Listing of airports by city. Includes location and map, operations, services, communication aids, navigation and runway details, and contacts.
Emporia Municipal Airport - EMP
General and personnel information, aircraft services, and FAQs can be found.
Fowler Airport - 18K
Brief data for pilots on runway, communication, sketch of the layout, other remarks, and contact information.
Garden City Regional Airport - GCK
Background information, future plans, economic benefits, airlines, services, features and location can be found. Serving the southwest part of the state.
Hays Regional Airport - HYS
Short summary of the field, contact information and photos including an aerial picture.
Iola/Allen County Airport - K88
Information on upcoming events, operations, location, communications, radio aids, services, runway and fuel prices.
Lawrence Municipal Airport - LWC
Aerial photos of the field taken from the traffic pattern.
Manhattan Regional Airport - MHK
Pilot data including elevation, location, runways, weather data resources, communications, navigation and airspace.
Manhattan Regional Airport - MHK
Provides a range of information including flight schedules, news, services, FAQs, and contacts.
Newton-City-County Airport - EWK
Information on the services for pilots, aircraft, and passengers, fuel prices, location and shopping.
Olathe/Johnson County Executive Airport - OJC
Brief summary of the location, facilities, services, history, businesses, commission and staff.
Olathe/New Century AirCenter Airport - IXD
Brief summary of the facilities, services, location, history, businesses, commission and staff.
Pratt Industrial Airport - PTT
Pilot details, available space for rent, current tenants and activities can be found.
Salina Municipal Airport - SLN
Offers scheduled commercial air service and on-demand air charter services. Includes airline information, services, history, job opportunities and administration contacts.
Topeka/Forbes Field Airport - FOE; Philip Billard
Information on foreign trade zone, tenants, incentives for building or leasing and brief history.
Wellington Municipal Airport - EGT
Brief summary of services, hours and phone numbers.
Wichita Mid-Continent Airport - ICT
Provides information on airlines, flight schedules, terminal facilities, transportation, parking and weather.
Winfield/Arkansas City - Strother Field Airport -
Information on the services, facilities, tenants, educational opportunities, incentives for businesses and a brief history.