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Listing of airports by city. Includes location, operations, services, communication aids, navigation and runway details, and contacts.
Alexandria International Airport - AEX
Information on the airlines, flight schedules, services and facts.
Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, Ryan Field - BTR
Information on the administration, volunteer ambassadors, parking, terminal, airfare, history, photos and phone directories.
Chennault International Airport - CWF
Information on the facilities, air cargo, location, infrastructure and community.
Hammond Municipal Airport - HDC
Pilot information, property available for lease, fixed base operators and newsletter can be found.
Lake Charles Regional Airport - LCH
Directions, general and contact information, details on the facilities and industrial park. [Requires Flash]
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport
Information on the facilities, cargo, downtown heliport, employment, flights, general aviation, ground transportation, parking and security. History, FAQs, business and phone directory, photo album, weather, and press releases can be found.
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Develop
List of facilities with contact information, including facility name, address, phone and fax number, and manger name.
New Orleans/Lakefront Airport - NEW
History, general and pilot information, facility details and photo gallery can be found.
St. Charles International Airport
Proposed airport to be located adjacent to the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in St. Charles Parish. Includes overview, justification, and contact information.