An Introduction to XQuery
Howard Katz introduces the XQuery specification, providing some background history, a road map into the documentation, and an overview of some of the technical issues involved.
An Introduction to XQuery
An article by Bas de Bakker and Irsan Widarto of X-Hive Corporation.
James Anderson's collection of Common Lisp modules for XML includes XQuery support.
GAEL Consultant's integrated Java environment for data visualization uses XQuery as its query language.
An open source development effort whose goal is to provide a fully compliant implementation of the family of XQuery working drafts. Includes an online demo.
Get Ready for XQuery
An article that introduces XQuery and shows how to use a preview version of the Microsoft.Xml.XQuery classes to query your own XML files.
XML Global's native XML database product includes XQuery functionality. Downloadable trial version.
Mailing List: public-qt-comments
The W3C's official channel for submitting comments on the proposed XQuery, XSLT, and XPath specifications.
Mailing List:
The W3C's public list for discussion of Query Languages, including (but not limited to) discussion on the XML Query project.
Qexo (Kawa-XQuery)
A partial implementation of XQuery. It compiles queries down to Java bytecodes using the Kawa framework.
Software AG's prototype XQuery processor for Windows 32 bit platforms.
Virtuoso XML Query Demo
Openlink's online demo of the XQuery support in their Virtuoso Server.
W3C: XML Query
Home of the W3C's XML Query working group, whose work includes XQuery and XPath.
X-Hive's XQuery demo
An on-line demo that allows you to run queries against a sample XML database.
Xcache Rainbow Project
A web-based XML query engine and tools, which use a cache of results from previous queries.
XML Cover Pages: XML and Query Languages
Open OASIS and Robin Cover's archive of news relating to XQuery and other XML query languages.
XML Query Engine
Fatdog Software's full-text XQL search engine, with partial support for XQuery. Eval version available for download.
With this middleware system, users use XQuery to express XML views and queries over relational data.
XQuantum Database
Cognetic Systems' research implementation (in Java) of a subset of XQuery, along with its type inference system.
A project to create an open-source XQuery parser and engine in Java.
Xquery Lite
A query language for XML, based on XQuery 1.0. Includes an implementation for PHP.
XQuery prototypes unveiled
Covers the announcement of four implementations at XML DevCon 2001.
XQuery: An XML Query Language
This paper explains the need for an XML query language, provides a tutorial overview of XQuery, and includes several examples of its use.
XQuery: Reinventing the Wheel?
An examination of the overlap in the functionality of XQuery and XSLT, and of the use of XSLT as a query language.