Manufacturer of ice cream machines and equipment. Company profile, products and recipes.
Manufacturer of ice cream machines. Company profile, products, history and news.
Mehen Mechatronics Manufacture
Manufacturers batch and soft serve freezers, pasteurizing machines, mixes, and accessories for the ice cream industry. China.
Obsidian Ice
Distributor of ice cream, sorbet, and Slushy machines. Based in New Jersey, USA.
One-Shot Corporation Limited
Cartridge frozen dessert system. Delivers a soft serve product without the need to sanitize.
Produces batch freezers, pasteurizers, cream whipping, and soft ice cream machines. Bologna, Italy.
Specialized Services
Specializes in pre-owned and new soft serve machines, batch freezers, gelato dipping cases and related equipment.
Swirl Freeze
Manufactures a machine that blends frozen ice cream and yogurt with candy, fruits, nuts, and cookies.
Unified Enterprises Corporation
Offers frozen dessert equipment for sale or rent. Company profile and product information.
Vesteraaby Products
World wide exports of wooden sticks and packaging for the ice cream industry.
VSE Vikinger-Softeis
Produces ice cream machines and mixes. Company profile and product information.
Wadden Systems Inc.
Manufactures machinery that produces soft serve in 24 flavors. Company profile and explanation of the machine.
WCB Ice Cream
Supplier of new, remanufactured, or used ice cream production and packaging equipment.
World of Gelato
Sells ice cream equipment and accessories for the industry.