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A Regular Person
Culture (music), links, journal. From a young person living in society today. More interesting than one would think.
A Rhapsody In Lyss
A personal website with an online journal. This site also offers custom web design and graphics.
A Room With A View
Every detail in TheoTracy's life.
Diary of a Returning Expat
Description of difficulties faced by an English family returning to the UK from Holland.
Quodlibet Gazette
Weblog of Quodlibet, featuring daily global and national (Belgium) news interesting enough to share.
RaceSco MBAlog
Scott Sanders' blog (and other tidbits), live from Cornell University's Johnson School MBA program.
Rachel Lucas
A gun-totin' capitalist oppressor college student with two jobs, two dogs, and no kids.
Rachel's Amazing Journey
Follow the life of an ardent Cubs fan and her terrier.
A highly impersonal, yet honest weblog filled with nonsensical commentary and comedic relief.
Radness: The Bone
Online journal of C. Rieder: choral director, geek, and reasonably funny guy. Commentary and personal musings.
Raed in the Middle
A 26 year old Iraqi-Palestinian Architect. Opening new doors of communication between the east and the west. Understanding "the other" is what this blog is all about.
Life and all the cool stuff in between.
Raining Pleasure
Links, news, observations from a Dutchman.
Rainy Day
An expatriate Irishman in Munich applies a Central European perspective to music, wine, travel, books, politics, terror, fun and life.
Daily web findings documented by a 17 year old girl named Heather.
Journal of a North Carolina woman's family, friends and activities.
Rajesh Krishnamurthy on the Web
Includes blogs, photos.
It's everything you always wanted to know about nothing. Mostly covers marketing and interface design with a heaping helping of links personally found interesting.
Peter B's little spot on the web.
Ramblings of a Lunatic
Daily writings whether personal or commentary on a number of issues including healthcare.
Ramblings of a Technology Nut
A techno-weenie based in Victoria BC, Canada reveals how he wastes all his time on computers and electronic entertainment.
Ramses Blog
Blog about moving from Panama to UIUC to be a grad student, technology, rational thinking, whatever.
A daily journal of random bits of observations, news bytes, famous quotes, and general dry humor.
Random Abstract
A geeks weblog about random stuff.
Random Beginnings
My personal blog for those far far away. Just another walk in the park with useless ramblings.
Random Jane
Not-so-random thoughts from a not-so-random Jane.
Random Musings
Take a look into the world that is Kelley. This site serves as a forum for rants, poetry, and daily random thoughts and insights.
Random Musings of a Low-Level Deity
Thoughts, interests - news, politics, society, humor, people, or just randomness.
Random Rant
Random ranting in a personal blog.
Random Ruminations
Personal weblog of the ruminator, a university professor, engineer, musician, and photographer in the Texas panhandle.
Random Sonata
A picture blog of the collection of a traveller.
Random Thoughts
Opinions are the source of our convictions; they are what makes us individuals.
Random Thoughts From a Confused Mind
Random thoughts and links along with daily recipes. Family-friendly site with topics including crafts, parenting, and Louisville, KY.
Random Thoughts of a Diseased Mind
Introspective thoughts about daily life, metaphysics, dimensionality, synchronicity, and the human condition.
Random Thoughts of Ebenezer
Links, comments, and news from Sydney.
Random Variables
Expatriate Randal Matheny reflects on bicultural life in Brazil and mixes poetry (couplets and quatrains, mostly), quotes and personal wisdom.
Semi-daily to daily ramblings on the web. nerd news, humor.
Links and reflections on travel, photography, technology and media in California and India.
Brian Arnold's personal blog and website. The insights of a young married guy in the southwest.
Motion distracts.
The rants, and occasional raves, from a guy trapped in today's world.
A place to go to read about music, politics, and anything else that happens to want to spit at ya.
Rant and Ramble
Taken out of context, it must seem so strange.
Rant Central
A personal blog focusing on tech issues and blogging itself.
Rant of Hope
Electrorganic entrepreneurialismo. Digital life, general minty freshness.
Come watch on the webcam under the bed and listen.
This is a site dedicated to the ranting and insanity from the mind of a fifteen year old fan-girl.
Rantings and Misconceptions of Dave
A page dedicated to the laughably stupid things people sometimes do, the nonsense we blindly accept as unavoidable parts of daily life, and the bitterness of one named Dave.
