time.
Shades of Green
Woman writes about life with her husband and daughter.
Shadowin's personal blog containing whatever he finds interesting; including his latest music, art, and activities.
Personal weblog of a Sydney girl with daily musings, articles, galleries and cam.
Shaken and Stirred
Shake the mind, stir the soul, and amuse the spirit.
Toughts and opinions.
Shaped Like a Black Woman
A blog about the weirdness that is the life of Katie.
Life in the suburbs of Portland.
An insight to what Indian-American Sharat Gaur might be thinking.
Computers, music, games.
Site of Shawn, a mid-twenties college girl from the Georgia's Coastal Empire.
Shazapp's Blog
The new adventures of a technology addict, self-proclaimed geek and freak magnet.
Shaztah Click
Personal blog.
She Said to Leave It Till the End of the Party
Life of a mother and substitute teacher.
She's a Flight Risk
Post adolescent international fugitive.
Sheepy Weblog
An online journal about drsheep.
Pseudo-blog offering up doses of creativity (photography, artwork, writing) on a pretty regular basis.
Sheila's website with blog, garden photos and discussion board.
Sheila and the City
All about a girl's day to day life, seeing loads of friends, as well as films, concerts.
Jason Shellen and family's opinions, links, tech news, music and photos.
Featuring the musical experiemnts of Mr. Shewmaker. A personal blog/ music site featuring mainly electronic music.
Shift Delete
Links for pranks, humor, weird movies, gadgets, and web design.
Shifty Eye
The old squeaky, squeak.
Shinimegami: Goddess of Death
Serena, the dragon.
A weblog on Zen Buddhism and Iaido martial art, all relevant subjects of philosophy, art and life style.
shiny blue grasshopper
Austin technical writer. Includes information about progressive politics, books, movies, and music. Also includes a campaign to stop pre-movie ads and the war on Iraq.
Personal weblog about Jason O'Halloran.
Politics, reading and news.
short notes
A journal on software, systems, engineering practices among other things.
Lex and the city.
Shorty Supreme
Get inside the mind of a young black female from New York. Daily weblog, cam, writings, and a biography.
Comedy, satire, absurd, and just plain evil.
Shut up, I'm talking
I talk. You get to listen. Fun for us both.
Commentary on 21st century America, and what it means to live in our republic in these trying times
The personal weblog of Simon Jessey, website designer and web standards evangelist.
Sigh... Anyways
Personal weblog.
A description of books, and writing samples.
Signal vs. Noise
We are interface and online experience designers who have a passion for sophistication and simplicity.
Silent Dreams
Weblog of a Chinese Asian guy located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Writes about gaming news, Hong Kong/ China/ Taiwan related news, personal stories and opinions, Dutch, and computer/IT news.
Silicon Isle
Programmers can live/work anywhere - or can they?
Silicon Jesus
An agregrate of eclectic news stories from around the web and personal information and insights.
Random content by Brian Richardson. Video fu, personal journal entries, humor and travel diaries from multiple points on the globe.
Silly Words
Joy Bisco style.
SillyMoose Maybe-Daily Blog
Was Northern Exposure real? News and politics.
silver blog
...the hypertext-enhanced online life of Cecily (the slacker photographer from Austin).
What lies beneath is often the most important.
Simian Design
A personal site, portfolio and blog that tends to focus on web development, strategy, technology and trends.
Simoneau, Matthew J.
A personal site of a nice boy who was raised on Cape Cod and now lives in Boston, MA.
A blog with a lot of philosophy.
Things to say. Words to write. Dreams to live.
Simply Moon
Blog of a fantasy artist and web builder.
Simply Put
Clarified, chatting. loving, laughter, wonder, silly.
Simps-on Log
A personal weblog. Newtown, Powys, Wales. School systems administrator.
Sing Blue Silver
Sean (the Seanizer) Floyd's Weblog, featuring news in Deutsch and English about MacOS, Scripting, Web Technology, Martial Arts, Jokes, trashy Music and private stuff.
Single Mom, or Psycho Bitch
This is a journal of daily life, and what goes on from time to time.
Personal sketch/ note-book
Six Hotty
A personal blog by Lani from New Zealand.
Six-Layer Kate
Personal weblog.
Follow the life of Ryan, a slow transformation from the creative wide-eyed vivacity of youth into the disinterested monotony of adulthood.
An over-educated under-achiever, design and programming for news websites, can roll a kayak and make a cheesecake from scartch.
