Alto Dairy Cooperative
Memember-owned cooperative in Wisconsin specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of dairy and cheese products.
How Well Are Dairy Cooperatives Performing?
Reviews the financial performance of dairy farmers and their milk marketing cooperatives at the end of the 1990s.
Island Farms
A dairy cooperative offering infortmation on products, ingredients, storage and shelf life.
Lakeland Dairies Co-operative Society Limited
Irish based cooperative producing milk products.
Latteria Soresina
A cooperative producing grana padano, provolone cheeses and butter.
Prairie Farms
Cooperative primarily in the business of processing fluid milk.
Swiss Valley Farms
A farmer-owned cooperative with dairy farmers/owners located in Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Minnesota.
Upstate Farms Cooperative, Inc.
Markets a wide variety of products including milk, dip, ice cream mix, yogurt, and flavored milk-based beverages.
Wisconsin Sheep Dairy Cooperative
Sheep Milk and Sheep Milk Cheese produced by small family farms. Includes a list of coop farms, news, and membership information.