english deutsch
A Casa da Lenita
Writing about what's good, what's bad, and what's interesting about life.
A Click in the Dark
Covering travel, computers, and society.
As Canadian as Possible
If you cut him open he bleeds maple syrup.
Photolog, art, journal, and ramblings.
Tried to tell her dreams, more bad metaphors would spill. Tried to know her heart, similes and grammar would fail.
Calling Planet Earth
Fresh squeezed blog. Multi languages, including English.
CamelBlog: The Life of a Performing Dromedary
The musing, griping, laughing, and bitching of and at all those things that make life interesting both onstage and the world around.
Florida man shares a doorway to the inner-workings of his mind.
On filmmaking, astronomy, pop culture, Vermont, politics, coffee, comics, and the nerd life.
The life and times of a pseudo-Irish lass. Caoimhe's comments on art, books, and life.
Life of a twenty-something web developer/freelance writer in New York.
Cap'n Ken's Homespun Wisdom
Hits on topics in the news, general ranting about life, and other politcally-incorrect topics.
Captain Cursor
Thoughts on interface and technology from the big orange cheese.
Suresh Kumar writes about his life in the United Kingdom as well as news from around the world.
In the future, everyone will have weblogs. Some of them will be a putrid olive-goldish color.
Posting about her life and current events.
Carlos' Realm
Ramblings by a content creator and adapter, web and multimedia designer, and singer.
Carol's Little World
Carol's very own corner of the internet.
Virtual Christy: An analog chick living in a digital world.
Cat in the Mist
Pictures and experiences of a woman in Mississippi.
Cat Walk
Feral cats and political honesty are both elusive. The first overbreeds, the second appears to be a threatened species.
Science fiction writer living in Vancouver, British Columbia. An erstwhile design martinet and/ or flunky, currently on sabbatical.
Catherine's Pita
New York-based weblog focusing on music, movies, media, politics, and various other stuff.
Cathy's Blog
Life of a college student in Boston.
Caught in Between
Just another boy caught in between nonsense and non sequiturs on media, pop life and technology from a cynical brutha in Silicon Valley.
Cause I Like to Hear Myself Talk
Commentary on things going on in the world, television, and personal experiences.
Cause What's Real is Really Real
Librarian writes about her family and experiences.
Caveat Lector
Commentary from a childfree, vegetarian library-school student.
Celtic Kane
Information on the personal hobbies and projects of Sean Patrick Kane.
Almost daily blatherings and neato links from a semi-recluse in San Francisco, California.
Chad Lauterbach's Blog
Sharing photographs and experiences.
Chad Williamson
Writing to prove that computer nerds can be rich and good looking.
Chad's Blog Stuff
Aspiring writer's daily thoughts and information about him and his upcoming writings.
Personal site with frequently changing themes.
A pro-choice, pro-gay, heterosexual catholic father of three talks parenting, politics, and kids.
Chandra K. Clarke
Clean, thoughtful week humor by Chandra Clarke. Freelance writer, author, humour columnist and space enthusiast.
Chantal - Have Laptop will Travel
Online articles on daily observations, society, work, London, and Dublin.
Chaos Terminal
Punk music, web development, technology in general, and life. Yum yum.
A weblog with musings on software development, digital rights, link propagation, and life in India.
Charles Nadeau's Radio Weblog
A weblog about technology, tools and knowledge management.
Pondering life, philosophy, and amusements.
Chase Me Ladies, I'm in the Cavalry
Tales of a person teaching English in Hong Kong.
Cheap Thoughts by Ken
Observations on life, history, and science with a Seinfeld-like perspective and a touch of George Costanza's cheapness.
Check Six
Opinion on science, sports, and some politics with other miscellaneous stuff thrown in for good measure.
Cheeky Prof
Commentary from a malcontent academic.
Cheep Chick
Her idiosyncratic take on animals, vegetables, minerals, and anything else that pops or blunders into her head.
Occasionally cranky commentary from Manila.
Trent Huhn, a teenager in Minnesota, writes about his thoughts on life.
