english deutsch
a Gauche
Features political and social commentary and the occasional embarrassing personal disclosure.
Writings of Aaina, a budding journalist.
A collection of humorous news extracts by a young Asian American male.
The body of a man, the memory of a goldfish.
Aaron Wall: Professer of Peanut Butter
An objective look at life from a person who objects to everything, except peanut butter.
Aaron's Blog 'n Site
This is just Aaron's random musings. Don't worry, he likes you and thinks you are a nice person.
Abada Abada
Librarian and caretaker Jessamyn West's online journal.
Abandon all Preconceptions
Only speak the truth and the truth hurts, baby. If you can't take the heat, don't step into the fire.
Web design, filler: info about Abbey, a blog, pictures, just a bunch of random stuff.
An Israeli dad's commentary on regional and US developments, adminstered with a spoonful of humor to help the medicine go down.
Abe City
A collection of humorous posting and life commentary from a young American male.
Abhijeet 's Blog
Chronicles of an Indian pro-gun geek.
About Gabby
Contains what goes on in Gabby's day from inside her head.
Notes from London: comment on the web, news, music and life in general.
Absent Canadian
The weblog of a Canadian living in the American South. Thoughts, musings and observations of this most peculiar arrangement.
Absent Fool
Commentary on the life of a young Canadian high school student.
Absinthe and Cookies
A California native who loves travel and science fiction writes about her life.
Absolute Piffle
Run by Richard Gillmann. Each post contains links and commentary with the occasional diary-type entry. Also contains links to other weblogs and online journals.
Absolute Uncertainty
Uncertain postings about life.
The personal weblog of Kristina Curro Boyer covering pop culture, cognition, games, web design, food, and cooking.
Abstract Thoughts
There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Thoughts of an incessant blogger on technology, science, art, religion, spiritualism, humor and news.
Academy of Harvested Discourse
A personal journal with opinions on politics, science and spirituality.
Accidents and Inspiration
Personal weblog of Arika Mittman.
Ace Davis
Virtual virtuosity. What's on the mind and off the chest.
A collection of amusing short stories and commentary on the personal life of a young American male.
Acid Tripping
Daily musings and image posts from a young Malaysian male living in America.
Adam Gerstein Net
Weblog of Adam Gerstein: designer, part time programmer, father.
Adam Montoy's Weblog
Adam Montoya writes about his life and politics.
Couple of married folks volunteering in the US Peace Corps in the Republic of Macedonia share their experiences.
Aderemis Notebook
Features a mix of political, social and personal insights. Also includes poetry.
AdjustaFresh: Uncommon Sense
An inside take on the arts and entertainment scene including (but not limited to): film, television, music, celebrities, and pop culture.
Adrian's Blog
Grrr. He's got a blog and he's not afraid to use it. Sharing jokes, quizzes, and personal experiences.
Observations, ramblings, and rants on life, food, and fun from a self-proclaimed connoisseur of life.
Advanced Maternal Age
A more mature lady's experience of pregnancy and being a parent.
Adventures in Oz
Follows the travels of a young man from Manhattan to Melbourne.
Adventures in Urban Living
The weblog of a twenty-something interaction designer living in the San Francisco's Castro district.
Adventures of a Curious Mind
Personal views and opinions on a range of issues from Beth, a librarian in Oklahoma.
Adventures of Monkeybaby
Life of a newly married woman in Chicago.
Muse on the news. Laugh or rant as the blogbloke reads between the lines and discusses important events, legal, social, moral, privacy, security, social issues, review software.
Thoughts on anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, philosophy, and religion.
Aemilius' Blog Spot
Thoughts (with apologies to Pascal) of a crabby, cranky, crotchety, cantankerous, crusty, cynical, cross, curmudgeonly, but couth and convivial old codger and compulsive communicator.
Aesthetik Musings
A young female graduate librarian shares her views on the news, her life and current affairs.
New York City writer and poet Jade Walker shares her commentary on life, love, and intriguing internet finds.
