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A Girl and Her Life
A girl, two kids, a husband, some pets, some rantings, and her life.
A Girl, a Browser, and a Lot of Spare Time
Blurbs from the web from a girl in Seattle.
Life and times of Gary Brewer as he travels the world and does things.
Simon R. Hughes shares his interest in reading, writing, and related humanistic endeavours.
Garfieldt's Blog
Writings about the best sites he finds on the web, his life, and politics.
Sharing news and humor.
Garry Huang's Web Portal
Sections on the Mac, finance, life, and business.
Gary Weisserman's Bafflingly Low Tech Website
Politics, technology, education, and eclectica.
Gautam Ghosh on Management
Gautam's thoughts on organizations, work, people, strategy, learning, knowledge, innovation and high performance. focused on India, but spanning the globe.
Gauteng Blog
Views of a resident of Gauteng Province, South Africa.
Gavin reads books, newspapers, listens to good music and thinks Bill Hicks rocks. Read his take on international events.
Gay Librarian
The anti-adventures of a gay male librarian.
Gecko Tales
Collection of short stories, daily thoughts, and pictures from Georgia writer and native Scott Thompson.
Geek Blog
Ramblings of an abnormal geek.
Geek Habitat
Texas geek gal's weblog featuring photography, writing, and geek-stuff.
Geek Log
This is the personal website of Jeremy. Nifty stuff by nifty people.
Featuring lighter content. Current events with a humorous side.
Geekman's World
Collection of geeky news, culture, and creations.
Weblog with links to stories with synopses from a variety of sources.
Sharing her obsession with computers and unicorns.
Geekward Ho
Pillowtalking blog.
Geese Aplenty
Containing any number of frequently updated tracts, tirades, and textceteras.
Geese Aplenty
Inane drivel with more active verbs.
Straight forward girl talk.
Daily ramblings of a computer and IRC addicted woman and her cats who escaped the big city for an idyllic life in rural Scotland.
A superhero posts about his superhero family.
Get Awesome.
Yimay is the Chinese American princess.
Get It All Down
Illinois library cataloger Amy writes as fast as she can.
The leader in D-list weblogs.
Ghost in the Machine
Conjuring political, cinematic, and cultural arcana.
Giddy Girlie
Information on her crafty projects, thoughts, and links.
Gideon's Bible
Advice, news, and life from anne in Colorado.
The perfect combo of estrogen and a sense of humor.
The weblog of Andy Gimblett, a programmer living in Cardiff, United Kingdom. Just whatever bits and bobs happen to float around in his head.
Pointless posts and information on his sketch comedy, Young Pups.
Gina Snowdoll's Chit Chat
Gina's musings on transgenderism, fashion, music, records, books, telly, life, the universe, and everything (allegedly).
Gipsy's Musings
Weblog of a posh rat who does web design, plays SCA, and has a beautiful daughter.
Girl With The Curls
Observations of a spoiled brat.
GirlHacker's Random Log
A place to stick those random thoughts that pop into her head.
Andrea is single, because to be a bitter twenty something you have to be. Andrea has a long history of bad relationships she refers to as "book fodder".
Girls are Pretty
Telling readers what to do every single day.
Photographs, words, and music.
Give Life a Little Swirl
Life of an executive businesswoman in Southern California.
The often drunken ramblings of a midwestern college student.
Information architecture, usability and interaction design issues, plus the odd thought.
Glenn's Log
Often daily musings on wireless networking, the Mac, and blogging life in general.
Glimpse of a Grrl
Life in Colorado with her hubby, cats and a puppy.
Glitch NYC
Occasionally funny, occasionally so technical it's excessive, and sometimes even a little taboo.
Glitter Blog
Featuring personal, Buffy, and pop culture banter.
Global home of international hyperculture.
Daily finds from Osaka, Japan.
General musings from the land of GNIKville, bringing you all things GNIK.
Go Cool
Daily weblog of a university student: his ideas, pictures and other information.
She's a hockey nut, a goalie, a computer geek, an American living in Canada, a mom, and a wife. Whew.
God Made Fried Chicken
Personal journal, profile, rants, photographs, and links of a man in Texas.
Matt Godbolt covers his personal life, comedy web links, C/C++ development, and the odd rant.
Sharing her thoughts, artwork, and writings.
Goddess Musings
Feminism, baseball, and politics.
Reading, writing and whatever else Jen McIntosh wants.
Godless Liberal Homo
Rants and items of interest.
