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Dotcom Layoffs
Comics by top editorial cartoonists.
Doubtful Accounts
A complete source of stock market satire. Customized stock market cartoons for financial websites.
Fun Invest
Financial humor, jokes, cartoons, stories, and quotes.
Parodies Internet stock mania and companies that are getting a lot of investor's money for no good reason.
Makes fun of investing in Nasdaq companies. Humorous news, tools, and hotlist.
Cartoons and t-shirts relating to investing and accounting.
Snake Oil Inc.
Humorous look at investing with jokes, parody, and comics.
Stock Market Cartoons
Investing is tough enough. Stock market cartoons to put a smile on your face. New cartoon every day.
The Hungry Site
One former employee of a failing dot-com solicits donations to avoid returning to the "New Economy" and cubicle hell.
The SSA Investment Newsletter
A very funny parody of investment newsletters written by the world's worst investor.
The Wall Street Jovial's SSA Investment Newsl
A very funny parody of investment newsletters written by the world's worst investor.