english deutsch
In this IRC game, users compete in thinking of the most entertaining ending for a sentence presented by the robot, then vote on the results.
Eingang's Galaxy of IRC Games
The definitive guide to Mach and Eingang's IRC games. Join thousands of players online, and compete for fun and virtual prizes in trivia (Risky Business), word games (Boggle, Acrophobia, MadLib, and BoSh!) and a categorization game (Chaos).
Jonathan & Heather's Truth-or-Dare-Sex-Fu
Web site promoting and supporting the #Truth-or-Dare-Sex-Fun! channel on DALnet. Learn how to play and read the rules of the game.
Networdz Friends
#Networdz is an IRC undernet channel where friends meet to play Scrabble or botgames, and to chat and have some fun. The NetWordz program is offered free as well as is help setting it up for those who need it.
The Ophishal #Triva Website
Phishynet's Trivia Channel - over 30,000 questions - High Score table - team playing. All details on the site - IRC Network irc.phishy.net
Chatnet #Truth-or_Dare homepage.
Wrapper's IRC Games
TrivBot is a IRC trivia game with teams and solo play. Frenzy is a irc team game of lists guessing from a possable 10 answers. Hanger is an irc hangman game with an mIRC addon for easy game play.