A Deviant Subculture Of One
Writing about the madness slowly creeping in on a cube dweller in Toronto.
A Diary of Kyramas
Nikolas Kyramarios writes about his experiences and share his photographs.
Da Vagabond's Blog
Musings on religion and politics, and anything else that may traverse his little mind.
Daft and Demented
Random humor and insanity from a girl who belongs on another planet.
Pseudo-philosophical rants of a madman who fancies himself an intellectual.
Dahl's House
The life of a New York woman moving to California to get her masters degree.
Daily Illuminations
Sporadic speculations, alliterative anecdotes, all updated under whim and whimsy.
Dan Lynch Online
Random thoughts on various topics from a Canadian university student.
Dancing with Dogs (or Those Crazy Asians)
A commentary on current affairs in the world, movies, music, books, sports, and spirituality.
The hybridized personal/technology/Internet-related weblog of Dan Engler.
Dangerous Dan Ewert's Blog Site
Thoughts and musings as they come to him. Ah yes, social commentary too.
Dangerous Meta
Daily links in reference to art and applied digital technology.
The personal site of hentaidan destined to have content at some point.
Daniel Shaw's Blog
Writes about life, computers, and amusing internet finds.
Daniella's Misadventures
The life and pictures of a New Orleans woman in New York.
Danny Yee's Pathologically Polymathic
Covering politics, science, travel, and books and literature. Modeled on the Robot Wisdom weblog.
Danny's Raw Blog
Mostly discussions about metadata and some personal items of interest.
Dante Woo
By Dante Woo. Oooh, you're too young to say you're through with love. We are Siamese if you don't please.
Dark Days Ahead
Political and personal commentary on current events.
Dark Poetry Prose Poetry
Journal style website of prose, poetry and art.
It's a blog, it's a personal site, it's got sweet photos.
A fairly typical weblog type thing written by a mildly obsessive video gamer. It's still young, but is starting to get funny feelings about girls.
Das Blog
Blog featuring political and social commentary and technology news.
Data Angel
Seemingly random collection of one girl's thoughts, ideas, and ranting. Explore Baltimore through her eyes and the eyes of her Canadian husband.
Dave's Picks
A twice-weekly list of links to stories Dave Polaschek finds interesting, with commentary on each.
Dave's Ramblings
Random thoughts and ramblings as he stumble through this world of information sharing.
Not quite daily snapshots from a manic, derelict graphic designer in New York City.
Weblog and photoblog for Dave Parker and family of Tracy, California.
Daves Logs
College student reviews computer games and discusses his research on games.
Aartist, photographer and voiceover specialist shares his world.
Dave's opinions on just about everything and then some. But mostly politics and stock car racing.
A thorn in the side of the A-List. Read, laugh, get on with your life.
David Appleyard
Technology/internet related weblog discussing the latest advances, web design, and documenting the life and work of a designer.
David Bau
Dabbler in the future of technology. Topics include trends in software, the internet, wireless, open source, java, Microsoft, hacking, and other amusing things.
David Farrar's Politics Blog
Things political, things internet and anything else.
David Grenier
Writing about anarchism, animals, politics, media, and urban legends.
David's Daily Diversions
Social, political, religious, and personal commentary designed as small versions of the David's Mental Meanderings e-letter.
David's Techie Musings
General musings on technology, consumer electronics, photography and electronic music.
One man, one site, many weblogs: David Gagne posts about himself, football, music, and, yes, Hemingway.
Discussing media, design, the web, random stuff, and general commentary on the world all in a little weblog.
Dawn Xiana Moon
Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, actress/ director/ producer, University of Michigan student, science fiction nut, and child of God.
Dawn's Ponderings
The idle ramblings of a pagan activist, mother, and college student.
Day for Night
Web journal of a film student in New Orleans with way too much time on his hands.
Daysleeping It All Away
All about Bryan Botta in Chicago, Illinois.
Daytime Running Lights
Collection on notes, wit, and punditry on everything from music production to his latest inconsequential drama.
Web/print designer David Bloomfield's personal weblog and portfolio. Includes news and articles.
DD Sez
The ramblings of Dave Diamond about baseball, politics, and current events.
Dean Landsman rants, writes, opines and generally blogs about pop culture, media, sports and anything else that pops into his mind and out of his fingertips via the keyboard.
Dear Sunshine
A fine mix of thoughts and emotions. Creating a perfect mind.
Deckchairs on the Titanic
A monologue on art, culture, and the death of bad technology.
Deconstruct Me
Where music, books, the internet, and life in Melbourne co-exist in harmony.
Official site of Meg Holle and her novel 'The Teaching Emotion'. Includes 118 page excerpt, obtaining information, author biography, and a whole lotta ones and zeros.