Rantings and Ravings
Rantings and ravings provides links and commentary on a wide array of issues and topics.
Blog combines humor with logic and common sense in its analysis of current events.
Rants and Raves of a Deranged Student
This is a site where to rant and rave about movies, school, friends, family, well just about everything.
Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric by Ezra
Raves on cool web sites, tests passed my way, rants on whatever crawled under his skin, and rhetoric about the society or events. Warning: Visitors may encounter geekiness.
An online journal about information technology, business, software development, project management, agile methods, agile outsourcing, open source, scrum, extreme programming, and software workz.
Raspberry World
Susie's personal site, featuring recommended reading, favorite music, tested recipes, an online journal.
Updated every few days or so. Commentary on whatever...
Ratheesh KrishnaVadhyar
LiveJournal of Ratheesh KrishnaVadhyar.
Lifelog by Dutch journalist with opinions, links and extra attention for Australia.
Random garbled stuff comprised of interesting links, boring ramblings, and glyphs in the old parts, antihaikus in the new. Do not leave it is not real.
Ravenloft's Ramblings
A personal page meets X-E.com all with the blog feature present. Includes rants, raves, reviews and daily comments from guest writers.
RavenX - Thus quoth the Raven
News and links about education, with a focus on education in Texas. Also news and links about other issues of interest to the author: newspaper publishing, scripting, security and Ecuador.
A personal weblog, with various commentaries, some linking and book reviews.
Rayjay's Thoughts
Personal daily activities by a fan of The Screen Savers.
Raymond's Retreat
Asian guy's journal, news and arts blog, exercise blog, and cooking blog. Attempt to find the beauty and humanity of life in Silicon Valley.
rc3.org Daily
Daily commentary on the computer industry, media, and whatever else suits the editor's fancy. Edited by Rafe Colburn.
The life on one man in Rochester, MN, USA.
read ME
One sweet lady's blog. Also author have music for blogs... come by and check it out.
Read/ Write Web
Richard MacManus' weblog about the Two-Way Web.
Reading In The Dark
Humorous commentary on daily life and general observations.
Real Joe
Important stuff. Plain talk. Ordinary guys.
Real World Adoption
Information and opinion on the adoption process.
Realmagga (Unorthodox)
Diary of a maggaman: you think you know, but you have no idea.
Provides a listing of various sites and also has a brief review. May not work with all browsers.
An inside look at one family's journey through a postmodernizing world.
Reasons to Kill my Boyfriend
An ongoing chronicle of things my boyfriend does which make me either spurt milk out my nose or want to pummel him with a stale baguette, leaving no trace.
Rebecca's Pocket
Rebecca's daily weblog, gothica, webdesign resources.
Rebel Snail
No light to your love and no end to your hope.
Recalde, Robert
Him, his friends, and his interests.
Blog site of LA by way of Boston musician Jason Carlin.
Reckless Visionary
This site has political and personal commentary on current affairs, with some original writing thrown in.
Reclaiming Imogen
An exploration of self identity and self construction for one woman in the 21st Century.
Red Sneaker Blog
Personal bog of Brian Matthews from Mandan North Dakota. Red Converse Chuck Taylor All-Stars are the inspiration for this blog.
Red Sock Diaries
Personal musings on romantic triumph and despair, popular culture, and other useless stuff.
An enormous note of interrogation.
Redemption in a Blog
Weblog on web development, Open Source, Java, Mozilla, CSS, programming and blogging.
Misc. Computing, Culture, and Personal Glimpses
Personal views, news, industry links and opinions.
Personal weblog and photolog of Jake Ingman. Also a great resource for incoming ISU students.
Words and pictures by Alan Ralph, software developer/ IT guy.
Redwood Dragon
Kill them all. Blog will know its own.
Blog by Maureen, a law student and sad, sad punk wannabe (it will never happen) living in our nation's anthrax-and-explosion-ridden capital. With a lil help from her friends.
Reese's World
Gay and happily single.
This is an anonymous blog from a soccer referee about games, situations, problems, and just stuff in general. Look out, now the ref's dishing it out.
A weekly opinion column by Quinn Dunki, covering a variety of everyday topics. A Canadian in the US.
Reflections of Life
A photoblog with fun links, great photos, and desktop wallpapers.
Reflections of Me
Opinions on the world around. Plus some other stuff as well.
