english deutsch
Dvorty Boards, Fentek Industries, Kinesis Ergonomic Keyboards
ABCD: A Basic Course in Dvorak
Dan Wood's original typing course
Bob Ranger's Dvorak Keyboard Observations
Interesting narrative of Bob's observations about switching layouts and the psycho-epistemology of keyboarding
Dvorak Assistant (DVAssist)
A 32-bit Windows tray utility to toggle between QWERTY and Dvorak keyboard layouts.
Dvorak in X-Windows
How to remap the keyboard to a Dvorak layout using X-Windows under Unix.
Dvorak International's FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions
Dvorak Keyboard and You, The
Information on the Dvorak Keyboard and how to start using it.
Dvorak Keyboard Typing Is Easier, Faster
Learn in a weekend. Type much easier, faster with less injury, or errors.
Dvorak Keyboard: Efficient Typing for the Computer
Brief comparison of Dvorak and Sholes (QWERTY) layouts and some background
Dylan McNamee's Dvorak Keyboard page
Overview of Dvorak resources on the Web.
Fable of the Fable, The
Marcus Brooks refutes Liebowitz and Margolis's "The Fable of the Keys". A postscript addresses "Typing Errors".
Fable of the Keys, The
Academic article opposing Paul David's use of QWERTY as an example of market failure, by economists S. J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis. [Journal of Law & Economics]
Jeff Bigler's Dvorak Keyboard page
Includes instructions for remapping your keyboard for Windows, Mac, and XWindows
Let Your Fingers Do Less Walking
Article by Sander Rubin including instructions for using the Dvorak layout in Windows. [Mensa Bulletin]
Low-Tech Obstacle to a Higher-Tech Future: The Key
Article promoting Dvorak Simplified Keyboard. Refers to a study suggesting Dvorak may cause less incidence of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing: History of Typing
Brief history of the Dvorak keyboard.
Programmer Dvorak Keyboard Layout
Variant Dvorak layout relocating symbols to make it easier to write source code in C, C#, Java, Pascal, LISP, CSS and XML. Device drivers for Windows and Linux.
QWERTY - Dvorak convertor
Allows you to type dvorak on a qwerty keyboard, and convert it.
Standard and Dvorak Keyboards Revisited: Direct Me
Santa Fe Institute study measuring speed on the two keyboards by the same persons, finding 4% superiority for the Dvorak keyboard, by Leonard J. West. Downloadable in PostScript format.
This is True
Overview of the Dvorak layout. Sells books on Dvorak and copies of studies of DSK's effectiveness.
Typing Errors
Article opposing QWERTY's use as a "false example" of lock-in of inferior technology (as a case against free markets). Less detailed than their 1990 article. By Stan Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis [Reason]
Typing for Nonconformists
"The Dvorak alternative keyboard is a boon for the aching hand." By Alex Marshall. [Salon]