Agenbite of Inwit
Thirty-something law student details her life experiences.
An obsessive-compulsive montage of personal writing and digital pictures by a New York City Filipina.
Agglomerated Insanity
The weblog of a 20-something guy living in Auckland, New Zealand.
Aging Young Rebel
Latitudinarian pansophist with eclectic ever-evolving tastes and a predilection for all things out of the ordinary. A die-hard cynic (and proud of it).
Aglet by Jim Service
Self-described as "News 'n' stuff from the end of a shoe string", this weblog exhibits personal news, ramblings and humour items from somewhere in Mississauga.
A web log with daily posts and links about current events and other interesting topics. Users are able to reply to posts with their own comments.
Aida's Belly Blog
The diary of a recovered anorexic.
Aigoo-Chamna Net
Aigoo Chamna means "good grief" in Korean.
Aimless Words
This weblog provides news and reviews of web applicatioons and consumer products with an emphasis on electronics.
Airsoft Gun News at Air Soft Alley
A place for all things airsoft. Reviews, airsoft related news, tips, tricks, and an airsoft field guide for the entire world.
Ajay - On the Road Called Life
Commenting on experiences and reviewing films.
A site filled with amusing writing, colorful web comics, and a forum second-to-none.
AL6400 Blog
All about issues revolving around business and finance.
Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Quantum chemistry, progressive politics, food, film, music, and anything else that interests him or his friends.
Alan's Place
About surfing in North San Diego county, programming, and whatever else strikes his fancy.
Blog about topics including movies, television, music, computers, video games, and politics.
Alaska Grown
Adventures of an Alaskan boy living in California.
Alaska Hunts Weblog
Conservative weblog discussing relevant Alaska hunting news and issues. Hunting updates for their outfit and Christian meditations and poetry.
Alaskan Artist Blog
Multimedia and figurative artist blogs and keeps a journal of her daily artistic pursuits from her home studio on Douglas Island, Alaska.
Albert Youn
Read his thoughts.
Alden Bates' Journal
The life of a computer programmer from New Zealand. Sometime it's even interesting.
Alden Bates' Weblog
Journal of the daily life of a New Zealand based computer programmer. Includes his views on music, television and computing.
Weblog and journal for Michael Alderete, covering food and dining in San Francisco, technology, cats, and other stuff.
Aleks Blog
Extracts from the life of Alek Komar, a Colorado resident.
Ales Rarus
Enter the mind of a student of artificial intelligence, and find wacky news stories, political commentary, and apologetic religion.
Alex Tapio de Carvalho
Writing on innovation, entrepreneurship, and mobility.
Alex Vernon.com
Random musings from an Atlanta computer geek in his late 20's.
Alexander, Tony
Focusing on travel blogging, photography, and the expansion of knowledge.
Yeah though you walk throught the valley of his mind shall you fear no evil. For his is the power, the freakiness and the stupidity. Forever and ever. Oof.
London-based weblog of a twenty-something bloke as he navigates London, life and the Internet.
Alfie's Moblog
Life through the eyes of Alfie Dennen. Cultural anthropology through a camera phone lense.
Ali's Li'l Place on the Net
Writing about his life in the United Kingdom. Might be of interest to someone.
Alice Got Lucky
The requisite drivel, with occasional links, snippets and musings.
All About Dave
David Good talks about his life as a disabled person in Florida.
All Broken Up and Dancing
An insight into the daily life of a young Australian man. Includes opinions on politics, soccer and current affairs.
All I Ever Wanted
Written by a red-haired girl who lives in New York City and tries to stay sharp about writing, reading, politics and sometimes music.
All Mothers are Slightly Insane
The blog of a slightly insane mother.
All Set in Massachusetts
An evolving perspective on travel, wine and food.
All Things Blog
Topics include anything that comes to his attention.
All This ChittahChattah
A Canuck in Silicon Valley entertains readers with the fascinating minutiae of life.