The weblog and webhome of Adam Belshan, a 20 something nobody from Memphis, TN.
University of Iowa undergraduate computer science student's blog, biography, academic work and portfolio.
Relaxed Intensity
Written thoughts by Matt Metzger. Asking questions about life and learning and trying to find the answers to them.
Outside, inside, love, lust, lost.
What do you get when you cross a blonde, with a blog, Witchcraft, annoyances, and ranting?
Reptile Rants
Somewhere to rant online, mostly to experiment with Google.
Political correctness, rants, technology.
Required Reading Blog
A weblog providing a disturbingly fun glimpse into the mind of a self-employed netrepreneur. Includes website reviews and success for small business owners and internet entrepreneurs.
A blog featuring internet success tips for small business owners, entrepreneurs and web professionals.
Res Publica
Community, sustainability, and baseball are usually on Chris's mind, thereby causing the premature baldness that afflicts him.
Research by Glamour Geek
fashionably intelligent critiques on both luxury and everyday women's style.
Resist Generic Thought
Thoughts, photos, news, and sun.
Results of Restlessness
I'm always restless, with a mind that's always thinking, and I'm always on the Net. This is the result.
Retrospection: A Reader's Journal
Hans Friedrich's forum for rambling and media reviews. Combination soap box, book box and cardboard box. Batteries not included.
Return of the Ghost of Ferro Lad
This blog consists of the burnt fragments of a real-life superhero in the (sur)real world. These are then pounded into an amorphous pulp and spread on white bread with cheese.
Because a Reverend can't be wrong. Commentary on technology, life, and all things unholy.
Rhino's Blog
News and views from a 5th generation San Franciscan, filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist.
Rhopalocerienne's Rants
Commentary on Harry Potter, role-playing games and real life.
Ribbit! A wee wee blog
News that proves that world really is nuts.
Ric Perrott's Witty Commentary
Stay up to date on everything happening with Rics blog, his essays and witty commentary.
Richard Bennett's Omphalos
The navel of the blogosphere, mother of all blogs and vainest of the vanities.
Richards, Ned
'Where writing takes an off weekend'. The life of a London student.
Richy C's Blog
Random ramblings about life, the web, the ODP and interesting finds.
Rick Gebhardt
A journal by a 20 something Minnesotan. My take on life, philosophy, and the world. Also, music and movie reviews.
Riftlands Cafe
Personal weblog, practicing web design and graphics design. Beaverton, Oregon area.
Right Ho!
Personal domain of Ramkumar Duraikannu.
Right On
Literary, humorous, liberal, and bitingly relevant. Sassy and smart, funny and fresh. If randomings was a word, this blog would be full of them.
Right on Time
Musings about post-college life, post-adolescent ennui, life of a midwesterner (Utah) in a big city (Boston). Posts about the internet, the future, technology, literature, music, hipsters, and friends.
Righter Rants
The excessive rantings of a writer-actor-student-believer-rebel with a cause.
Riley Dog
Weglog specializing in canada, poetry, science, and baseball.
Ramblings of a semi-professional, cat-loving, web weaving, water loving, radical lesbian feminist who lives in Eugene, Oregon.
Riz's Waste of Bandwidth
Geek Stuff. Computer engineering student's little nook of cyberspace.
Rob Whelan Dot Com
By Ensign Whelan.
Robalino, Andrés - Androbtech
The personal blog of Andrés Robalino from Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Robbie Becklund Photography
Living my life through black and white photography and the holga camera.
Personal website and weblog.
Personal 'blog of a 20 year old IT student from the South of England, UK.
Funny, rude, and offensive rants from a hilarious, weird guy named Rob.
roBlog dot org
Quasi-philosophical ramblings on usability, software design and development, society, systems, and a host of other topics from the off kilter intellect of the hominid Rob Adams.
Host for a variety of uses, including the music of DJR, web design opportunities, and the Legacies project for Neverwinter Nights.
Rocky's Mom
Journaling and quirky commentary from a mother of two.
Roger's Ruminations
A Weblog of strange, bizarre, interesting, humorous and just plain silly links.
Rogers Cadenhead's Weblog
Rogers Cadenhead, publisher of Cruel Site of the Day, author of Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days and nine other Internet books.
Weblog, journal and website of a British expat photographer based on the Azores Islands.
