Government Performance Results Act of 1993 (GPRA)
Materials related to federal regulation mandating strategic planning within the U.S. Government.
Preparation and Submission of Strategic Plans and
Requirements and guidance for U.S. government agencies, but contains lots of resource (how-to) information on strategic planning process and best practice.
Strategic Planning FAQs
FAQs regarding strategic planning - geared primarily toward non-profit organizations but with enough detail and general information to provide useful information to any strategic planner.
Strategic Planning Guide
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Strategic Planning, Budget and Program Evaluation's guide to strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Handbook
Managing for Results is the strategic planning handbook for Arizona's state agencies. Although this is a state government manual, it has a lot of useful information on the mechanics of the planning process (planning components, SWOT assessments, vision/mission, performance measurement) that is applicable to any planning effort. All documents available in pdf and html formats.
Strategic Planning Model
A model designed to simplify strategic planning processes.
Strategic Planning Template
Template for the state of Texas. Not so much a "template" but rather a nice set of graphics that depict the overall planning process.