english deutsch
Rants, raves, and excerpts from the life of Garrett Nafzinger.
Personal website of Brian and his blog.
Naked Writing
An ode to convertibles, skepticism and cute lifeguards... science and culture come to a head.
Nancy Shmancy
Where everyday is a bad hair day.
Nancy's Ramblings
Personal journal on love, weight loss, religion and health.
"Sed Non Satiata" - A meandering blog.
Natalie Buxton
A weblog updated multiple times daily with guff about design, web standards, blogging and daily life.
Natalie Demonthighs
The dark and disturbing blog of Natalie Demonthighs. Wait, not dark and disturbing - bizarre and occasionally humorous, informative, opinionated and always enlightening. Or not. You decide.
Navarino UnInCorporated
A humor based site promoting computers, laughter, current events and random ranting. Not for the sarcastically challenged or humor-impaired.
A collection of poems and a short stories based around the life of a young eccentric Englishman.
"A peek into the dark, gritty, dangerous, violent, and often short lives of computer science students."
Complaining, sarcasm, ranting, and various other useless nonsense on a nearly-daily basis.
Neil's World
The world of Neil Turner, a student at the University of Bradford, UK.
A blog from all corners of planet earth.
Neo Godless
Personal website includes information about the author, message boards, javascript, simple HTML guides, picture galleries, photography, poetry.
Collaborative weblog with links to and commentary about the weirdness of the world.
Contains photography, Weblog and links.
A personal site from Minneapolis about technology, web, design, development, and daily life. Photos, links and an obligatory web cam are included.
A daily journal about the adventures of a young woman who is a programmer in the computer software industry. Me so nerdy.
A wicked attempt to better the writing skills of an old man twisted on misbegotten booty.
Personal pages of Amit 'Netahoy' Agarwal, arbit scribbling, nuthin' mood swings, views, weblog.
NetWizard's Blog
A blog covering technology and programming news.
Personal journal of an opinionated web designer.
Nevada Dreamer
Blog of an Internet professional living in Reno, NV.
Never Knows Best
Forsake the lake to see the sea, see?
Never Neutral
Ernesto Priego writes, translates, reads, tries to teach and, sometimes, deejays. He is known for his continuous moaning, but, basically, he is happy.
Never's Spooky Dream House
The adventures of a goth girl in a strange world.
New Jack Almanac
Unfinished dreams of an Ontario resident.
News for a Synergic Earth
A collection of discussions and articles focused on culture, systems thinking and how to create a more sustainable future.
By Amit "netahoy" Agarwal from Delhi, India. A twisted mix of English and Hindi with a punch of lime covering anything and everything that catches his fancy.
Devoted to web design, sciences, and reviews of other weblogs.
Nick Denton
A personal weblog by the writer and entrepreneur, covering media, technology and politics.
Nielsen Hayden, Teresa - Making Light
Author and publisher who writes about and discusses American politics and culture, as well as everyday things.
Night Murmurs
A record of dreams. Can't remember all the dreams so there are also short writing excersises or whatever strikes the mood.
Nil by Mouth
Plenty of human drama and touching denouments.
Nilesh's Weblog
Blogging the tech noosphere. Photoblog and weblog.
Nilsson, Stephanie - The sum of my parts
Swedish student who researches the linguistic and social network of blogs. Personal and professional notes.
Nilsson, Urban - BonkBlog
Presents news from Sweden and the IT sphere.
The life and trials of a graduate in London.
Board-game geeks of Salisbury UK.
Nine Lives
'Well, they are lucky. Let them be nine-lived and contradictory, curious enough to change, prepared to pay the cat price, which is to die and die again and again, each time with no less pain.'
Nino Nano Speed
News, random thoughts and a lot of coffee.
A man, a blog, and a not a lot of free time. Internet, musings, & the important stuff in life.
No Black and White in the Blue
Never seen a bluer sky, I'm ascending.
No Bra Required
Dori is a breast cancer survivor who lives with weekly chemo therapy treatment. She is also teaches high school world history and is the mother of a 5 year old son. Dori is also adopting a baby girl from China.
No Copyright
Random recordings of some random observations/ experiments.
No Weak Links
A collections John McLean's most interesting links from across the web and beyond. Literature, history, culture, language, and drugs.
Between once upon a time and happily ever after. Photolog.
Kirsty's weblog: you learn something new every day.
Interactive journal of David Friedland with personal news and commentary and including an extensive photo album.
The irregular personal weblog of Martijn ten Napel, a Dutch guy who is consultant by day and self-declared internet guru at night. He's a husband to his man 24/7 though.
Nomadic Driftings
Political and religious rantings.
Nomen est Numen
Like everyone, her life could be summed up by suffering, impermanence, and non-self.
Non-sequitur Spanikopitas
Personal weblog.
Stepan's online musings.
Nonsense Verse
A weblog maintained by a real life journalist.
Nonstop to Tokyo
Tim's site is a weblog of his life, with some links to music, film, and other cool sites.
Noosphere Blues
A review and critique of new developments in media, culture and politics.
A blog about playing with whips, chains, rope, and computers.
Not Interesting
A collection of thoughts and facts that are not interesting. Exclamation points are not allowed.
Not Martha
Daily finds, stuff to make, sites to go to.
Not Published
Opinions, humorous stories and technical anecdotes.
Not the Girl I Thought I'd Be
Personal site of a twenty-something woman with a blog and webcam (no nudity). Some size acceptance information and links, personal journey and other interests, food, film, photography, and music.
Notebook of Sand
A writer's transient recordings of text and pictures, inspired by Borges' infinite book.
Notes from the (Legal) Underground
A blawg that asks the question, can lawyers be entertaining?
Notes from Underground
Commentary on various topics, including current affairs, economics, genetics and literature.
Personal website of London based Iain Croll. Includes photographs and daily comments.
Nothing at All
Science to metaphysics, humor to philosophy. I write about what interests me.
Nothing Hurts So Much As The Truth
Dedicated to the discovery of truth, whether in religion, philosophy, government, or personal beliefs.
A Malaysian teen who updates her log daily about her life and other interesting Malaysian things.
Now and Then
Life of a South African family abroad.
Nowhere Fast
You're stuck in a flurry of illusion, going nowhere fast.
NowThis.com Log
A log of whatever catches Steve Bogart's attention sufficiently to provoke a response - Computing, web design, pop culture, comics, music, ethics.
Interviews with CEOs and entrepreneurs.
Nuisance Value
Writings of a Swedish twentysomething guy.
Virtual memory.
Nyte Blogging
Blog of a late 20's American chickie living in Ontario, Canada.
The Neurotic Fishbowl That Is My Life...
A daily weblog about anything and everything.
The New Digital Reporter Notebook
Daily digital lifestyle multimedia magazine. Informal thoughts, ideas and links. Interviews and articles.
The New Topography
Map obsessed.
The North Carolina Experiment
A study in independence, a struggle to define herself, and an effort to improve herself and how she relates to the world.
The Notebook
Fanfiction, reviews, politics, and art.
The Null Device
Current events, culture, resources, ideas, oddities and the odd random thought.
The Numbers Keep on Circling Me
News, pop culture and current events in the US and abroad, focusing primarily on how individual events, and cultural reactions to those events, reshape the culture.
The Nutlog
Another weblog for odds and ends.
The Nyx
A trip into the mind and thoughts of a Miami teenager making his journey through life.