Baker, Henry
Garbage collection, GC, storage management, programming languages, Lisp, Ada, APL, ML, functional programming, compilers, linear types, reversible computation, parallel languages, quantum computation.
Balakrishnan, M.
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - CAD for VLSI, Computer Architecture
Ball, Thomas
Microsoft Research - Domain-specific languages, automatic analysis of programs, software visualization.
Banerjee, Subhashis
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - Computer Vision, Real-time Systems, Robotics
Banicescu, Ioana
Mississippi State University - Parallel algorithms, scientific computing, scheduling theory, and computational biology.
Banks, David
Florida State University - 3D computer graphics and scientific visualization.
Baquero, Carlos
Minho University - Distributed systems and mobile computing, Concurrent object-oriented programming.
Bartolini, Claudio
HP Labs Palo Alto - Architecture and design of software systems and frameworks; Business activity management.
Becker, Simon M.
University of Technology Aachen - Software Engineering, Incremental Integration.
Bednarik, Roman
University of Joensuu, Finland - HCI, Eye movement research, Usability, CS education.
Ben-Ameur, Houssein
CIRANO (Center for Interuniversity Research on Analysis of Organizations) and Montreal University. Agent and multi-agent technology, e-business and semantic web.
Bendix, Lars
Aalborg University - Configuration management maturity model, cooperative editing, general object-based environments, holistic configuration management.
Bennett, Charles H.
IBM Research - Quantum information and computation theory.
Bergamaschi, Sonia
Universities of Modena and of Bologna - Inferential techniques for databases, object oriented methods in knowledge representation and databases.
Bernstein, D. J.
University of Illinois, Chicago - Computer hardware, Data structures, Fast arithmetic, Number theory, Networking
Bertozzi, Massimo
University of Parma - Computer vision, learning in vision, artificial intelligence.
Bhattacharyya, Pushpak
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay - Neural Network Theory and Applications, Formal and Empirical Machine Learning, Natural Language Understanding, Distributed Artificial Intelligence.
Bhujade, Moreshwar
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay - Computer Architecture and Operating systems, Fault tolerent Distributed Algorithms, Neural networks, Speech/Image Processing, Speech technology for Indian languages
Blackwell, Alan
University of Cambridge - Human-computer interaction, visual interaction.
Blair, Michael R.
MIT - Dynamically adaptive profile-guided specialization, partial evaluation, program analysis, compilation, type theory, subtyping.
Blelloch, Guy
Carnegie Mellon - Thread scheduling, parallel algorithms, NESL, provably efficient language implementations, multiprocessor garbage collection.
Boggess, Gene
Mississippi State University - Cognitive science, neural networks, computational linguistics, genetic algorithms.
Böhlen, Michael
Aalborg University - Temporal databases, deductive databases, and data warehousing.
Bohner, Shawn
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Software engineering
Boisvert, Ronald F.
NIST - Numerical solution of partial differential equations, mathematical software, and information services that support computational science.
Borning, Alan
University of Washington - Human-computer interaction, constraint-based languages and systems, and land use, transportation, and environmental modeling.
Bowen, Jonathan
London South Bank University - Formal methods, history of computing, online museums.
Bradfield, Julian
University of Edinburgh - Verification using temporal logics, computer-aided verification of potentially infinite systems, logics for true concurrency.
Brajnik, Giorgio
University of Udine - Human-computer interfaces for information access, knowledge representation and reasoning about dynamical systems.
Brankovic, Ljiljana
University of Newcastle - Security of statistical databases.
Breugel, Franck van
York University, Ontario - Concurrent programming languages, semantics, specification languages.
Bridges, Susan
Mississippi State University - Expert systems, knowledge discovery in databases, intelligent interfaces.
Brill, Eric
Johns Hopkins University - Empirical natural language processing, speech recognition, spoken language systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Lexical disambiguation, parsing, classifier combination, spelling correction, language modelling.
Briot, Jean-Pierre
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris - Object-oriented programming, concurrency/parallelism, distributed programming, flexible and adaptive programs, meta-programming and reflection, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, software agents, mobile agents, artificial life, computer music.
Briscoe, Ted
University of Cambridge - Speech and language processing, computational linguistics.
Bruce, Kim B.
Williams College - Semantics and design of programming languages, type theory, object-oriented languages, models of higher-order lambda calculus including subtypes and bounded polymorphism.
Bryant, Barrett R.
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Programming languages, compiler design, formal semantics, object-oriented technology.
Bultan, Tevfik
University of California, Santa Barbara - Computer aided verification, formal methods, static analysis, model checking.
Bundy, Alan
University of Edinburg - Understanding the structure of mathematical proofs using proof plans, automated theorem proving.
Burdakov, Aleksey
Moscow State Technical University - CORBA, Object-oriented DBMSs, Performance evaluation tools and methods.
Buyya, Rajkumar
Monash University - Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Compilers, Programming Paradigms, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Cluster Computing, Parallel I/O.
Hans J. Boehm
HP Labs - Java, Garbage collection, language theory