Skattrkattr's Tangled Prose
Philo-popsicle ramblings about life, parenting, living in BC and momentary stupidities.
News and views on website design, development, family and friends.
Skerrett, Alan - Eccentric English Gent
The whimsical observations of an eccentric English gent.
A weblog of probes into politics and culture. Sketch the space around truth.
A blog of culture, politics, commentary and criticism. Written by a man in Chicago.
A fat paunch never breeds fine thoughts.
Weblog of a freelance media designer/ editorial writer/ playwright in Austin, Texas.
Skullgrins Lair
Tracking the weird little things in cyberspace that have warped my fragile little mind.
Born on the 3rd of April 1980, an Aries, a friend, daughter, wife, sister-in-law...
Humor, news and bad spelling all combine for a potent cocktail.
An information technology blog, with posts on collaborative softwares, knowlege management, IT trends and news and ideas.
A technophile's blog. Get inside the mind of Matt through his blog.
Sleeping with my Eyes Open
This is a page that people visit when they want to read parts of themselves come alive. It's filled with humor and pain and more humor, if you can't laugh at yourself then the rest of the world will.
The weblog and digital playground of Internet developer Mike Skott.
Reformed idealist at 30, and his rediscovered inner child, lost in a town that has never held meaning, looking for greener fields while stumbling through quagmire.
Slightly Bent Mommy
Creating a world where fact and fiction meet.
Slightly Bewildered
Blogging from Auckland, New Zealand.
Slightly North of Tomorrow
Includes blogs by Shawn and Erin, now living in Seattle.
Potentially interesting.
Slobokan's Site O' Schtuff
The sophisticated safe surfing soapBox for the serious surfer Of sorts.
Scribblings of a Gen-X mom with twins and bunnies on the CA Central Coast. Also a nifty webcam, photos, and some political opinion.
Pop culture, Seattle-area events and history, random commentary.
Small Failures
A lifestyle that's ugly as sin.
Small Hands
A soul sister single mom talks about her two main squeezes as well as movies, gardening, and being a lawyer.
Features SmartWare, the Mensa International Journal column which has been a regular feature since 1998. Also with information and downloads for Nokia cellphones.
Smells Like Teen Armpits
Rachy'C' who still yearns for the heady days of her youth when she tore around Terrigal (Central Coast, N.S.W. Australia) in a Flanno with the unshakable conviction that no one understood her pain except Kurt Cobain.
Smile At Me
World peace via international friendship.
Personal blog dowry.
Sarcastic and anti-confessional thoughts on current events, culture, philosophy.
Fred Telegdy's personal space with a running commentary on his life and life in general.
Light on design, heavy on content.
An American exploration into non-commercialism, nature, Oregon, and opinion. OS/2 is featured as well.
No porn here, either, you silly person.
Sneety Bazoomny
The mad dream of m0f73 and n0ftar. A regularly updated weblog dedicated mostly to abstract poetry, as well as everything else.
Snooboo Weblog
News stories with links and brief commentary.
SnootchieBootchie Blog
Links to battlefield modification sites. Also post your favorite movie qoutes here.
A weblog devoted to short fiction, comics, movie reviews, poetry, satirical prose, and whatever else comes to the creator's erratic mind.
So Anyway
An ongoing expression of self, a continually evolving work of design, art, writings, research, and whatever else pops into my head to put here. It's big, rambling, and multi-faceted.
So Blue It's Black
Personal weblog.
Has more than the average number of limbs and once met Prince Edward in a field just outside Ebbw Vale.
Soap Bubble Web Diary
Her fish swim to the left.
Blog-driven opinion site with ezine archives, and shopping and DIY sections. Women's passions and politics.
Soapy's Place
Tidbits from the web with brief commentary.
Social Evil
The blog of Proximity and Domaris.
Social Retard
Social retardation is a serious uncurable affliction. It's what really lame people would call "foot-in-mouth disease."
Society for Aesthetic Deletions
Making the world a more beautiful place, one hit at a time.
SolarDragon: Dragon Ink
The destroyer of social lives, fiery good fun.
Soliloquist: Thoughts in Solitude
The frequent ramblings of someone who really needs to get a life.
Singaporean student.
Solonor's Ink Well
Random musings from your favorite half-elf.
Solotarian Views
Unrehearsed rants on sports, music, and cultural occurances. Bored office dweller with too much time and too few thoughts.
