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K J Bennett's Observations
The thoughts of a frustrated writer: linguistic acrobatics, food for thought, anecdotes, advice and even some nonsense.
Some thoughts of k0n.
The story of a girl who shares truth for hopeless romantics in the digital world.
Kaela - Not Your Average Girl Next Door
Her daily activities and moods. Includes pictures.
Kakeru Says
Toronto blogger.
Kakul's Web Log
Personal blog which also talks about latest in technology.
A compendium of personal thoughts, essays, observations, humor, stories, poetry, and commentary on art, graphic design, online games, Flash animation, and creativity on the Web.
A young conservative living near Washington DC's take on everything from cars to electoral politics.
Playing no matter what they say.
Weblog of G.T.Karber.
Karenika Dot Com
Days pass so quickly, why are you wasting your time sitting at the computer?
Karl Anderson's Blog
Personal weblog.
Karlbum's Memoir
Featuring a blog, collection of photos and poems.
Karlyn's Daily Thoughts
Personal Blog of Karlyn Kasperek.
Karma Slave
A lazy student in Colorado.
Karma Universe
fun links, news, thoughts, ...
Visit the page of Australian guy, Kartar, which contains a blog, writing, poetry, and links.
Kassandra in Cyburbia
Idle thoughts of an idle hussey.
Chinese-American girl's blog, webcam and links. Always random, never archived.
Kat Blogging
Personal site of Kathy Ahn. Includes photo albums and blog.
Kat N Marc
Life, with webcams and a journal.
Kat's Korner
A spot on the net for the Weaver vault.
Kate's blog.
Kate Cohen
Visit Kate's weblog in which she discusses art, politics, and her life experiences.
Kate Sullivan Etc.
Thoughts on her life and the media.
Kate's Word of the Day
Stories about ridiculous events in everyday life.
A Mom living in New Jersey, USA.
A girl and her mouse. Personal site with a weblog.
Notes on breaking into web design from a middle-aged mom.
Katia's Blog Blog
Thoughts, news, comments, Shared experiences and fun. Journal of a Brazilian expatriate living in UK. Lots of blinkies and links.
Katie's Musings on Writing
Diary of a currently unpublished writer. Thoughts on what does and doesn't work when writing, submitting, and, hopefully one day, publishing.
KatieGodfather's Danger Zone
Crazy blog of a modern madwoman. You can't escape the danger... most of the time.
Weblog of a girl from NY.
The collected repository for Kavinay Kishor's writing, photography and various geeky fascinations.
A personal blog, a day in the life of Kaylie.
A Keanu Reeves fan. May contain all sorts of unrelated ramblings, adult language and/or original digital art inspired by Keanu Reeves and his body (of work).
Personal weblog from Edinburgh of a 31 year old beer monster.
Digital memory storage.
A semi-open, collaborative weblog experiment, spawned from the ringleader's own home project.
Keith's Weblog
The weblog of Keith Devens.
Kelli Diane
Experience the life, times, and words of Kelli Diane Rodriguez.
Kelly Ann Collins, The Procrastinations of
Site of Internet socialite; includes reviews, links, and journal.
Games news, links, and personal information.
Ken Loo's World
A Malaysian-Chinese weblog from Japan.
Kenyon Ralph
Kenyon Ralph's weblog.
Kerig Pope's Deep Thoughts & Mindless Men
Personal blog with news links and commentary.
Kestrel's Nest
Links, thoughts, and what-not from Athens, Georgia on a wide variety of subjects.
Kevin Nishioka
View Kevin Nishioka's weblog which contains information about him and his life.
Kevin Story
Kevin Story's weblog.
Jokes, games, journal of the website owner.
Personal weblog live from Fort Worth, Texas.
A portobello in the world of sirloin. Enjoying shady places, but happiest when sunshine bursts through the clouds. Classical blog musings of one George Oates.
News and views about my travels, investing, technology and world news.
Weblog by Kei Hirano: economics, statistics, and whatever else I happen to be interested in at the moment
College girl with webcam and diary.
Thoughts and musings of the KickIdle.com Overlord.
Killeridea's blog
A hopefully funny site to record occassional observations on life, politics, news, and any irreverant little tidbits.
Killing Me Slowly
A small look into the opinions of a depressed youth.
E/N site of news, fun, crap, and personal babblings. Internet Users Against the Internet
Kim's Suitcase
Drawings, poems, and scattered thoughts.
Kimberly Teed
She's so vain this site is probably about her. A wife, mom, e-biz'er and eccentric.
The internet home of kimBlim. Daily updates and commentary on everything.
Kin's Kouch
Rants from someone who should know better. More analysis by a right wing wacko.
Cheap Florida retirement. All the information needed to see if you could retire cheap in Paradise. Also the day to day struggles of an early retiree.
Check out this personal weblog where matters of science, technology and the art of weblogging are discussed.
Kirk's Rantings
Long ramblings on America, the media, politics, motorsport.
Have lots of fabby newsy-bloggy-linky-gossipy ideas, but no time.
Kitty Blog
Kat's personal weblog.
Kitty Litter
Visit this blog which discusses anime and includes information on jrock, fanfiction, and anime trade.
Kitty's Paradise
Read Kitty's personal diary which also includes images on Sanrio, music bands, and anime.
watch Kitty blink
Web blog with photos, archives and links.
Kiwi Pinay
Life of a Filipina down under.
Kiwi Pundit
Politics, law and philosophy from Wellington, New Zealand.
Knitter's are funny; we keep you in stitches. A blog about knitting the good life.
Knowledge Discovery Room
A repository of knowledge and ideas discovered daily in life.
Knowledge El Dorado
VeerChand Bothra's blog on Collaboration, Groupware, Communities, Peer-to-Peer, Grids, Clusters, Knowledge Management.
Knuckle Sandwich
Just a blog of the regular happenings of the world from one point of view.
A web site by Khalid Omar, sort of live from Karachi, Pakistan.
Kooky Zany Sinatra
A blog that is always about life, is often entertaining, and is occasionally about screenwriting.
Comments on multimedia and photo comics. Contains downloads of music and holiday videos.
Kottke.org: Home of fine hypertext products
Get into the world of Jason Kottke, a freelance web designer and learn about design, food, weblogs, and living in New York city.
Life and adventures of Super K who does crafts, knitting, crochet, sewing, and photography.
Digital images from Canada.
Kris's Blog
One girl's journal through life, one member of an eclectic international community of bloggers, blogging their secrets on the internet.
Kristin's Minions
Personal journal and photos.
Aaron Suggs writes about news, design, and ideas.
Kuli's Blog-a-Thon
Musings on life, gadgets, website development, and other stuff.
Kung Fu Grippe
Merlin Mann's weblog, covering pop culture, OS X, indie rock, San Francisco, and "the man".
Visit Omanovic's personal website which contains links, articles, thoughts, and readings on the web.
Personal blog of Grant in Canada.
Kyle Thompson's Internet Treehouse Blog
Detailing life, gigs, and St John Ambulance activities.
KynTheMan's Weblog
A perpetually dissatisfied, acutely cynical and chronically depressed undergrad.
Personal weblog of a teacher in the Netherlands.
The K-Force
Daily commentaries and articles wrapped around web links and whimsy.
The Kitchen
Weblog of recipes.
The Krimilian: No-Nonsense Nonsense
Self-professed dork who likes to discuss sports, pop culture, radio and other media, the ridicuality of everyday life, and self-depreciation.