Boston College Computer Science Department
Individual program, course and faculty pages, ACM chapter, research projects, reports and theses (many online: gzipped Postscript or PDF), "Careers in Computer Science" overview, alumni news, and department info. Chestnut Hill.
Boston University Department of Computer Science
Course, admissions, and faculty information, also extensive department research information, groups, and technical reports online. Home pages for faculty and grad students only. Boston.
Brandeis University Michtom School of Computer Sci
Online department brochure, course list and faculty, also individual pages for many students. Waltham.
Clark University Department of Mathematics and Com
"Aleph0". Searchable course catalog, faculty and some students home pages. Online interactive features: Euclid's elements Java applets, short Trig course, Mandelbrot and Julia set explorer, Newton basins generator, math problems of David Hilbert. Worcester.
Harvard University Division of Engineering and App
Department covering many fields including computer science. Admissions information, research groups, notices, faculty, staff, and student pages. Cambridge.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department o
EECS, the famous "course 6", is the largest MIT department, and Computer Science makes up more than half. Course, faculty, and group information and schedules, only some with individual pages. Cambridge.
Northeastern University College of Computer Scienc
Extensive site. Individual pages for all courses, students, faculty, staff, research reports, groups. Department and school information and FAQs. Boston.
Smith College CS Dept
Individual pages for courses, faculty and students, PDF department newsletter, computer club page, and many department announcements. Northampton.
Tufts University Department of Electrical Engineer
Faculty and students home pages, photo gallery, course and degree program descriptions. Medford.
University of Massachusetts Lowell Department of C
Pages for faculty, staff, student, alumni, most courses, degree programs, research and student groups, photos.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst Computer Scie
Department news, events, and awards, faculty, staff, grad students home pages, class and program descriptions, 20+ research groups and labs, papers, Pioneer Valley area information and links.
University of Massachusetts, Boston, Department of
News, courses, some with individual pages, faculty, staff and student pages, research projects, SERL, the Software Engineering Research Laboratory, newsletter, extensive online help.
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Department
Many detailed course pages with PowerPoint slideshow presentations, some faculty and staff pages, program catalog, and staff research project pages.
Wellesley College Department of Computer Science
Small department at women's college. Pages for faculty, courses, and alumnae. Wellesley.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Department information, news, programs and some individual course pages, individual faculty and extensive research group pages, frequently asked questions list.
Worcester State College
Computer Science Department. Course and faculty information, job and internship listings.