english deutsch
An Offering of Myself to the World
Woman in Montana writes about her work in a bank, school, and entertainment.
An Ounce of Hope
Personal blog.
Oates for Tanger
A collection with an international scope, by Alan Cowderoy.
Items, experiences, observations of interest. Usually random, always rambling.
Obels.net: Medical Weblog
A Dutch medical intern logs about healthcare related issues.
Objects in the Rearview Mirror
A newly renowned blog site from K.Garnier.
Blog for a neurotic rambler.
Old school Net journalist's online cache of code and commentary.
Observations N Perspectives
Various observations and perspectives that focus on philosophy, existence, dreams and happiness.
Ocean Blog
The mad blogger what blogs at midnight.
Ockham's Razor
The principle is also expressed "Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity."
Commentary on weblogging tools, the MacOS with pointers to other sites of interest.
Odd Existence
The odd existence of a gal.
Odd One Out
Marching band grrl.
Thoughts and snippets from the world of a gay man living in Dublin.
This site is designed to randomly discuss anything from psychologoy to philosophy to relationships and behavior. It is a way to express what one has on their shoulders.
Summarizing the life of Adam Gerik in words and photos.
Off On A Tangent
Seven guys coding decide to create a blog to catalog all the stuff they talk about at lunch and in meetings that is off on a tangent from what they are supposed to be talking about.
Offshore Outsourcing World
Reports on globalization in the technology industry known as offshore outsourcing. Includes original feature articles and a news feed.
The weblog for unplugged gaming news and views, with your host Sven the Ogre.
Flying blind on a rocket cycle.
Ohanimi Blog
An online log about a college girl and her kawaii little life.
This is a postnuke site for our collaborative efforts. News, comments & public article submission.
OldFart: Ramblings of a New Yorker
The blog of the Old Fart confronting the daily obstacles of life while enduring periodic ambushes of the Self Indulgent Blogger.
Oliver Weinitschke Blog
About life, the internet and stuff.
One man's view of the world, technology, and the Washington Redskins.
News, hijinks, and exciting fun.
Dan Willenbring's home for everything webworthy. Pictures, projects, and ramblings.
Omnium Gatherum
There is not a single quality aspect to the production. The acting is horrid. The screenplay is worse. The sets are cheap. The special effects are laughable. The continuity is rotten.
On a Midnight Train to Georgia.....Eating a Peach
Recently relocated to Georgia from Michigan. What an experience.
On a Path
Michelle, the musings of a writer.
On Deciding . . . Better
Tools and information for better decisions in science, medicine and life.
On The Back Porch with Dave
A weblog containing opinions pertaining to politics, feminists, libertarians, objectivists.
On The Road with Iron Mike
The ongoing adventures of a corporate traveller. Rants, delusions and ramblings free with price of admission.
On The Spot
Becky's life "on the spot".
On the Web
Oliver Tseng's thoughts on faith, technology, health, politics, economics, and life.
On Whining Well
Reviews, criticisms, thoughts, general whining about love and love lost and off-beat advice for men.
Once Again With Feeling
The views of Denis Bernicky on breast cancer, teaching and being a family.
One fish, two fish, red fish, shark
A blog which is like a conversation between bloggers.
One Hand Clapping
Thoughts from a Business student on the Far East Coast of North America.
One Point Zero
The weblog and personal space of a freelance web designer and dj living in Brussels, Belgium.
One Wanton Chickie
She likes to hear about stuff and things.
This site chronicles the life of a woman following a dream to lose a ton of weight, bitching all the way.
Musings, Quotations, and an occasional rant. Some short stories, essays, and chess.
I did it all for the story. Story telling ezine, with daily weblog and links you'll like. Click it up.
OnePhatMan home
No diets, no pills, no bull. Weight loss journal.
Almost postmodern. Probably.
Online Recruitment
Observations of applying for jobs online.
A personal journal about everything, anything and nothing.
Ooberlooba Maffydoo
Randomness from a semi-closet geek and born again festival crusty.
Open Brackets
A hopelessly parenthetical freelance translator bemoans the fact that she lives in the South of France instead of her native Canada.
Open Sewer
A website devoted to promoting art, stopping urban sprawl, keeping technology in its place, and providing a starting point for discussion of all these topics. The Open Sewer Discussion Group is based at this site.
Open Stacks
Greg Schwartz provides ambivalent musings on librarianship (and the rest of life too).
Opportunities In Work Clothes
Ramblings from a twentysomething media professional in Hawaii.
Opti Mystic
Just another techie with opinions.
Weblog featuring articles and commentary on art, technology, and current events.
Orange County Girl
Miss Turtle, the girl from OC brings you her life in a handbasket.
Orange Dungarees
A site where links become content.
Everything and anything, pop or not.
A weblog chronicling life South of the brain.
Ordinary Boy
Alex, a manic depressive.
The hole truth and nothing but the truth. well, maybe.
Artwork, gaming, and musings from a pagan student.
Oscitant Ramblings
Music reviews, cultural commentary and sleepy-eyed blog by Casey Durfee.
Otaku Savior: Diary of a Savior
Anime news, rants, and other related material.
Other Side of my Head
Personal website of Kirsten N. Lindquist, web designer, and one kooky nut.
Other Than Linguistics
Personal weblog of links mostly culled from whatever was glanced at today.
Summaries of a student studying for an MBA at the Open University Business School.
Our Lil Home: Forever Love
The daily blog of a girl who was seperated from her love by 4000 miles. Now they are together.
Our Thoughts
Commentary by Kim and Mary Siever on their personal lives, as well as politics, religion and social issues.
Out in Left Field
About parenting and politics and how the two meet. Editorials and reviews.
Out of My Mind
A weekly humor column based upon the life of a middle-aged American husband and father.
Outer Court Blogoscope
Googlosophy, the World, and the World Wide Web, weblogged.
A weblog that combines journalling, street photography, poetry, and links to interesting articles relating to literature, culture, and the arts.
Forum and weblog of Matt Anderson, at the university of Arizona. Daily views on the happenings in his life and the world around him.
Weblog of Robert Bardwell, Network Administrator, Pianist, and Cleveland Indians Organist.
Outrage is a good thing. It means you still care.
Outraged Citizen
Provides a weekly essay on the more outrageous elements of life, government and politics in America.
Outside of Society
Undergrad waitress heading for Doctorate. Liberally opinionated, somewhat esoteric, lover of counter culture and (well...most) humankind.
Facts, fictions, does it really matter?
A personal weblog of a futurist, artist, poet, software geek, family man, unorthodox Catholic, and frustrated Buddhist.
Ozten the NonDogmatic Artist
Art, programming, articles, links and thought.
The Observationist
By Julian Leone. Offers random editorials on current events, news and personal experiences.
The Occupational Adventure
An ever-unfolding mixed bag of nuts, loosely clustered around the central theme of Occupational Adventure - that is, a career that lights your fire.
The Odd Word
Okay, this thing has been around in one form (the fornicating pilgrim was a mailing list) or another since mid 1998. Han and Joli got this baby burning, Vinny and Mikko are two cool cats who are now in on it.
The Official Web Presence of Eddie Jennings
A site with a blog and other intersting things.
The Online Finance Weblog
Easy-to-use online finance news.
The Other Side
A counterpoint blog to Whim & Vinegar on some things, but wholly my own life, trials, tribulations, and laughter in weblog form.
A usability, information architecture and user experience blog from Tom Smith, the OTHER media.
The Outsourcing Weblog
Easy-to-use outsourcing news.