Rogi is an English (Londoner) photographer, sometimes journalist, and confirmed 'net junkie based both on a sub-tropical Azores island, and in a place nearby Perpignan, France.
Romi Photo
Photography, photo, art painting, pictures, New York, California, Brooklyn, San Francisco, Stanford University, NYC, underground, picture of the day.
Ron Ablang's Blog
All about the public musings (or rants if you will) from Ron Ablang.
Ron's Blog
Nothing grand... just some something for friends and ultimately himself.
Ron's Log
A weblog dealing with technology, libertarianism, photography, gay issues, cycling and health.
Rooms without Souls
This is her world. It's confusing, scary, and right now, pretty cool.
Rorlach, Peter
A web blog with social and political commentary on the USA.
The personal web log of Pete Dapkus. Stuff that seemed interesting at the time.
Roshan's Random Thoughts
Random thoughts on technology, open source, literature, sports and just about everything.
Ross Mayfield's Weblog
Markets, technology and personal musings
Ross Mayfield's Weblog
Markets, technology and musings.
Ross Notes
Weblog of Ross Karchner: the kitchen sink and the bag of chips.
Personal with commentary on news stories.
RRW's Home on the Web
A site about life, family and friends with a daily personal journal.
Rubber Chicken
Information technology-focused commentary and observations about current events, trends and the state of the art.
RugCzar Dot Com
A random collection of video, audio, and images produced and hoarded by two sexually depraved sadistic internet junkies.
Personal weblog diary, art gallery, online literary magazine.
Weblog of a student in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Includes Roel's interests and photos.
Rob Guglielmetti's home on the web. Commentary and chatter on his life, and interests including aviation, computers, lighting design, humor, and bacon.
Rumination of Thoughts
Mohan's thoughts on life and wonderful things.
Ruminations and Ramblings
A journal of thoughts and ideas that occur to her usually while in the middle of doing something else like driving, or trying to fall asleep.
Rumors, News, Off-Planet Activity
random sightings of occasional interest
Running for the Right
A conservative blog based on American politics, law, government, personal, and other related topics.
Running Red Lights
Sticking it to the Man.
Blog with a focus on technology.
Blog with a focus on technology issues.
Russell's Crazy Thoughts
Thoughts, ideas, and arguments about everyday life.
Ruthie's Top Secret Diary
A chronology of the life of a Chicago college student, observations, wit, web travelogue.
Ryan's Nonscence
The Weblog of Ryan Painter.
Technology subjects, politics, life experiences, and a webcam.
The Randyman Can
Random ramblings, leftist and/ or homosexual propoganda, fabulous photos, and other musings.
The Rant of the Week
This blog aims to provide Americans with an education in cynicism, satire and wit.
The Rantings Of A MadMan
A special page that gripe's at just about anything, most will be technical in nature.
The Rape Blog
On-going attitude, commentary, and news regarding sexual violence in weblog format. Coupled with a personal journey in to becoming and being a certified rape crisis counselor.
The Ravings of a Madman
An average, teenage, high-school student.
The RAXHaven
A weblog of news content focused on North Carolina, technology, and the world in general. Users may post comments to articles, or submit new articles.
The ReachM High Cowboy Network Noose
Personal news blog.
The Real John Doe
Artificial intelligence and poetry, web design and theology.
The Reality Book
The blog of university of IL students, Michael Drago.
The Realm of the Restless Dead
Wiccan Seattleite who keeps a log of the sites she finds most interesting, thought-provoking, or simply of what she's thinking that day.
The Red Ferret Journal
Gadgets, games, trivia and interesting web sites.
The RFID Weblog
Easy-to-use RFID news.
The Right Side of my Brain
Oh, a little of this, a little of that.
The Road Less Travelled
Often, you find the clearest, most poignant wisdom in the most unexpected of places. Like here, for instance.
The Road to Surfdom
Well-reasoned discussion of topical political and social issues. Uses humour and sharp analysis to dissect the issues of the day.
The Rogue
Personal site of Antony Seedhouse, aka The Rogue Protokol.
The Royal Kingdom of Tallmania
The official Kaedrin Weblog, maintained by his royal highness, tallman. His sovereign court includes the topics of movies, web design, and books among other various subjects.
The Ruckus
Features topics like pop-culture, current events, and a fair amount of drama thrown in for good measure. Photo albums and other links included.