Alleba Foundation
Daily musings from a young coffee shop manager. Topics include his interest in webmastering, multimedia and design.
Allen L Roland's Radio Weblog
His ongoing theme is always the truth, as he sees it, and the exposure of lies, deception and manipulation wherever they exist.
Photoblog of Mark Zeman and Katie McAlpine from Wellington, New Zealand documenting travels and good times from around the world.
Almo's World
The personal journal of student, Christopher Phillips. Contains information on his travels, interests and personal life.
Alt Text
Personal narrative on a variety of topics, current issues and events. Creative experiments and more web fun.
Altered Perceptions
Thoughts with an altered perception.
College student writes about poetry, photography, graphic design, web design, and television.
AltFunWithLuc Blog
Random thoughts in a casual blog which progressed from the alt.fun.with.luc newsgroup.
Commentary concerning politics, law, and popular culture from Ann Althouse, a law professor.
Always Knackered
A log of an always-tired internet user. Links to sites he finds as he works his way towards a cure for his tiredness are included.
Lives in New South Wales Australia and studying towards a Bachelor of Technology.
Amanda Peterson
Not about a whole heck of a lot.
Writer in India writes about life and computers.
Visit interesting sites on the net. Enjoy links to articles of various topics.
The unofficial weblog covering Amazon.com, the juggernaut of e-commerce. (Note: They are not associated with Amazon.com in any way, but they do spend lots of cash there.)
Weblog about great music, books, movies, art, graphic design and life.
Random musings, updated far too often.
Amelie Est Bonne
Detailing the daily life and experiences of a young woman in California.
AmErica's Soapbox
Erica's personal ranting place about America's social issues. Also stories about her pets mixed with rants about animal rights extremists, animal cruelty, and some pet care tips and tricks.
American Robin
Photoblog, resume and book reviews of a woman living in Mali.
Amidst a Tangled Web
Sort of a semi-blog of occurrences and opinion on things. Activities/ interests include programming, Linux, web design, philosophy, humor, motorcycles and life.
Amit's Diary
Covering technology, poetry, beat news, and links.
Ampersand Duck
Posts of an Australian film nut.
Amri24's Journal
All you would ever want to know about a young woman in Ohio.
Amy Loves Books
Blog of a teacher and literature-loving mom.
An Artist's Journal
Online journal of Carol Ott, graphic artist and painter.
An Attention Whore
Just another online journal? Read and you will be hooked for life.
An It Harm None
Musings on politics, current affairs, philosophy and anything else that interests me. From Trevor Mendham in England.
A newly 'bloggerized incarnation of Bill Pena's primer to everything : links to hyperfiction, geekology, politics and whatever other weblogs link to.
Featuring news, opinions, and humor.
We all share a common thread, 'cept it looks a little different depending on who you are.
The personal website and daily journal of Rachael Halloran.
And Far Away...
Life of college student in Jordan.
And I Am Somebody
Life of a gay guy living in Minneapolis who recently made the switch to 'recovering' alcoholic.
Anders Jacobsen
A Norwegian writes about technology, the internet and society.
Daily entries on a plethora of topics.
Andrea Coutu
Discusses marketing, communication, writing, technology transfer, diffusion of innovation, knowledge management, and social capital.
Andrea's Photo Blog
A journal following the life of a woman who has an interest in politics and travel.
Andrea's Weblog
Weblog and personal site about reading, science, travel, education and this 'n that. Travel journals with lots of photos included.
Andreas Hochsteger
A personal weblog which covers topics like XML, Java, Semantic Web, RDF, new technology.
Andrei's Personal Weblog
One man's journey from infinity to nothingness.
Andres' Musings
Musings on relationships, songs, and his life in general.
Andrew Ayer's Blog
Follows the life of a young programmer and features articles on web design and coding.
Andrew Kendall
The journal of a music photographer frequently updated with new photographs.
Andrew Mogendorff's Weblog
A lot of his thoughts and typings.
