Provides a wide range of products for road or highway marking, safety surfaces, demarcation, and traffic calming. Includes product data in nine languages.
Advance Traffic Markings
A manufacturer of preformed removable marking tapes, symbols and specialty markings. Includes specifications and installation instructions.
Alberta Traffic Supply
Suppliers of traffic control products, reflective signs, road marking materials and construction safety supplies. Includes an overview of products and services.
D.E. Gemmill
Provides a range of services and products for the pavement marking and asphalt maintenance industry. Includes an overview of services and products.
Daqing Lutong Glass Beads Co.,Ltd
Manufacturer of glass beads for road marking paint and blasting use. Includes standards and specifications. China.
Franklin Paint Company
Manufacturer and distributor of waterborne or solvent based traffic paints, athletic field marking paint and airless stripers.
M7 Monitoring Systems
Live, real-time material usage monitoring for the pavement marking industry. Monitors all tanks, all materials.
Mirolux Products, Inc.
Manufacture pavement marking retroreflectometers. Provides information on features and specifications.
Pac-Tec, Inc
Manufacturers of road and highway reflective markers and catseyes. Features product data and photographs.
Parking Lot Planet
Information for pavement marking and parking lot striping contractors. Includes a discussion group, photographs, stencils and layout ideas.
Rick Larson
Manufacturers and suppliers of parking lot, pavement marking, industrial, athletic, and custom reusable stencils. Includes online shopping.
Stencilfab Corporation
Manufacture pavement marking, industrial, athletic, and custom stencil products. Includes product diagrams and dimensions.
Swarco Holding AG
Supply glass beads and associated road marking materials. Products also include traffic lights and signals, and display technology.
Time Striping, Inc.
Supply a range of products including safety supplies and traffic control products. Also offer contracting services. Includes product data and overview of services.
U.S. Specialty Coatings, Inc.
Provide a range of athletic field and traffic marking paints and equipment.