Features all things Jason L. Gohlke, a.k.a. Gohlkus Maximus, a web designer based in Minneapolis. Includes such scintillating features as a portfolio and an anti-blog. Peppered with much self-righteous navel-gazing. Illustrated.
Going Domestic
First-hand accounts of Laura's misadventures.
Going Jesus
The life of a church secretary.
Gonzo ID
Journalistic weblog taking a sideswipe at all that is impure and full of bad ju-ju.
Humor columns and logs of a writer in Portland, Oregon.
Good Reputation Sleeping
The evolution of visual journalism in webbed world.
Good Vs Evil
Glen writes about the war of good vs. evil. Incidentally he fights on both sides.
Goofy Girl Blog
Heather shares her adventures, mishaps, and other random things she find on the web.
The thoughts and projects of a programmer/ musician/ gamer living in San Diego.
Her little space on the web, includes a webcam.
Gordano Bruno
Sharing theoretical biology, photography, and world news.
Links that would be wasted in a bookmarks file. This is one of the few weblogs you can have delivered.
Got Marko?
Web, woodworking, and whatever.
Gotta Have My Pop
Daily musings on life, love, and all things pop culture.
Govinda R. Talluri shares news and thoughts.
Weblog of Jonathan Wilson, Christian missionary church-planter in Tokyo, Japan.
Newlywed grad student living in Alabama tries to make her way through her thesis and knits all the way.
Brian Bilbrey, NPS, maintains a daily personal/technical web log in the Grafitti section of Orb Designs Online. Linux is a recurring theme.
Random rants, reviews, and stuff found on the web.
Gratuitous Sax and Senseless Violins
California blogger.
Green Apple Moblog
Photographic journal of places, people, and the natural world. Searching relentlessly for the art in the everyday.
Green Fairy Dot Com
Life of a woman in London.
Exploits of a man in Canada.
Days of an IT guy living near Southampton.
Random web-mutterings of a witty 20-something guy living in Dallas, Texas.
Greg Willis
Writing and photographs about travel, home improvement, and other stuff.
Greg's Place
Writer, web designer, and attorney at law.
Greg's Soapbox/Therapy Couch
Greg Evans shares the many things either irritate or amuse him.
Humor writer Gregory Trieste's daily blog on entertainment, sports, politics, life in Seattle, and getting married.
This is a site about everything and nothing. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.
Gregz Words
Sharing thoughts and interesting web finds.
Grep Computers
Play with computers, work with computers, read about computers...so write about computers. Everything (and then some) he experiences about computers.
Gretchin Lair: Alive & Kicking
Gretchin discovers the joys of blogging, and, depsite the overwhelming odds, continues to maintain a personal blog.
Grim Amusements
Daily dose of corrosive cynicism.
Grinch Rants and Raves
Assorted ramblings and opinions on people, entertainment, and current events.
Nerd news and links.
Links to offbeat, unusual, bizarre, and funny sites on the net.
Groovy Chick
Trials and tribulations of being a soon to be remarried 30-something in the south.
The ramblings of a 25-year-old geek who lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Growing Up All Over Again
Addiction, recovery, buddhism, spirituality. Working on understanding and compassion, one day at a time. Likes cats.
A question driven weblog.
Grumblings from the Lower Cerebrum
The misadventures of a stay-at-home dad.
Grumpy Princess
San Francisco, martial arts, and the occational grumblings of a self-described Princess.
Grumpy Times
Rants and musings of a grumpy curmudgeon.
The ongoing chronicle of a college student going through dorm life and dumb professors, looking to escape someday.
Commentaries and sometimes humorous observations, on subjects including fashion, politics, current events, aging, women, and Caribbean culture.
Gus Mueller
Writes about computers, work, and life.
Jen Gray
Photographs and thoughts of a creative woman.
The Girlie Matters
Redhead, divorced mother of three shares her thoughts.
The Godden Blog
Life as a Godden in Tingewick, Buckinghamshire.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Adventures in the life of thirty-something Southern Belle living the life of mom/step-mom of five teenagers.
The Gordon Gould Weblog
This site has no tagline.
The Greenehouse Effect
Personal reflections and political observations of a liberated lawyer working the fields of Georgia politics.
The Grey Ghost
About music, day to day events, quizzes, and general information.
The Grub Report
Life of a cookbook photographer in California.
The Guerrilla Rant
Some things political, all things cynical.
The GunBlad3
Life of a Christian living in Singapore.
The Gutless Pacifist
A church pastor provides a place for dialogue about faith, politics, and peace.