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Listing of airports by city . Includes location and map, operations, services, communication aids, navigation and runway details, and contacts .
Airports Division Hawaii Department of Transportat
State agency that regulates facilities. FAQs, publications, statistics, department, facility and visitor information, news and travel advisories are available.
Honolulu International Airport - HNL
Information about the airlines, flights, ground transportation, passenger services, terminal map and facilities, located on the island of Oahu 4 miles west of the city.
Kahului Airport - OGG
Information on the airlines, ground transportation, passenger services and telephone numbers.
Keahole/Kona International Airport - KOA
Information on the airlines, general aviation, ground transportation, passenger services and telephone numbers.
Lanai Airport - LNY
Brief information on the facilities, statistics and businesses.
Lihue Airport - LIH
Information on the airlines, cargo, general aviation, ground transportation, passenger services, statistics and telephone numbers.