Animal Imaging Systems (Canada)
Animal Imaging Systems (AIS) - diagnostic imaging agents for the animal healthcare industry including 3D Ultrasound & Tekappran radiopharmaceutical for nuclear scintigraphy.
Choice Medical Systems, Inc.
New and pre-owned veterinary ultrasound, transducers, accessories, and supplies. Exclusive southeast distributor for Aloka ultrasound.
Classic Medical (USA, Canada)
Offering new and used veterinary and animal science diagnostic ultrasound systems, biopsy guides, video printers and other support supplies.
Draminski (PL)
Electronics in Agriculture - manufacturer of electronic devices for agriculture, animal breeders and dairy industry.
Indus Instruments (USA)
Ultrasound for mouse and small animal research (cardiovascular, heart, lung research).
PharVision (USA)
Providing a portable diagnostic ultrasound system used for early gestation identification in ruminant and swine applications.
Products Group International
Veterinary and Used Medical Ultrasound equipment, products and accessories.
Proxima Medical Systems Gmbh
Manufacturer of diagnostic ultrasound systems for small-animals, large-animals, breeding, farmers, and OEM production.
Remote Veterinary Consultants
Ultrasound and telemedicine for veterinary doctors.
Manufacturers of ultrasonic instrumentation for early pregnancy detection and measurement of backfat and loin thickness in medium to large mammals. For animal use only.
Springwood Livestock Management Services
Specializing in herd health preventative medicine reproductive problem solving ultrasounding synchronization and artificial insemination programs
Veterinary Sales and Service Inc
Suppliers of new and used digital ultrasound scanners, with details of current stock and services provided. Tequesta, Florida, USA.
VisualSonics (Canada)
Developer of high-resolution in vivo micro imaging systems devised specifically for non-invasive small animal research.
Vmed Technology, Inc.
Manufactures veterinary products for professional use including ultrasonic Dopplers, animal blood pressure monitors and VacuPads surgical support devices.