Student in Naperville, Illinois writes about life, gadgets, friends, and pastimes.
Chez Chrissie
Home page and blog of Christine Harper, 30-something writer in the West Midlands, UK.
Chgo Red - Girl Editor
All about life, pop culture, and news from an irreverent point of view.
Chicago Acting Blog by David Lawrence
Chicago acting information and news.
Chief Wiggles
Home from Iraq. One man can make a difference.
Chief's Blog
A collection of unique political and philisophical insights from the right.
Chinwags from Abu Dhabi
Into the mind of Arvind Satyanarayan from technology and geekiness to school and scouts.
Chip's Spynotebook
Writing about entertainment, news, and amusements.
Chirag Mehta writes articles on computers, philosophy, economics, and anything else.
Tales of a working mom in Salt Lake City.
Chopsticks and Forks
Read and watch a young homosexual male struggle through life.
Chris Abraham Blog
Writing about news, life, and pop culture.
Chris Brauer Media Project
Ideas from pop culture to politics, technology, social sciences, business, media, sports, and life.
Chris Holstrom's Blog
A personal webpage concentrating on music, literataure, film, politics, and what every other blog is about. Reviews of books, albums, and films.
Chris Magazine
Devoted to sly social commentary, humor, and satire from the mind of Chris Messina.
Chris Pirillo: Getting Screwed While Everyone Else
The life and times of the world's geekiest geek: Chris Pirillo. This blog has nothing to do with something and something else to do with nothing. Whatever.
Chris's Journal
A comical look at the days events of a bloody student.
Posting whatever clever things can be found on the web.
Chris Ruzin comments on politics, technology, and whatever else tickles his fancy.
Christina In London
Chronicles of a random Canadian in England.
Christoph Burkhardt's Weblog
Links and thoughts about information technology and life in general.
Christopher Boyce
Comments, photographs, and everything unimportant.
Christopher Thomas Master Lock and Key
Taking a look at the world we live in and sharing photography and poetry.
Sharing his photographs and comments.
Bubble wrapped for your pleasure.
Chronicles of Bean
Musings by Cindi, a librarian by education and a techie by passion.
Chronicles of Hectia
A blog by Paul Simpson. General commentary, useful links, and general rantings.
Chronicles Of Wasted Time
A sometimes funny, often serious look at politics, film and culture.
Art, architecture, design, technology, and life in Manhattan.
An amusing commentary based around the daily life of Bob Chester.
Weblog and daily rambling of a Hong Kong native studying in Massachusetts who aspires to become a world traveller. Chun-shek speaks five languages and writes both poems and programs.
All about sleep and the study of it.
CK's blog
Writing about his exciting life.
Blog with a decidely web design slant, from Richard Rutter.
This is where her brain does its oil-spill thing.
Clasione's Blog
New Yorker writes about his wanderings about the internet.
Claudy Mok
Personal weblog of a Hong Kong girl living in the Netherlands.
Clever Title Here
The life of a seminary student: random, fun, odd... the church, politics, life, friends, school, and everything else too.
Clever Wot
University of Michigan law student touches on political, legal, and entertainment issues and shares wacky life experiences.
Cleverly Named Blog
Answers the questions that no one asked. Wry, dry, and superfly.
Climb to the Stars
Tara's weblog focuses on net culture, web design, India and the West, as well as her personal writings (essays, creative pieces and a detailed travelogue of her year in India).
Clods Weblog
Links to sites he finds funny or odd.
Closet Therapy
Place to rant and rave about new fashion trends that she loves or hates.
Cloud Hidden, Wherabouts, Mukilteo
Artist shares illustrations, photographs, and gardening news.
An online journal of the lives of a 20-something couple and their eccentric dog.
Halcyon shares pictures, art, and writing about intimacy and lunacy.
Coda Blog
Dress up. Leave a false name. Be legendary.
Code: the Web Socket
The ramblings of an old critical care nurse, including stories from the bedside, news links, opinions, recipes and politics.