A weblog maintained by Xavier Defrang and updated on a daily basis. Expect links about art, technology and weird stuff.
Matthew's website with links to law, libertarian, conservative, science, and other items of interest and humor
Indoor dumping ground for low risk comments and attempts at literary amusement. Writing about randomly encountered literature, art, philosophy, political phenomena, and cultural artifacts.
Dennis S. Hurd
Personal blog for family and world-wide friends. Written from New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada.
Dennis.ca Weblog
Personal weblog from Ottawa, Ontario with varying topics including technology, computer security, politics, stories, and photography.
Department K
The personal journal of Kristian Cee, an aspiring grownup and corporate drone.
Derek Sunshine
Weblog of Derek Sunshine, web programmer, in Richmond, Virginia.
A Seattle native thats always out drinking, boozing, peeing, and causing a ruckus with badly planned public works projects (homelessweek for example).
Des - A Pig in a Wig
A Swedish man studying in England, with a great interest for the Swedish royal family.
DesArmo, Brian
Blog about computers, BRiNET labs, himself, politics, and quotes. Also contains files for download and a gallery.
Design Log + Life: Weblog of Paul Mayne
A peek at the life of a freelance web designer and comments on Flash, design, photography, and living in Salt Lake City.
Weblog about journalism, news, media and culture by Mark Deuze (Indiana University/University of Amsterdam).
Gabe Guzman's weblog filled with random thoughts, book reviews, aikido information, and accounts of personal adventures.
Developing Developer's Blog
Lucian Sandor's personal blog, describing his initiation in programming technologies, interspersed with current news.
Deviant Brainwave
Music, vegetarianism and life in general from a wannabe music reviewer.
Diagonally Backwards
Journal full of minutia, misanthropy, and scathing analysis of the human experience.
A weblog of an 18 year old Australian male, living the highs and lows of student life. Constant incoherant drabble and rantings and random shit must be expected.
Stefano Gorgoni talks about food (mostly Italian food) and technologies (mostly open source technologies).
Diary of a Glitter Splashed Britney Lovin' Le
A 23 year old butchey femme with rubbish on her mind and sparkles everywhere else.
Diary of a Hedgewitch
Hedgewitch's blog. Real life, real writing, opinions, and pictures.
Diary of a Mad Web Lackey
Find out how business writer Nancy Kamp copes when she's in over her head, and skill level.
Diary of a New Homemaker
News and opinion likely to be most of interest to stay-at-home parents and/or caregivers, but not necessarily. Part of The New Homemaker site.
An insight into the life of an internet buff. Includes commentary on a range of issues from technology to politics.
Digital Catharsis
Home of The Mighty Jimbo: A rock-climbing, vegetable-eating, globe-trotting, navel-gazing, fitness junkie, corporate monkey and occasional road warrior with a laptop.
Digital Musings
Random thoughts and utterings of a netizen interested in technology, photography, current affairs, and reality TV programs.
Digital Swirlee
Amorphous and elegant, it's all about us analogue creatures connecting to a digital abode.
Digital Tachyon
The life of a computer geek and the events of existence.
Covering topics such as technology, Java, programming, San Francisco, and blogging.
The personal Web site of Dinka Souzek, formerly known as Dinka Keglevic.
Jan Eggers writes about conspiracy theory, philosophy, education, politics, advertising, propaganda, mind control, alternative press stories, and odd bits of information.
Dirty Beloved
Photography, art, literary criticism, and oddball links and commentary.
Dirty Feet and Lily White Intentions
A Santa Cruz, California based journal twining truth and fiction.
Discrimination Blog by Daniel
Musings of a gay low-profile IT freelancer in San Francisco who plays piano, flies planes, and sues his psycho ex-boss for discrimination.
Dislocated Fictions
Writer, critic, polemicist and agent provocateur, Gabe Chouinard.
Adores taking stupid photos and videos. Reflections on Lumpy's life.
Disorderly Content
One Silicon Valleyite's perspective on life, politics, tech toys, and whatever else comes by his desk.
Dissento's (Culture) War Journal
A frank, intelligent look at politics, media, current events, and the "culture wars."
Distorting the Medium
The ancient wisdom of Chris. His thoughts on everything.
Frank Pape shares stories of his short-lived obsessions with interesting things.
Technology, personal, and random writing from Frank Pape, a highly distracted programmer.
Photoblog that provides snapshots into the life of a New York high school student, Scott Brainard.
Standard blog stuff plus web dev news, nerdy news, blog news and webcam.
Do Not Eat the Photos
Photographer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin shares abstract images as well as clear shots of buildings and people.
Do You Feel Loved?
