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All Types
Offers presentations, letters, proposals, technical typing with confidential service. Includes background, policies and contact information.
Fat Basset Secretarial Services
Virtual office assistant offering word processing, desktop publishing, resumes, and general secretarial duties.
Office Solutions Plus, Inc.
Offers legal, medical, government, and insurance transcription services. Also offers other office solutions including but not limited to database management, desktop publishing, notary public, and résumé services.
S.O.S. Services
Office assistance, including word processing, printing, publishing, indexing, bookkeeping, and tax preparation.
To the Last Detail
Provides virtual office support such as word processing, databases, event planning, and other related services for businesses and government agencies.
Whippen Secretarial Services
Virtual assistant offering word processing, mass-mailings, desktop publishing, database management, and other basic secretarial and administrative support.
Specializes in typing and word processing, but also offers database management, desktop publishing, merge-text mailings, and other office services.