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Listing of airports by city . Includes location and map, operations, services, communication aids, navigation and runway details, and contacts .
Ames Municipal Airport - AMW
Brief history, location, operation statistics and runway information.
Burlington Regional/Southeast Iowa Regional Airpor
Information on operations, airlines, car rentals, economic development, news and pilot services can be found.
Cedar Rapids/The Eastern Iowa Airport - CID
Features flight and travel guides, airlines, cargo and contacts.
Council Bluffs Municipal Airport - CBF
Brief history, location, runway information, layout, photos, communications and elevation.
Des Moines International Airport - DSM
Information on the administration, business and passenger services, terminal, parking and current construction projects.
Dubuque Regional Airport - DBQ
Airline information, flight schedules, ground transportation, maps, news releases, FAQs and visitor's guide.
Fort Dodge Regional Airport - FOD
General, contact and airline information can be found, including services available and frequencies.
Mason City Municipal Airport - MCW
General information on the field, services, communications, navigation, runways and telephone numbers.