Airport Nürnberg
Information for business and holiday travelers including departure and arrival status, flight destinations, directions, facility guide and virtual tour, events and news.
Berlin International Airports
Covers the three airports Schoenefeld, Tegel and Tempelhof. Provides information on arrivals, departures, parking and services. [German, English]
Dresden Airport
Reviews the services offered at this aiport. Also contains flight schedules, information about history and traffic access. [German, English, Czech, Polish]
Düsseldorf International Airport
Covers flights, local businesses and transportation information. [German, English]
Flughafen Hamburg
Hamburg Airport official site. Arrivals and departures online, interactive terminal view, complete information on services and facilities.
Frankfurt Airport
Flight information, parking, ground transportation and shopping information.
Leipzig Halle Airport
Transportation guide with up to date flight tables plus useful information for passengers.
Munich International Airport (MUC)
With airport facilities, driving and parking information, public transportation, and nearby hotels.
Stuttgart Airport
Timetables, realtime arrival and departure times, maps, and information on parking, services and tours.
Travels Through Germany - Airlines and Airports
German airports and airlines that service Germany. Online Flight Reservation.