english deutsch
Amnicus Architecten
A small building design studio in Nijkerk, the Netherlands. Site contains introduction, brief description and list of projects.
B.t.F. Architects and Consultants
Netherlands firm presents their portfolio of residential and commercial projects. Includes contacts and gallery.
Bureau Sla
Conceptual objects by a young Dutch firm in architecture. Based in Amsterdam.
Dutch architects and urban designers offer office profile, publications and information on projects.
Ir. PRJ Toornend
Architectural portfolio of commercial and historic rehabilitation projects. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Maurer United Architetcs
Architects interested in theory and building technology produce (sub)culture related projects. Includes portfolio of architecture, graphics, media and furniture. Includes profile, news, exhibitions, shop and contacts. Located in the Netherlands.
Architects, visual artists, web designers and programmers based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Competition entries of Rotterdam-based Dutch architects.
Royal Haskoning
Consultants, architects and engineers based in the Netherlands.