A.I. Nexus, A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation, ACE, AIMLBots, Ally the Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence Being, Chat with ChrissieBot, Chat with Pinecone, an ALICE AI chatterbot, CyN, John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project
05 X-bot Beta
Amusing AI chatterbot dolls with live video feed -adults only -free
1001 Questions
Teach this program from MIT AI Lab about everyday objects. Its questions improve with experience, and collected knowledge will be used to make other programs smart.
2002 Loebner Prize Contest Home Page
Call for Entries, Rules, and other Information about the 2002 Loebner Prize Contest in Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Atlanta Georgia, USA.
Ai Research
Focuses on creating genuine Artificial Intelligence - the technology that enables machines to converse with humans in natural language. Based on a groundbreaking approach, Ai's technology will pass the Turing Test for machine intelligence by 2011.
Alex - an artificially inelegant chatbot.
AI Alex is an "artificially inelegant" chatbot. A downloadable bot with real world knowledge, hundreds of jokes, knowledge about geography, books, writers, actors and films... and an attitude problem! (Alex also made it as reserve in the 2003 Loebner Prize)
Hobby project written in Visual Basic 6.0 by M.F. Wahid. ALIM, in Classical Arabic, means the one who has knowledge. ALIMbot is an Artificially Intelligent chatbot that tries to effectively react to the user input.
Downloadable software that refers to a user-extensible digital knowledgebase.
Downloadable program which answers questions based on past memorized conversations. Compatible with Microsoft Agent characters.
A Chatterbot building Architecture, or "Bot Architecture" using VB 6.0, XML 4.0, MSAgent 2.0, SAPI 5.1 and WSH 5.5
Arthur the Chatterbot
Developed by the Kingston school of Information Systems.
Artificial Intelligent Robots
The home of the chatterbot Talk-Bot, which uses smiley faces to express emotions and small icons to enhance the conversation.
Arty Fishal
Web-based bot attempting to simulate an insane asylum resident.
Experimental bot programmed to help users find legal information on JURIST: The Legal Education Network, and elsewhere online.
Bot Builders
Your online connection for building better AI Bots. Create your free bot today.
Company providing automated online personalities for customer service purposes. Corporate information, news, product and service details, success stories.
BotSpot Chatterbots
Links to chatterbots and provides reviews and information about them.
BotSpot: The Mutual Admiration Society
Article by Don Barker about what happens when chatterbots like Eliza, ALICE and Shallow Red "converse" with each other.
Does not know about any language, does not learn, adapt or process natural language. Catty picks up on random phrases and tries to formulate a response by searching Google.
Chat Web Bot
Web Chat-Bot: Speaks English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch and was awarded Chatterbox Challenge 2004 Bronze Medal for Best Learning Bot category.
Chat with artificial intelligence robot
Artificial intelligence robot Splotchy chats with you in human voice
Chatbot Friends
This website presents all the links relating to Artificial Intellegence and Chatterbots. You will be able to find a bot to chat with, work on, buy, download and learn about on this website.
Lots of information, articles, chatlogs and links about chatterbots.
Chatterbots: Crash Test Dummies of Communication
This is a research about chatterbots and CMC.
Chompy Home Page
Chompy is a freeware natural language parser written in Java. There are two main aims to the Chompy project: to provide an educational program to demonstrate the basics of Chomsky's structuralist grammar, and to develop a natural language parser class for Java.
Classic Chatterbots: Eliza by Joseph Weizenbaum
Describes Eliza and offers downloads.
Colorful Personalities
Dialogues with colorful personalities of early AI.
Colorzone Interactive Media
Colorzone - home of CARA the talking Chatterbot.
Deepti Project
Aims to develop a Hindi-speaking chatbot using AIML along the lines of the ALICE project. News, documentation, team member information.
Directions Psychiatrist--Sarcastic Version
Web-based sarcastic version of ELIZA.
Dr. Werner Wilhelm Webowitz: Web Quack Psychiatwis
A web-based version of Eliza. Meant to imitate a conversation with a psychiatrist.
EBBA: Emotion Based Brain Android
EBBA is an open-source project aiming to develop an advanced chatbot by combining AIML, 3d facial expressions, speech synthesizer and iq-test solving functionality.
A description of how to build an intelligent chatterbot (based on an AI PhD thesis and an IRC chatterbot).
Web-based version of this person-centered therapist emulator.
Eliza--The Computerised Psychiatrist
Web version of Eliza. Requires JavaScript.