This site is the weblog of a man with the alias of CodeMac. He likes Macintoshes and programs on them.
Codie's Blog
Writing about technology and news.
Thoughts, musings, nonsense and, very occasionally, a hint of genius.
Dutch web developer shares industry news and personal tidbits.
Cohabitation Nation
News and commentary about cohabitation, marriage, and other topics of interest.
Collective Memoirs
Vietnamese girl residing in Sydney, Australia writes about her personal life and happenings.
Humorous rants, tales, and anecdotes from a jaded college student.
Common Knowledge
Christopher Coyne's blog focusing on economics, culture, and current events.
Mark Friedlander's discusses topics like technology, entertainment, law, film, music, science, culture, and design.
Completing the Square
Thoughts and experiences of a vegetarian college student in Atlanta.
Concealed Position
Covering topics from precision rifle technique to spirituality to survival skills - in prose and verse.
Confederate Yankee
Political and social commentary above the Manson-Nixon Line.
Confessions of a G33k
Commentary, insight and techno-lust.
Confessions of a T-Shirt Junkie
Offers reviews of unique t-shirts found on internet travels.
An annotated bookmarks page, a scratchpad for thoughts and ideas, a place to post photos and somewhere to experiment with web design. To keep in touch with friends far away.
Considered Design
Moira Burke, library web developer in Portland, Oregon on usability, innovation, and the meaning of life.
Essentially a commentary on personal life, current affairs, war, Iraq, government, consumerism, people, Australia and anything else that takes fancy, or not.
Consolation Champs
Top of the B-List. A personal weblog.
Consortium For Undermining Conservative "Thou
A collection of left-of-center news and commentary, as well as random weird internet humor.
Conspiracy of the Month
Life is a conspiracy.
Conspiracy Parrot
Trawling the web looking for interesting, weird and unusual news that isn't covered in the mainstream press.
Constructive Philosophical Perspectives
Documenting the life experiences of a composer/musician/poet/writer who changed his life by purposely moving (without ever visiting) to St. John's Newfoundland/Labrador, Canada.
Art, photography and the uncanny.
Contemplation 4.0.1
Discussing Southpark, Rachael Leigh Cook, as well as game FAQ's, cheats, walkthroughs, and patches.
Stuff, randomness, and noise. The personal site of a guy in Phoenix, including a frequently updated weblog. Some assembly required. Batteries not included.
Contrary to Authority
Writing about anarchism.
His personal waste of bandwidth, featuring daily crap, photography, and pie recipes.
Conversations With Myself
Keyboard confessional and comments on news.
News and links to favorite sites, among other things.
Tales of a woman in New Jersey.
Personal weblog of conservative/libertarian nature, features commentary, satire, and humour on social and political current issues.
Corpus Juris Conservatum
A law student's blog and his thoughts on pretty much everything.
Corrupted Conformities
Daily events and world view of an ofshore oil and gas engineer from Mumbai, India presently working in eastern African gas fields.
Cory's Webstravaganza
A news and rumors site. Posts links to interesting topics and gives two cents on them. Advice column and features commentary on movies, music, wrestling.
Crafty mother of two writes about it all.
Canadian shares his opinions, suggestions, hopes, rants, raves, and other useless pieces of information with the world.
Coxke's Blog
A student in midwestern United States describes his life.
Discussing journalism, Texas, Cajun activism, education reform, too much sports, and general geekiness.
Cracked Cauldron Spillings
Follow the intrepid entrepreneurs as they stumble purposefully towards the goal of opening a bakery while working as personal chefs.
Cranium Oxide
Discussing his interest in Apple Mac, computers, console gaming, gadgets, music and music making, among many other subjects.
Cranky Mommy's Rant Site
Rants of a married, slightly neurotic woman.
Almost certain he's not cranky at you.
Crazed Monkey
Ian Stevens' personal weblog with articles on Java, XML, music, books, world politics as well as news special to Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A look into the bizarre mind of an engineer with too much time on his hands.
House of pure, unadulterated craziness.
