Falaschi, Moreno
University of Udine - Logic programming, functional logic programming, analysis and transformation of declarative programs.
Fisher, Rex
Brigham Young University and University of Idaho - technical reference sources, software for designing & analyzing CPUs, and career information.
Fisher, Robert
University of Edinburgh - 3D scene understanding, model based object recognition, range image analysis, and parallel vision algorithms.
Fjeld, Morten
ETH Zurich - Human-computer interaction (HCI), cognitive ergonomics, and applied mathematics.
Foo, Norman
University of New South Wales - Logic and model theory, belief revision.
Foresti, Gian Luca
University of Udine - Pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial neural networks, learning in vision, artificial intelligence.
Foster, Ian
Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago - Distributed computing, parallel tools, computational science.
Fourman, Michael
School of Informatics, the University of Edinburgh - Formal models of digital systems, system-design tools, proof assistants, categorical semantics, propositional planning.
Frailey, Dennis J.
Software engineering improvement, especially focusing on cycle time.
Francez, Nissim
The Technion - Formal semantics of natural language, computational linguistics, semantics of programming languages, program verification, concurrent and distributed programming, logic programming.
Franklin, James
University of New South Wales - Neural networks and structuralist philosophy of mathematics.
Fränzle, Martin
Universität Oldenburg - Formal methods, real-time and hybrid systems, hardware synthesis and verification, and temporal logic.
Frith, Taylor
Personal site, information on my computer skills, education, projects, job search.
Fröhlich, Peter H.
UC Riverside. Programming Languages, Software Engineering, Systems Software, Component-Oriented Programming Languages, Lagoona.