Friendly and adaptable ELIZA-style system for conversation and AI/NLP learning, with visual displays of all internal processing, and many additional facilities (e.g. for handling grammars).
A Javascript implementation of Joseph Weizenbaum's Eliza by Arne Solli.
Foxy Botachelli - Chat Bot Girl
She is a bot first started in 2001 and has come back to life using sitepal and a cool new interface. She uses ProgramD and is now ready for use. Still debugging the aiml but and am actively teaching new knowledge as required.
Gives information about this AIM chat-bot, along with ways to chat with it and provides general info on chat-bots.
Site for this chatbot, almost always active on AIM. Includes sample conversations and frequently asked questions.
Functional Response Emulation Devices
A survey of the android studies conducted by Robby Garner, 2-time winner of the Loebner Prize.
Gnod: The Global Network Of Dreams
A self-adapting system which searches the web on the basis of user input. "A search-engine for things you don't know about."
Jabberwacky - Learning AI Chatbot
Chat with a difference - an Artificial Intelligence learns from every word you type. Regularly passes the Turing Test.
Jabberwock - the artificial intelligence beast
Talk to Jabberwock, Loebner Prize winner 2003 as "most humanlike Artificial Intelligence" and Chatterbox Challenge gold medal winner 2003 as "most popular chatterbot"
Joseph Weizenbaum's ELIZA: Communications of
A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man and Machine.
Kucheto - The Bulgarian Chat Bot
A chat bot in Bulgarian language.
Lady Chatterly
Lady Chatterly is a full-featured Usenet bot based upon existing chatbot technologies such as AIML, Eliza, & NICOLE. Features include but are not limited to whois lookup, random header generation, google search and babelfish translation, encryption support, and random posting via smtp or nntp.
Create a free chatterbot with easy programming, 24/7 bot hosting. Special package deals are available for advanced botmasters. Online assistance, community projects, and special groups are some other great features.
Madam Zena
First Place Winner of 2004 Chatterbox Challenge "most popular" medal! Just ask me a few questions, or chat for fun. I have the gift to see the future.
MeBot Project
A 'welcome bot' experiment set up in the first person to represent the author, MrHolden.
"Nearly Intelligent Computer Operated Language Examiner" - NICOLE is a theory or experiment that if a computer is given enough combinations of how words, phrases and sentences are related to one another, it could talk back to you.
Live chatter with yours truely, Nannyb. A seasoned humorous greeter and site Admin. Tweaked to perfection with auto-responces, humor and key word laughter and site resources.
Build and host your very own chatbot. Include speech and images. Connect it to instant messaging services, multiplayer games and become part of a growing ecosystem of virtual personalities.
Polish chatterbot project
Chatbot Tribot on website to talk with him, but only in polish.
Robby Garner
Software developer and programmer interested in human-computer interactions. Webcam, online chatbot, current projects, articles related to chatterbots and the Turing test.
An opensource AI project to create a Turing-Test-capable chatbot for self and social improvement. : ask Diana
Diana is our artificially intelligent chat bot. You can talk with about anything. Simply ask her "where is madrid" or "why is the sky blue" and she'll answer with a witty response. This site is suitable for children and adults alike.
The Chatterbox Challenge
An annual Chatterbot Contest offering money and awards to contestants in several different categories.
The Personality Forge
Chat with a community of Artificial Intelligence Personalities, then create your own AI Personalities and watch them chat with real people. Bots will remember you.
The Programmable Artificial Intelligence project
PAI (Programmable Artificial Intelligence) is a program capable of having a conversation in its mother tongue, English.
The Simon Laven Page
An entertaining site for chatterbot enthusiasts and professionals. With dozens of chatterbots, two Java chatrooms (with and without chatterbots), a chatterbot message board, chatterbot papers, and the latest chatterbot news through its free newswire service.
Tyrell Corp. Mind Files
Free chatbot mind files, reviews of bots, and online bots you can talk to.
Virtual Personalities
Verbots help real humans deal more comfortably and effectively with their increasingly complex world.
Virtual Woman by CyberPunk Software
Beta test the shareware Virtual Woman game. Color graphics and music.
Wired News: Meet HAL's Ancestors
With recent advances in voice-recognition, it's becoming easier than ever to talk to a computer. But how well does the computer understand what it's being told?
Yu is an overworked programmer spending most of his time chatting at the side. If you manage to impress him he will let you into
Chatterbot software gives computers a personality. UltraHal is available as a PC assistant (Windows shareware), a web-based demonstration conversation application and an AI bot for websites.