Solveig's Weblog
Weblog of a dutch girl named Solveig, sharing her life and thoughts with anyone. Having a M.Sc. in Geology, she definitely is "Solly as a Rock!" Life and thoughts of a crazy cloggie.
Some Sorta Web Thing
A weblog about a guy who loves Iron Chef. That's about it.
Something Understood
Critical thoughts from a 20-something progressive Episcopalian Christian software engineer in Seattle.
Something's Got to Break
Emotional, intelligent ranting about the state of this country, and the evil people who run it with no regard for the rest of us.
Sometimes I Wish
Recording trips through depression, spirituality, music, and relationships. Some poetry, some prose, some truth, some emotions.
Sometimes I...
Thoughts on life as a mother, wife, webmistress, and woman.
Sometimes, I Catch the Right Moment
A classical one-picture-on-the-index-page style photoblog.
Somewhere on A1A
General media and news blog concentrating on the Middle East and international affairs.
Somewhere Over the Brooklyn Bridge
Morning call and evening chronicles from a 30-something guy living in New York City somewhere over the Brooklyn Bridge.
Sonata for Unfinished Yelling
Just like the shower scene from Psycho, but without the stabbing.
Weblog, online radio, parties and other adventures.
Sort of a Fairytale
Katie's sort of blog.
Soul Sphincter
This is the blog of Jim, an Australian living in Sweden. A student and practicioner of digital culture with an interest in narrative, especially in relation to eLiterature and 3D virtual worlds.
Souls on Fire
A blog from a Caltech student who barely stumbles through the horror that is life.
Sound of Silence
Personal blog (mostly about J-Pop).Download J-Pop songs.
One woman, two computers, and an endless search for the ultimate vegetarian soup recipe.
Soups, Sandwiches and other Verbal Recipes
Commentary on current events, technology, sex, and the free thinking culture.
Souzek Republic
The rantings, ravings and occasional insights of Lincoln Souzek, a young lad trying to make his way in the complicated world that is the Midwest, on anything and everything relevant and irrelevant.
Space Patrol
A Space Cadet's collection of crap, and his blog.
Art, fun, reviews, an online journal in the works. Dastardly good.
Spacegrl01 Creations
A personal blog by Ashley.
Spaceship No Future
Tigers, robots, and scandinavian furniture.
Sparkle and Shine
How fun is this?
Spastic Tendencies
I strange person with a blog.
Speaks Her Mind
Jodi's blog. Loves language, dialogue, ideas, perspectives, knowledge, and communication in all its forms.
Personal blog by a Swedish programmer. Links to current technology and news stories, pictures and ramblings.
Sperari: I Have Hoped
Personal reflections of Erica Tesla. Includes thoughts on arts, food, politics, technology and life in general.
Works in progress in comics and prose.
Spirituality Blog
We all seek a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. To reflect on this quest from a spiritual perspective.
I shot your pigs. Pigs. I only have a blog! That's so sad!
Splitting Hairs
This is about my tendency to over-analyze situations, mostly dealing with the opposite sex; plus a few events from my interesting life.
Spoiled Rotten
Wonderful husband, cool car, killer computer, amazing dog, fun toys, amazing life.
A place to pause, ponder and enjoy the weblog of your hostess.
Sporadic Thoughts
Observations through the lens of a technology journalist.
Sports Weblog
News and discussion on sports teams and individuals.
A journal, kept by a British woman that lives in New York City. It accounts her daily activities, which include relationships, work, social life, friends, gossip, world politics, current affairs, sex.
Spygirl .dot. baka
This is how it feels to be both spygirl and baka, at the same time.
Square Peg
Her magical mystery blog. What the hell else could it be?
San Francisco based weblog with a broad non-focus.
Stacey George
Thoughts, links, ramblings and photos from a Boston based graphic designer, illustrator and single Mom.
Stacy Munn's Weblog
American lass in London.
Stagnated...yet in Constant Flux
Diary of a 20-something college girl longing for Boston.
Standard Deviance
Chronicles all things amusing.
News of the unusual, strange, bizarre and outright ridiculous.
Starjewel eblog
Meme propagation at its finest. Starbreeze's thoughts, musings, and comments.
Welcome to prime time bitch.
Capture the internet moment with quality blogging from Brussels, Belgium.
Ramblings of a college age chick. She swears she's cool.
Static Red
Join the non revolution.
