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Aquaculture & Aquatic Resources Management
A division of the School of Environment, Resources and Development at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Avenues of study, consultancy services, contacts.
Aquaculture in Hawaii
A guide to getting started in aquaculture in Hawaii, presented by the State Aquaculture Development Program.
Aquaculture in the Third Millennium
Technical proceedings of a Conference with this title convened by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in Bangkok, Thailand, February 2000.
Aquaculture Information Page.
An introductory view on cage aquaculture, oxbow lakes and Bangladesh.
Aquaculture Network Information Center
A gateway to electronic aquaculture resources, coordinated by the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, and hosted by Purdue University and the University of Illinois, USA.
Aquaculture Project Management Pty Ltd
Suppliers of technical information to the aquaculture industry through a variety of publications and the web.
Aquaculture Vaccines Limited
Suppliers of vaccines for use in aquaculture, suitable for a variety of freshwater and marine species and administered by a variety of routes.
Publisher of books and CD-Roms on the intensive cultivation of Shrimp, based in Miami Florida, USA.
Aquaculture.ie. The Gateway to Aquaculture in Irel
A not for profit gateway for the Irish Aquaculture community, maintained by the Aquaculture Development Centre at University College, Cork, Ireland. Industry news, articles, and links.
Provides sources, links, and descriptions for computer software for aquaculture design and management.
An information resource about aquaculture provided by the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers. Includes information for farmers, consumers and environmentalists, and articles on economic outlook.
AquaNet - Network of Centres of Excellence in Aqua
A network of Centres of Excellence sponsored by the Memorial University of Newfoundland and specialising in aquaculture research on the themes of animal production, environment, and socio-economic factors. Includes a research directory and list of relevant Conferences
Aquaponics and Tilapia Aquaculture Short Course
Information on the University of the Virgin Islands' Aquaponics Short Course, including Course topics and registration information.
Produces educational and informational tools on hydroponics, aquaculture and multimedia production.
Arizona Aquaculture
Information on aquaculture in Arizona, the United States and around the world, with links to other internet resources. Maintainted by Arizona University.
Atlantic Aquaculture Exposition
Promoting the Conference and Fair held in the third week of June each year in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. Features displays of aquaculture technology, equipment and supplies. Includes event schedule, accommodation list and online registration.
Auburn University
Academic and research programs for aquaculture and fisheries, including forums and links to subject resources.
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
The official Fisheries and Aquaculture of the government of British Columbia, Canada. Information on recreational and commercial fishing, aquaculture, statistics and on-line maps and databases relating to fish and fish habitat.
Bureau of Seafood & Aquaculture Marketing
Marketing resources aimed at wholesale and retail users, including a buyers guide and an introduction to aquaculture programs.
Catfish Farming
Short bibliographies from the United States Department of Agriculture.
Delaware Aquaculture Resource Center
An archive of information about aquaculture in Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic region. It covers both freshwater and marine culture and provides an expanding list of resources and other useful information.
Division of Aquaculture
Representing the Aquaculture Division of the Florida State Government Department of Agriculture, USA. Statistics, licencing requirements and technical information relating to aquaculture, particularly in the State of Florida.
Farming the Sydney Rock Oyster
Discussion paper on the history, biology, distribution and farming techniques.
Freshwater Prawn Information
Culture methods for the hatchery, nursery, and growout of freshwater shrimp in temperate climates.
Information on Scampi, the giant freshwater prawn, its biology, culture, hatchery production and other useful information for commercial growers.
Future of Aquaculture
Summary of key trends affecting the future of fish farming and slides of recent keynote speech by Dr Patrick Dixon, Fellow Centre for Management Development at London Business School.
Genetic Computation Ltd
Information on aquaculture genetics, breed improvement and biodiversity conservation, including tilapia, salmon, trout, shrimp, and prawns.
Institute of Aquaculture
An international Aquaculture research and post-graduate training centre situated on the campus of the University of Stirling, Scotland.
Marron Farming
Information and advice on all aspects of farming Marron provided by the Western Australian Department of Fisheries.
National Research Institute of Aquaculture
Administered by the Fisheries Agency of Japan to conduct basic studies on various aspects of aquaculture relevant to Japanese fish farming industries.
National Sea Grant Library
Includes a digital library of resources on several aquaculture topics, including open ocean and cage or pen culture, recirculating systems, design and construction. Maintained by the Pell Library at the University of Rhode Island, USA.
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries
Official website of the State Government of New Brunswick, Canada. Provides an industry profile for New Brunswick, statistical information, recipes and links to other related aquaculture sites.
Pond Dynamics Aquaculture
Represents an international, multi-disciplinary effort to improve human nutrition through pond aquaculture research. Focus is on tilapia, colossoma, and shrimp research.
Poseidon Ocean Sciences Inc
Providing research solutions to the Aquaculture Industry for a number of problems including antifouling, angulas, lobsters, and eels.
Queensland Government Department of Primary Indust
The fisheries and aquaculture information portal of the Queensland Department of Primary Industry.
School of Aquaculture
Comprised of presentations about the research activities, Academic people, and the training courses organized for diploma, bachelor and graduate students. Also displays up to date news and events, and details about the research activities and partners, such as Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) and Aquafin CRC.
Shetland Seafood Quality Control (SSQC)
An independent organisation providing quality assurance services to the aquaculture industry in the Shetlands, United Kingdom. Includes laboratory services, and environmental impact surveys.
South Australian Research and Development Institut
Conducts innovative research and development to enhance growth of primary industries, including Aquaculture, in South Australia.
Splash Aquaculture - Ecological Development Progra
Business Development and Implementation of Land and Sea Fish Farming Australia and South Pacific Regions.
The Aquaculture Centre for Training Education and
Focuses on hands-on, practical training in various aquaculture techniques through advanced workshops, courses, and programs at the post-secondary, high school, and middle school levels. Based at Fort Pierce, Florida, USA.
The Australian Aquaculture Portal
Information, research, and business opportunities in the Australian aquaculture industry.
The Catfish Journal
Official publication of the Catfish farmers of America. News, membership, contacts.
The Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquacultur
Offer a computer software package that offers assistance with diagnosing and treating tilapia diseases and syndromes. Available for free download.
Informational article by Randy Sell, research assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, NDSU .
Trends in Global Aquaculture Production:1984-1996
A report commissioned by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation's Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Service.
Trout Farming U.K.
Provides information for trout farmers in the U.K.
World Seafood Market
International networking of seafood buyers and sellers. Transaction manager, trade exchange lists, including logistic support for sharing shipping containers with odd lots.
Yahoo Aquaculture Farming Group
Internet Group discussion with Aquaculture Farming as subject, requiring Yahoo membership and a fee for subscription to group membership.