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A Parent's Primer to Computer Slang
Microsoft's guide to online slang.
An Explanation of l33t Speak
BBC presents an introduction to the history and vocabulary of l33t speak.
Entry in The New Hacker's Dictionary explaining the origins of the hacker culture language.
English-to-12-Year-Old-AOLer Translator
An online form translating English to 3NGLISH.
Leet Speak Generator
Software for converting English to hackerspeak.
NetLingo: The Internet Dictionary
A dictionary and glossary for the language of the Internet acronyms.
Nu Shortcuts in School R 2 Much 4 Teachers
NY Times article on teachers' experiences with messaging shorthand.
Tales for the L337
Romeo and Juliet, in hacker speak. [Flash]
Tales for the L33T: Patr Too
Hamlet, in hacker speak. [Flash]
The Message? Your Children Sure Get It
NY Times report on Instant messaging grammar and its cultural impact.
The Straight Dope: What the Heck is "Leetspee
Cecil Adams column on leet vernacular.
Translates text messages to and from chat lingo.
Turkey Manor Design: l33t w33k
How to speak like a cyber freak and a l33t translator.