Andrew Phelps
Thoughts and photos from San Diego. A journalist with a computer-nerd identity crisis.
Andrew's Psychedelic Breakfast
A daily weblog on Windows, websites and weird things on the Internet.
Caustic and witty. Hoosier-born creativity coach and web-head in Chicago, Illinois.
Angel Eyes
This is a blog of Katie. Pictures of FFX and Harry Potter are also here. List of cliques.
Angela Lei Li?s Weblog: A Business Blog
News, articles, and personal comments for current and future entrepreneurs.
Angela's Journal: Woman and Philosopher
The thoughts, feelings, experiences, and critical ramblings of a feminist philosopher.
The diary of an involuntary Angeleno: life, links, design and photography.
Angelheaded Hipster
Cotton candy for ther brain. Pop culture, television, films, writing, and the life of the author discussed in scintillating soundbites.
Concentrates on music, film, food, literature, technology and tequila. More fun than a barrel of dead monkeys.
Angry Bear Comics
Semi-weekly webcomic / weblog featuring the original angry bear, Zeb.
Angry Homo
Political and social commentary, news analysis, and editorials from a gay man in San Diego, California.
Angry White Male
Daily blog about politics, sports, and all things ridiculous, bundled with irreverent humor, (unless Michael Moore has a trademark on that.)
Thoughts and rants on her rather strange world.
Angst du Jour
One man's angst.
Anil Dash
Thoughts on technology, society and the internet.
Ann Elisabeth Nordbo
Writes about computers, spam, the internet, sysadmin skills and issues, personal organization, photography, and her cat.
Anna Banana
A blonde blogger trying to find my way through the maze.
Anne's Musings
Writing about politics, programming, and prognostications.
Annica In CyberSpace
Annica journey to a healthier life.
Annie Online
The Internet made her do it.
Commentary about the safest and most creative use of mind-altering drugs and reports of the terrible costs of the war against drug users. Blurbs for art, music and writing of interest to the psychotropic community.
Anomalous Noodge
Ridiculously girly.
Anonymoses: Blognosphist and Ruminator
Cleaveth ye then to his overstatements, O my blogdom, as they shall be as manna on your caravanserai.
Another B. Klaus Production
A personal e/n site that can't be described, only experienced.
Another Day
Notes and links from San Francisco long-timer. Art, music, books, films, politics.
Another Pointless Dotcom
Just Jonathan Horak's personal weblog.
Another Quality Blog
Just life and a bunch of funky links nicked from other sites.
Ansell's Little Spot
Writings by a humble university guy wanting to get his thoughts out to the world.
Ant's Eye View
The online journal of anthill communities. Communities of purpose where people work together, not because they're from the same background, but because they share a common goal that all would like to see realized.
Antony's personal weblog about entertainment and current events.
Weblog on computing, content management, and tennis.
anthonyjhicks.com weblog
By Anthony J Hicks of Sydney, Australia.
Anti Minke
Rants and blog from a satire site featuring trash mag rip-offs, alien conspiracy theories and an office conversation generator.
Gratuitous public spectacle, pixelated for the reader's pleasure.
This ain't your grandma's news source.
Parody and satire attacking the Catholic Church's handling of the pedophile priest crisis.
Sort of live from Tokyo, Japan.
A web site by Jeremy Hedley, sort of live from Tokyo, Japan.
Anton's Stuff
His take on Bash scripting, general web development tips, and simple hardware projects.
A creative slurry of intelligent irreverence.
Anurag Jain's Blog
All about Bangalore, aviation, management education, entrepreneurship, and Indian culture and society.
Occasional rants, ramblings and incidental (or possibly accidental) wisdom from a guy in England.
Combined calendar and blogging system built to share news about anything new in a vast array of topics.
Apartment 606
Adventures of a librarian in Toronto.
Apathy Stew
Haphazard constuctions of musings and daydreams.
Apothecary's Drawer Weblog
Devoted to strange and interesting 'cross-links' between science, history, and arts.
