english deutsch
A House Full of Boys
A mother of six boys writes about her life.
Even if you're not with me, I'm with you.
An (almost) daily dose of piefke 3000 in furry English.
Hack the Planet
Wes Felter's comments about software, hardware, Java, Linux, usability and the Mac. Not about cracking or security.
Hail to the King Baby
Thoughts of a twenty-something designer from Central Minnesota.
Haitenshon Eroguro Japaniizu
Rants, raves and ramblings about getting through college, jrock, anime, manga and the need for money.
Another redundant expression of one person's total banality in a highly intermittent weblog format. Half and half; neither one thing nor the other; imperfect.
Mostly daily personal tidbits sprinkled with the occasional link of note.
Hans Kellner Dot Com
Containing photographs, stories, bicycle racing, and other tidbits of information.
Happy Death Inc
Random thoughts from a semi-derranged mind.
Harmless Hobbies
This website chronicles activities to keep busy and stay out of trouble.
Web designer Heather Champ's journal, weblog, and photography site.
Chopped and blogged in nice little chewable bites.
Hate ko si Heinz
A reality blog.
Hate World, Revenge Soon, Take Out Everyone
More true stories from a life more boring than yours.
Have Browser, Will Travel
Jim Roepcke's trek through the 'net.
Heartless Wonder
Eclectic Pagan mom, all around vagrant, anal-retentive DJ, Dew addict, happily divorced (twice), fond of black roses and other girly things.
Heaven, Hell or Hoboken
Fear and loathing (and technology) in Philadelphia.
Contributing to academic bloat everywhere.
Held in Contempt
Law, entertainment, and an occasional dose of shoe-shopping.
Her Own Eyes
High school student running for President in 2024. Weblog, photographs, and links.
Hey, You
Married Texas guy with a kid and a job writes about family and other personal interests.
Hi! I'm Black!
Glenn Harris discusses movies, philosophy, religion, and daily life.
Hidden City Graffiti
An exploration of a personal vision through various writings on the world around us.
Hippiegrrl Explains It All
Peace, love and happiness through knowledge and nostalgia. Truckin' down old nostalgia road with great music, a laid back attitude, and a dazed out sense of humour.
Hippocleides Doesn't Care
Thomas Roger Bissell III, AKA skillet shares his journal, musings, poetry, and photo albums.
Hit or Miss
A personal weblog and journal of a residence hall supervisor.
Hitched to Everything
The thoughts of one Robert Stribley, who plans to contribute his dispatches with characteristic infrequency.
Nathan's weblog.
Offers movie reviews and analysis of news, politics, and social issues.
Hot Air and Hand Grenades
An old hippy's view of politics and current events.
Hot Links
Interesting links collected from the world wide web.
Hot Water Bath
Life, family, politics, media and, oh yeah, canning.
Hotel Illness
Life in fiction, verse, and muttered curses.
HotPepper.ca Blog
Posts about search engines, web design and browsers.
House Arrest
Sometimes quirky, sometimes funny, always honest.
Hubs from Colorado shares news and experiences.
Humor Hangout
Comic essays on daily life by a woman called Hope.
Expressing personal opinions about programming in general.
Commentary on news and culture with a focus on San Francisco, technology and literature. Includes diary content and links to pranks and culture jamming resources especially in the Bay Area.
The Hindsight Factor
Online journal of political op-ed's and editorial cartoons maintained by an expatriot American.
The Howdy Kid Online
The life of a university student including work, school, family, and friends.