Listing of airports by city . Includes location and map, operations, services, communication aids, navigation and runway details, and contacts .
Akron Canton Regional Airport - CAK
General information on the facilities, parking and services. Flight schedules, directions, weather, photo gallery and history can also be found.
Ashtabula County Airport HZY
Features basic details including hours of operation, field details, frequencies and fuel costs .
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport
Provides information on CVG airport, services, schedule, airlines, and employment opportunities.
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Features airport services, terminal map, customs, history and directions .
Fairfield County Airport
Presents general information about the airport, services and organizations.
Kent State University Airport - 1G3
In Stow, with services, history, noise abatement, news, nearby attractions, links, and job openings.
Ohio State University Airport - OSU
Official site for airport that offers educational opportunities and flight training for students, and aircraft services to Central Ohio's pilots and local businesses.
Ohio University Gordon K. Bush Regional Airport
Airport profile, services and fuel prices, flight schedules and contacts.
Port Columbus International Airport
Unofficial site. Provides information about the airport, airlines and services, and a photo gallery.
Port Columbus International Airport (CMH)
Provides map, available services, flight information and news.
Toledo Express Airport - TOL
Provides commercial airline passenger service and a transportation and distribution center for international air cargo. Includes information on airlines, history, car rentals and parking.
Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport
Official site lists airline schedules, charter and airport services, air cargo and global industrial park opportunities.