Visit this Lego-focused webcam and read the accompanying blog.
Appreciate the Cheese
Insight and humor applied to politics, culture, the arts and current events from the perspective of a proud liberal in Washington, DC.
Personal website and weblog of Aquarion.
Araes' Mojo
Roleplaying, games, music, and anything of personal interest.
Arc's Revue
Writing about his life that's interesting to most and hilarous to him.
Arcana Imperii
Commentary, news, analysis, and fun from a bright's perspective.
Arcanas' Personal Journal
Thoughts and musings.
Notes from daily life and views on current events written by a young American male with an interest in politics.
Archives of a Transient
Thoughts and goings on, among other things.
A day in the life (or lack thereof) of Ardant, your everyday computer geek and university student.
General commentary and thoughts from London, United Kingdom.
Ariel Pay It 4ward
Ariel's blog, about paying it forward, the little mermaid, the Isle of man and her life.
Ariel's Turn
Mommy's always workingon the computer, but the two year old the one who gets to tell everyone about her baby brother.
Aries Blog
Posts of a Hungarian computer buff.
Arjun's Blog
Writing about his life in India.
Arnab's World
This is the online journal of Arnab Nandi, an music crazy computer science undergrad at Delhi University.
Around Here, Intolerance Will Not Be Tolerated
Life of a high school student in Australia.
Around My Room
Personal blog with news and commentary.
Art Of Life, The
Unique individuals share ideas on how to have fun and experience life, to keep things fresh and exciting. Pure positive energy.
Aand then came this.
As Above
The Weblog of Kevan Davis; a variety of thoughts, rants and outside influences.
Asciii's weBlog
Just his ongoing thoughts and art. Photoblog.
Ash's Blog
A young man called Ash shares his opinion on personal and political issues.
Journal of a college girl stuck in Pittsburgh.
Art, new media, design, user interface, graphic design, music, personal, Web, information architecture, and motion design.
A young liberal minded university student and citizen of the world.
Athena's Mom Exposed
A celebration of inanity.
Atmaspheric Endeavors
A multitasked stream of consciousness focused on: technology, multimedia, home theater, blogs, and life.
Cultural, political, social and personal commentary and satire from Florida by a expatriate New Yorker.
Attu Sees All
Everything Attu sees and finds interesting or just fun.
August J. Pollak
Comics, cartoons, satire and leftist propaganda.
Australian Ether
A run down of the Australian web. Featuring online marketing news and website reviews.
Selected news, links & articles relating to the automobile industry.
Avalon Landing
So many passions, not enough time. Writing about news, politics, television, and other interesting tidbits.
Average Joe Blogs
His collection of rants, raves, and muddled thoughts.
Avocados: Musical Musings
An aspiring musician looks at the humorous aspects of music, school, and life in general. Includes tips on how to practise, list of things to do before a performance, and great links.
Away Message Central
Online collection of writings and musings of an ordinary man.
Awkward Pirouttes in the General Direction of Hope
The world is sick (so kiss me quick). General musings and associated bullshit from the mind of mish.
Not quite a weblog, not quite a fabric softener. Something new every day.
Ay! Cristina!
An Argentinian woman's trawlings of the web.
AZ Perspective and Junk
News and events, topics relating to Arizona and other interesting subjects such as science, culture, and the arts.
The Aardvark Speaks
Random thoughts and ramblings on libraries, politics, food, the Internet and personal stuff by Horst Prillinger, a librarian from Vienna, Austria.
The Absolut Truth
About computer technology, alternative health and a myriad of other items.
The Ace Of Spades
Baseball, entertainment, and technology all in one.
The All Menzie Blob
Nicola Menzie's personal / general entertainment-oriented blog discussing everything from music, politics, and films.
The Anchor Song
Poetic and excessively educated.
The Aquarium Gladiators
A weblog following the adventures of Maximus and Claudius, two blue lobsters.
The Art of Peace
All about politics and how the blogosphere can improve it.