The personal weblog of Chris Conroy, formerly known as Not Enough of Me. Still in New York, still talkin' nonsense.
Doberman Pizza
Personal, spiritual, and political contemplations from a Canadian Baha'i believer.
Chris Sills from Edmonton shares his experiences and opinions of technology.
Dogged Blog
There's a lot here about dogs, but more about politics.
Dogs Don't Purr
Miscellaneous mind wanderings about road trips, travel, cocktails, humor, life in three cities, and observations of the absurd.
A slightly quirky view of the world, from the person known as the Domesticat. A journal, photos, writings, and other snippets.
The trial and tribulations of a plain, spinsterish girl living in Philadelphia, dreaming of Germany.
Blog by Don Hitchen of politics, current events and the general affairs of Vancouver, Canada, and the world.
"I talk a lot about poop, boobs, my dog, and my daughter." Dooced: to lose one?s job because of one?s website.
Personal weblog of Stephen Eyre (alsotop). Ramblings on games, technology, and the internet, with random postings appearing from friends and family.
Doug's Dynamic Drivel
A daily left of center journal centered on politics, telecommunications and society. Not a warblog.
Dougal's Slightly Less Funky Homepage
Ramblings of a southern geek. Links to various things: the bizarre, the important, and the sublime. Computers, art, politics, and the stupidity of everyday people are just some of the topics likely to be seen.
Almost daily observations from someone who makes a living by slinging words.
Dr Seamus Phan
Published author and consultant talks about business leadership, marketing, internet and other technologies, and holistic health.
Dr. Dave's Blog
Chemically-enhanced neural rewiring on a semi-regular basis.
Dr. Forbush Thinks
Commenting on science, politics, and the everyday life of a physicist.
Dragonball Dynamo
A moderate Dragonball Z t-shirt and poster enthusiast.
Drama Queen Confessions
Daily happenings and confessions of a 30-something living in the midwest with her husband and four children.
Weblog and information on pregnancy, childbirth and babyhoood. Maintained by a father, his partner and new baby son, Christian.
Dreaming Witch
Designs in the works, problems with tech, happenings in, gems, chocolate clique, drama queen.
Links to under reported stories, boring stuff about life and some inside jokes.
Drink This...
The random rants, raves and recommendations of one Tall Glass of Milk.
Drisgill Blog
Posting about technology, programming, and design with a focus on ColdFusion programming.
Dropping Bombs On Your Mom
A blog site that takes delight in the useless stupid fun you can have by doing odd things in public.
Alec Muffett muses primarily upon the topics of computer and network security, real-world security, and information technology.
Drownout News
Amol Sarva on philosophy, consulting, technology, New York, and the world today.
Du Verger
The blog of Jedidjah L. de Vries, a philosophy and political science major. A look at society and the world.
Everything and nothing, boring, but sometimes entertaining one should linger, and the unexpected serendiptitous moment may occur.
Fighting off information overload by writing about Canada and the surrounding world news.
Dutchblog Israel
Observations, articles and opinions in Dutch and English. Author is a historian who specialized in modern Jewish history and in history of the Middle East, and who in 1995 emigrated from the Netherlands to Israel.
Dygital's Blog
Posting about technology, politics, and everything in between.
Dylan Greene dot com
A custom home-made blogging system taylored around sharing over 10,000 photos from Washington, DC-area road trips, bars, and parties.
La Diva De La Telephono Blanco
Rumi Erica Steele writes about life, laughter, broken hearts, current events, and the philosophy of life.
The Daily Depression
Journal about depression, reality, the monotony of real life, relationships, and work.
The Daily Nugget
News sprinkled with sarcastic commentary, one nugget at a time.
The Daily Stitch
A voyeuristic look into the life of an Renaissance seamstress, and the people who are trying to drive her utterly insane.
The Daily Tattler
Rampant with conspiracy theories, reviews, and stories.
The Daily Vexation
An artist's weblog of miscellany which sometimes becomes a journal, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Den Mother Speaks
Source of insight on all topics worth thinking about, tenders her opinion, analysis, and/ or personal reflection on the subject of her choice.
The Den: Deep Vision
A mixed-up twenty-something woman brings you the usual nonsense: quotes, writing, travel.
The Dharma Blog
Covers fly fishing, outdoors, traveling, art, and writing.
The Dinghy
A blog which seeks to create a matrix for happiness using such tools as apathy, monotony, tedium, cordovan shoes and ketchup-stained napkins.
The District Sleeps
Weblog about music, movies, technology, politics, and coffee.
The Dominion Wine and Cheese Society
Vivek Krishnamurthy shares opinions and observations on wine, cheese, politics, culture, and technology, as well as a few incriminating photographs.