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Listing of airports by city. Includes location and map, operations, services, communication aids, navigation and runway details, and contacts.
Columbus Municipal Airport - BAK
History, pilot and learn to fly information, directions, lots for lease, weather and board members.
Evansville Regional Airport
Airport information and links to carriers.
Fort Wayne International Airport - FWA
Flight and passenger information, history, news, directions, map, parking, weather, FAQs, and pilot center.
Gary/Chicago Airport - GYY
Fast facts and information on the airlines, fixed base operators, parking, ground transportation, employment and development. Also maps, directions and news releases. Convenient access to Chicagoland.
Griffith/Merrillville Airport - 05C
Brief list of services and features, contact information and pictures.
Indianapolis International Airport - IND
Flight information, facts, statistics, maps and news releases. Also information on the airlines, parking, ground transportation, employment, and on site dining and shopping.
Lafayette/Purdue University Airport - LAF
FAQs, statistics, history, map, flight schedules, weather, and information on the fixed base operators and ground transportation.
Richmond Municipal Airport - RID
Hours of operation, fuel and contact information can be found.
South Bend Regional Airport - SBN
Includes location, history, airline, bus, and rail arrivals and departures, maps, weather, newsletter and employment information.
Valparaiso/Porter County Municipal Airport - VPZ
Features history, information on the facilities and services, and contacts.