Online journal, portfolio, and photography site of a 20 year old college student in Boston.
Steeny's Ramblings
Posting lots of random stuff, hopefully for your entertainment.
Stefan's Techlog
A weblog of a developer with all kinds of serious and less serious posts on computer- and Internetrelated topics.
Steph's Random Thoughts and Rants
Intimate look into the personal life of Steph, as she deals with issues of aging, weight, sanity, and randomness.
Jon Cooper's thoughts.
Steve Minutillo
A geek's weblog. Everything from stories of adventure to mindless link propogation.
Steven Allen
Online journal of a young gay male who has an interest in helping to develop community spirit amongst young people in London.
Steven Fettig
Discussing politics, philosophy, and technology.
Steven Vore's Weblog
Daily thoughts. Topics include Perl, Internet development, Boy Scouts of America (BSA), music, knowledge management. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Stevie Nixed
Addicted to Musickness.
Please note that this weblog has nothing to do with sage and onion stuffing whatsoever. Honest.
Still David
The personal blog of a high school student.
Stina's Stuff
A showcase for her personal pictures, artwork and interests.
Stonecold's Diaries
Assorted musings and other noteworthy snippets of thought.
Stoner Go Getter...and Ramblings
Fan site for the foremost innovator in american rave culture and design.
Stories of a Muddled Mind
Just a blog of a teen girl from Sydney, Australia. Rants, quizzes, poetry.
A weekly summary of the trouble the internet has been getting itself into.
Regann's personal weblog.
Stormy's Corner
A personal journal to share websites, web tools, books and news of interest.
Straight, No Chaser
Tom Hirashima, weblog.
Strange Brew
50 cups of coffee. Brewed by Alice for your drinking pleasure.
Strange Loops Journal
Blogging politics, anarchy, philosophy, freethought, atheism, transhumanism, science and current events.
Strange News Weblog
The blog where Mistro writes the strange news he finds on the net.
Strangely Familiar
A sarcastic personal weblog of everyday events. Like anyone else would think of doing that.
Street Tech
Hardware beyond the hype. Personal tech review site.
Strength Journal
Dedicated to the latest in fitness, nutrition, personal development, martial arts, yoga, and pilates.
Stripfighter: Diary of a Crazy Fucked Up Bitch
Articles and journal entries concerning what she thinks and feels as a Black girlfighter.
Strizzt's Rantglass
Because that's how things are.
Richard Caetano's weblog on software development.
Stu's Internal Monoblog
Stuart's random thoughts, trials and tribulations of life spewed out in his internal monoblog.
Stuart Bridgett's Autoblography
Online autobiography of an Englishman in New York.
Stumbling Through and Only 50 Billion Watching
A lot to say, sometimes.
Stunned Weblog
The stunned view from Dublin on art, the net and whatever else seems relevant.
A million monkeys can't be wrong.
Stupid Boy/ Brilliant Girl
The babblings between the collective unit of stupid boy and brilliant girl.
Stupid Evil Bastard
Rants, raves, and tidbits of useless information from the far corners of my mind.
A simple journal, of a jaded bitter man from Chicago.
The daily blog of John Halcyon Styn. Halcyon is best known for the webby-award winning CockyBastard.com and for the webcam community he co-founded, CitizenX.com.
Subbrilliant Blog
All things to no people.
The home of Charlie Owen, a female homo sapiens from the UK. Personal news, essays, photographs and information.
Subhash Rai: Journalist from India
A chronicle of the press in India.
Personal weblog (with photos) for Bryan, a student/ filmmaker/ photographer in NYC.
A highly informative pre-natal journey into the intricacies of grass follicles and a paranoid rediscovery of tantric disinformation tactics.
A journal maintained by a media enthusiast who is good looking, hard working, whimsical and lost. A cosmopolitan guy with a smart chip and a mission.
Suburban Diva
We are all the queen of something.
Suburban Mom
A former television reporter looks at the fun and foibles of suburban motherhood.
One of those people who never takes anything seriously while at the same time, responds seriously to the world around him.
Subwaylove: Her View of the world
This is the official site of a girl and her blogs. See her latest expressions through word, pictures, design, music and books.
Subzero Blue
A blog of a young Tunisian. Life, technology, cinema, music and Tunisia.
Suck is Life
Except when it doesn't.
SueBears.com Blog
A personal diary about a person's life as a wife, mom, grandma, docent at the Los Angeles Zoo with articles about animals and thoughts about being a cancer survivor.
