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Collecting and Trading
Angus Thermopyle's Lair, Raenius's vx Trading Page, Senna Spy Programming, Virus Quarantine v. 3.0, VirusP - VX Trading page - Virus collector
29A, Red Elephant, Virus4U
Magazines and E-zines
Asterix Zine, The Crypt Newsletter
Personal Pages
Awix Cool, Bumblenet, D and F Virus, Home Sweet Hell, Il simpatico bacillo !, Les Virus par UnKm, LoveLetter Virus, Tims
Virus Textfiles
Includes a large selection of essays, reports, and documentation.
VX Heavens
Features papers, links, magazines, and downloads.
Wired News: The Beauty and Grace of a Worm
Michelle Delio's article: "Computer viruses are both the medium and the message in a museum exhibit documenting the history and future of unwelcome and uninvited virtual visitors."