Creative Generalist
Blog and community for curious divergent thinkers who appreciate new ideas and the wide mix of sources needed to generate them.
Dork portal, rants, and satire in a weblog.
Posting on entertainment news and gathering pictures of his favorite women.
Assortment of various musings from a possible alien.
Crissy's Status
Six questions, every day.
Cristian Vidmar's Public Weblog
Logging life and thought for profit and fun.
Crooked Back, Crooked Thoughts
Collection of photographs, commentary, computer tips on spyware and ad-ware, sports talk, and links.
Crossing the Rubicon
Baby boomer discusses current events, politics, poetry, parenting, Jewish issues, and breast cancer, not necessarily in that order.
Cruel Kev's Scuttelbutt
Conservative views and comments.
CSharpener's Blog
A somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software architecture and engineering.
Csilo: Storage of Semi-Creative Fodder
A weblog of computers, programming, news, events, and personal things.
Cubicle Dweller
Creative writing, pop culture, geek culture, theatre, acting, and current issues.
Cultural Surveillance
Monitoring the way people live. Learning how to live better.
Liza Sabater's weblog about art, culture, politics, sex, technology, and events in New York City and out in the blogosphere.
Cuppa Tea
Here to confuse. Here there be hooha. And lots of it. Imbibing liquid confusion, with cookies.
Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Thirty years of public schools and Dan Rather, have taken a toll.
Curvy Curly Mountaingurl
She shares information about her life and lots of comments on reading and music.
Cyanbane's Hall of Bouncing Souls
Discusses movies, marine/ tropical reef tanks/ aquariums, and programming concepts and languages.
Cyber Junky
Oliver Jackson talks about life, web development, and urban art around Edinburgh.
Cyber Satan
Weblog, musings, philosophy and humour.
CyberBob City
Home of CBC Web Design, Inc. Come check out the profile, portfolio, links, favorite shareware, and everything his brain can come up with.
Weblog and journal of a writer, photographer, traveler and social critic who is intent on seeing the world and leaving it better than he found it.
Cyn's Sim
A personal look into a computer engineering student's life at Washington State University.
Cynical Rantings
Superfluous thoughts from a regular, yet potentially fascinating gal. Humor, sarcasm, and observations on life.
Cynical Smirk
Writing about news and interesting finds of the internet.
Cynical-C Blog
A cynic's view on life in general from politics to sports.
Cynthia Inside
A graphic designer expresses herself the bloggin' way.
Czeltic Girl
Commentary on her personal life and visited links.
Mango Sauce
Offbeat tales from an Englishman living in Bangkok.
The Capital Letter by Berlin Bear
The musings of a dis-located New Zealander in Berlin.
The Cat's Meow
Writing about her efforts to learn spanish, her trips to Mexico, and working toward her retirement goal of living in Mexico.
The ChainGuardian
Joe Adelaars' personal weblog, formerly known as Heffalump.
The Challenge
Boris Novak's general interests includng readings, music, lifestyle, design, and occasionally other things like some one else's articles or study cases as stupid or wise as they can be.
The Challenge
Boris Novak's general interests includng readings, music, lifestyle, design, and occasionally other things like some one else's articles or study cases as stupid or wise as they can be.
The Chang Journal
George Chang writes about New England, fishing, and other interests.
The Chucklehut
Tales of a married ex-lawyer in San Francisco.
The Churning
Thoughts from a neurotic, skeptical, nervous outcast living in Philly.
The Coffeehouse Soapbox
Shares his personal thoughts and agressive political debate.
The Communist Squirrel
Taking over the world, one treetop at a time. A weblog by Zeke Runyon.
The Continuing Saga of Captain Alias - King of the
Ego is his idol, irony is his addiction, and sarcasm is his savior.
The Crypto Communist
Liberal comments on the politics of the day.
The Curmudgeonly Crab
Commentary, essaylets, sacred cow tipping, miscellany and eclectia from a bleeding heart crustacean.
The Cynic Says
Cynical views and comments, along with some other random finds in daily life.