Sugarbear's Blog
A blog of a college guys life. Rants about various things, (politics, technology, college parties).
SumoGecko.2003 // v2.0
Blog full of underlying cynisism, critisism, and symbolic meaning. We'll change your life. Finally the filipinos and colombians unite as one, in a brotherhood that will save all of humanity!
Urban art and design. Adventures of the Squirrelgirl by Amy Beth Geerling Payne.
Stuff that is important, a lot of creepy and nasty sick things in the world or stuff that is really cool. Another slashdot clone on crack.
Superheroes in High Heels
"You've never felt pain like a stiletto in your eye. Ask yourself, punk, do you feel lucky?"
Originating in Melbourne, Australia, with music, sports and Internet related news.
Surface Damage
Full of sound, fury, and significantly nothing.
Anders Fagerjord is a Norwegian researcher at the University of Oslo who writes about the web, media and convergence.
Personal weblog built with C#, ASP.NET, and squishyFORUMS.
Random debris about design, experimental sound and sushi.
Swanky Conservative
News and politics seen from the right.
Swansong of an Eternity
No kitties were harmed in the making of this blog.
A gothic / heavy metal / punk chick writing on daily life, philosophies.
Sweat Flavored Gummi
A Carnie's meandering journey through society at large.
Sweet Chick
IRC chatter, uncreative name, perpetual blog.
Sweet Sentiment's Cyber Diary
Ayeen's journal.
Sweetest Sinner
Online journal of a teenage girl including her interests and worries.
Sweeties, Pies and Ginger
Sustinance for a fat Boab.
More is imminent (less is immanent).
Because nobody likes a smartarse.
Thoughts in music, writing, and everyday activities.
The life of an young woman from Hawaii.
Synthetic Zero
A personal journal on art, philosophy, design, science, postmodern culture, architecture (in the general sense), ideas, events, observations.
Szilagyi's Weborama
The cracked ramblings of a married suburban couple.
Sørensen, Johan - The Exciter
A hoarding place for information gathered by a Scandinavian web nerd.
The Sagbottom Home for Wayward Girls
Confessions, canoodlings, and geeky sweet nothings. An online diary and weblog by a shamelessly dorky girl.
The Sake of Argument
Talk Radio Host, Joe Kelley debates the important issues in America today. If you're talking about it, Joe's writing about it.
The Scout Ave Daily
Living on Scout Ave. Always drama so read carefully.
The Shameless Agitator
Someone who is not afraid to ask tough questions or to go against the grain.
The Shamrockshire Eagle
A daily news and views publication, mostly but not exclusively about the "troubles" in Ireland.
The Shuttlecraft of Mild Affection: Captain's
The mission logs of Captain Bleep, Notorious Space Pirate, stranded on Sol III for so many years.
The Simple World of Angsuman
News and views from my perspective as a Hindu, an Indian, a Chief Software Architect and CTO.
The Slacker Uncensored
Musings and observations from Moxie.
The Slag Heap
Futurist news and irreverent commentary.
The Slightly Less Secret Life of Cmarie
"You think you know, but you have no idea"- MTV Diary.
The Smith's Forge
Personal campaign for common sense and plain talk.
The Social Software Weblog
Social software news. Community portals online.
The Soggy Blogger
A personal weblog operated out of Seattle, Washington. Comments on news and politics.
The Spam Weblog
Blogging about spam.
The Spoonbender
The historic first weblog ever, The Spoonbender continues to provide the greatest written infotainment available anywhere to the largest audience yet quantified in the history of mass-communication. Accepts donations.
The Spoonerist
Two blogs in one: online (programming) and offline (opinions).
The Sporty Slice
All things sporting, with an emphasis on rugby, football and Liverpool FC.
The Story
Run by David Kaspar. A personal blog about photography, technology, travelling and the Internet.
The Story Teller
Personal stories from the past about life and its lessons.
The Stuffed Dog
A weblog dedicated to bringing you interesting, important, and humorous links from around the web on a daily basis.
The Stygian Labyrinth
A quality guide to some of the darkest sites on the web.
The Suburban Limbo
Observing life from the suburbs.
The Sunfighter Diaries
Philosophical musings and rants.
The Sydney Post
Acollection of incoherent ramblings from some people who may have heard of Sydney... or may not have.
Toby Simmons
Here you'll find rantings, musings, current events and more from the owner of Simmons Consulting.