english deutsch
Communications Research Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science. Rural telecommunications; Mobile multimedia; Mobile communications.
Declarative Systems and Software Engineering Resea
Department of Electronics and Computer Science. Research in software engineering and programming languages.
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
Research groups: Declarative systems and software engineering; Microelectronics; Parallel and distributed computing; Communications; Image, speech and intelligent systems; Intelligence, agents, multimedia; Electrical power engineering; Electronic systems design.
Electronic Systems Design Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science.
High Performance Computing Research Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science. Formerly the High Performance Computing Centre (HPCC), the Parallel and Distributed Computing Group (PDC) and the Concurrent Computation Group.
Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems Research Gro
Department of Electronics and Computer Science.
Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Research Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science.
Quantum Technology Centre
Department of Electronics and Computer Science. Development of novel quantum devices for information processing.