CIGMAT stands for Center of Innovative Grouting Materials And Technology. It was established under the aegis of The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Houston. The Center's Director, Dr. Vipulanandan, is a Professor in this department.
Foundation for Water Research
An independent, non-profit making UK-based organisation that promotes and disseminates research on all aspects of water, wastewater and related environmental issues.
Louisiana Tech University Trenchless Technology Ce
Established in 1989 to promote research, development and technology transfer in the trenchless construction and rehabilitation industry.
Micro-Tunneling Research Institute
A focused portion of the Earth Mechanics Institute (EMI) at the Colorado School of Mines. EMI has been performing basic and applied research and engineering for all types of excavation systems for 25 years.
National Research Council's Institute for Res
Canada's construction technology centre. The UIR program is dedicated to developing cost-effective technologies for enhancing the performance & durability of municipally-owned road systems, bridges & buried services & for enhancing the management of these assets.
Pipejacking research at Oxford University
Research in pipejacking has been in progress at Oxford since 1986. The research has supported by industry and EPSRC, and involves close co-operation with the Pipe Jacking Association.
University of Waterloo Centre for Advancement of T
CATT addresses infrastructure needs faced by both public sector end users and industry by providing a common forum for research, education, and technology transfer in the area of trenchless technologies.